Asynchronous Microservices with Vertx

I must admit that as soon as I saw Vertx documentation I liked this concept. This may have happened because I had previously used a very similar framework which I used to create simple and lightweight applications exposing REST APIs – Node.js. It is a really fine framework, but has one big disadvantage for me – it is JavaScript runtime. What is worth mentioning Vertx is polyglot and asynchronous. It supports all the most popular JVM based languages like Java, Scala, Groovy, Kotlin, and even JavaScript. These are not all of its advantages. It’s lightweight, fast, and modular. I was pleasantly surprised when I added the main Vertx dependencies to my pom.xml
and there were not downloaded many other dependencies, as is often the case when using Spring Boot framework.
Well, I will not elaborate on the advantages and key concepts of this toolkit. I think you can read more about it in other articles. The most important thing for us is that using Vertx we can create high performance and asynchronous microservices based on the Netty framework. In addition, we can use standardized microservices mechanisms such as service discovery, configuration server, or circuit breaking.
Sample application source code is available on Github. It consists of two modules account-vertx-service and customer-vertx-service. Customer service retrieves data from Consul registry and invokes account service API. The architecture of the sample solution is visible in the figure below.
Building Vertx asynchronous services
To be able to create HTTP service exposing REST API we need to include the following dependency into pom.xml
Here’s the fragment from the account service where I defined all API methods. The first step (1) was to declare Router
which is one of the core concepts of Vertx-Web. A router takes an HTTP request, finds the first matching route for that request, and passes the request to that route. The next step (2), (3) is to add some handlers, for example BodyHandler
, which allows you to retrieve request bodies and has been added to the POST method. Then we can begin to define API methods (4), (5), (6), (7), (8). And finally (9) we are starting the HTTP server on the port retrieved from the configuration.
Router router = Router.router(vertx); // (1)
router.route("/account/*").handler(ResponseContentTypeHandler.create()); // (2)
router.route(HttpMethod.POST, "/account").handler(BodyHandler.create()); // (3)
router.get("/account/:id").produces("application/json").handler(rc -> { // (4)
repository.findById(rc.request().getParam("id"), res -> {
Account account = res.result();"Found: {}", account);
router.get("/account/customer/:customer").produces("application/json").handler(rc -> { // (5)
repository.findByCustomer(rc.request().getParam("customer"), res -> {
List<Account> accounts = res.result();"Found: {}", accounts);
router.get("/account").produces("application/json").handler(rc -> { // (6)
repository.findAll(res -> {
List<Account> accounts = res.result();"Found all: {}", accounts);
});"/account").produces("application/json").handler(rc -> { // (7)
Account a = Json.decodeValue(rc.getBodyAsString(), Account.class);, res -> {
Account account = res.result();"Created: {}", account);
router.delete("/account/:id").handler(rc -> { // (8)
repository.remove(rc.request().getParam("id"), res -> {"Removed: {}", rc.request().getParam("id"));
vertx.createHttpServer().requestHandler(router::accept).listen(conf.result().getInteger("port")); // (9)
All API methods use a repository object to communicate with the data source. In this case, I decided to use Mongo. Vertx has a module for interacting with that database, we need to include as a new dependency.
Mongo client, same as all other Vertx modules, works asynchronously. That’s why we need to use the AsyncResult
to pass results from the repository object. To be able to pass custom object as AsyncResult
we have to annotate it with @DataObject
and add toJson
public AccountRepositoryImpl(final MongoClient client) {
this.client = client;
public AccountRepository save(Account account, Handler<AsyncResult<Account>> resultHandler) {
JsonObject json = JsonObject.mapFrom(account);, json, res -> {
if (res.succeeded()) {"Account created: {}", res.result());
} else {
LOGGER.error("Account not created", res.cause());
return this;
public AccountRepository findAll(Handler<AsyncResult<List<Account>>> resultHandler) {
client.find(Account.DB_TABLE, new JsonObject(), res -> {
if (res.succeeded()) {
List<Account> accounts = res.result().stream().map(it -> new Account(it.getString("_id"), it.getString("number"), it.getInteger("balance"), it.getString("customerId"))).collect(Collectors.toList());
} else {
LOGGER.error("Account not found", res.cause());
return this;
Here’s Account
model class.
public class Account {
public static final String DB_TABLE = "account";
private String id;
private String number;
private int balance;
private String customerId;
public Account() {
public Account(String id, String number, int balance, String customerId) { = id;
this.number = number;
this.balance = balance;
this.customerId = customerId;
public Account(JsonObject json) { = json.getString("id");
this.number = json.getString("number");
this.balance = json.getInteger("balance");
this.customerId = json.getString("customerId");
public String getId() {
return id;
public void setId(String id) { = id;
public String getNumber() {
return number;
public void setNumber(String number) {
this.number = number;
public int getBalance() {
return balance;
public void setBalance(int balance) {
this.balance = balance;
public String getCustomerId() {
return customerId;
public void setCustomerId(String customerId) {
this.customerId = customerId;
public JsonObject toJson() {
return JsonObject.mapFrom(this);
public String toString() {
return Json.encodePrettily(this);
It is worth mentioning a few words about running an application written in Vertx. It is based on verticles. Verticles are chunks of code that get deployed and run by Vertx. A Vertx instance maintains N event loop threads by default. When creating a verticle we have to extend abstract class AbstractVerticle
public class AccountServer extends AbstractVerticle {
public void start() throws Exception {
I created two verticles per microservice. First for HTTP server and second for communication with Mongo. Here’s the main application method where I’m deploying verticles.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Vertx vertx = Vertx.vertx();
vertx.deployVerticle(new MongoVerticle());
vertx.deployVerticle(new AccountServer());
Well, now we should obtain the reference inside AccountServer verticle to the service running on MongoVerticle. To achieve it we have to generate proxy classes using vertx-codegen
First, annotate repository interface with @ProxyGen
ad all public methods with @Fluent
public interface AccountRepository {
AccountRepository save(Account account, Handler<AsyncResult<Account>> resultHandler);
AccountRepository findAll(Handler<AsyncResult<List<Account>>> resultHandler);
AccountRepository findById(String id, Handler<AsyncResult<Account>> resultHandler);
AccountRepository findByCustomer(String customerId, Handler<AsyncResult<List<Account>>> resultHandler);
AccountRepository remove(String id, Handler<AsyncResult<Void>> resultHandler);
static AccountRepository createProxy(Vertx vertx, String address) {
return new AccountRepositoryVertxEBProxy(vertx, address);
static AccountRepository create(MongoClient client) {
return new AccountRepositoryImpl(client);
Generator needs additional configuration inside pom.xml
file. After running command mvn clean install
on the parent project all generated classes should be available under src/main/generated
directory for every microservice module.
Now we are able to obtain AccountRepository
reference by calling createProxy
with account-service name.
AccountRepository repository = AccountRepository.createProxy(vertx, "account-service");
Service Discovery with Consul
To use the Vertx service discovery, we have to add the following dependencies into pom.xml
. In the first of them, there are mechanisms for built-in Vertx discovery, which is rather not usable if we would like to invoke microservices running on different hosts. Fortunately, there are also available some additional bridges, for example, Consul bridge.
Great, we only have to declare service discovery and register service importer. Now, we can retrieve configuration from Consul, but I assume we also would like to register our service. Unfortunately, problems start here… Like the toolkit authors say It (Vert.x) does not export to Consul and does not support service modification. Maybe somebody will explain why this library can not also export data to Consul – I just do not understand it. I had the same problem with Apache Camel some months ago and I will use the same solution I developed that time. Fortunately, Consul has a simple API for service registration and deregistration. To use it in our application we need to include Vertx asynchronous HTTP client to our dependencies.
Then using declared WebClient
while starting the application we can register service by invoking the Consul PUT method.
WebClient client = WebClient.create(vertx);
JsonObject json = new JsonObject().put("ID", "account-service-1").put("Name", "account-service").put("Address", "").put("Port", 2222).put("Tags", new JsonArray().add("http-endpoint"));
client.put(discoveryConfig.getInteger("port"), discoveryConfig.getString("host"), "/v1/agent/service/register").sendJsonObject(json, res -> {"Consul registration status: {}", res.result().statusCode());
Once the account-service have registered itself on discovery server we can invoke it from another microservice – in this case from customer-service. We only have to create ServiceDiscovery
object and register Consul service importer.
ServiceDiscovery discovery = ServiceDiscovery.create(vertx);
discovery.registerServiceImporter(new ConsulServiceImporter(), new JsonObject().put("host", discoveryConfig.getString("host")).put("port", discoveryConfig.getInteger("port")).put("scan-period", 2000));
Here’s AccountClient
fragment, which is responsile for invoking GET /account/customer/{customerId} from account-service. It obtains service reference from discovery object and cast it to WebClient
instance. I don’t know if you have noticed that apart from the standard fields such as ID
, Name
or Port
, I also set the Tags field to the value of the type of service that we register. In this case it will be an http-endpoint
. Whenever Vert.x reads data from Consul, it will be able to automatically assign a service reference to WebClient
public AccountClient findCustomerAccounts(String customerId, Handler<AsyncResult<List<Account>>> resultHandler) {
discovery.getRecord(r -> r.getName().equals("account-service"), res -> {"Result: {}", res.result().getType());
ServiceReference ref = discovery.getReference(res.result());
WebClient client = ref.getAs(WebClient.class);
client.get("/account/customer/" + customerId).send(res2 -> {"Response: {}", res2.result().bodyAsString());
List<Account> accounts = res2.result().bodyAsJsonArray().stream().map(it -> Json.decodeValue(it.toString(), Account.class)).collect(Collectors.toList());
return this;
For configuration management within the application Vert.x Config module is responsible.
There are many configuration stores, which can be used as configuration data location:
- File
- Environment Variables
- Event Bus
- Git
- Redis
- Consul
- Kubernetes
- Spring Cloud Config Server
I selected the simplest one – file. But it can be easily changed only by defining another type
on ConfigStoreOptions
object. For loading configuration data from the store ConfigRetriever
is responsible. It reads configuration as JsonObject
ConfigStoreOptions file = new ConfigStoreOptions().setType("file").setConfig(new JsonObject().put("path", "application.json"));
ConfigRetriever retriever = ConfigRetriever.create(vertx, new ConfigRetrieverOptions().addStore(file));
retriever.getConfig(conf -> {
JsonObject discoveryConfig = conf.result().getJsonObject("discovery");
JsonObject json = new JsonObject().put("ID", "account-service-1").put("Name", "account-service").put("Address", "").put("Port", 2222).put("Tags", new JsonArray().add("http-endpoint"));
client.put(discoveryConfig.getInteger("port"), discoveryConfig.getString("host"), "/v1/agent/service/register").sendJsonObject(json, res -> {"Consul registration status: {}", res.result().statusCode());
Configuration file application.json
is available under src/main/resources
and it contains application port, service discovery and datasource adresses.
"port" : 2222,
"discovery" : {
"host" : "",
"port" : 8500
"datasource" : {
"host" : "",
"port" : 27017,
"db_name" : "test"
Final thoughts
Vertx authors wouldn’t like to define their solution as a framework but as a tool-kit. They don’t tell you what is a correct way to write an application, but only give you a lot of useful bricks helping to create your app. With Vertx you can create fast and lightweight APIs basing on non-blocking, asynchronous I/O. It gives you a lot of possibilities, as you can see on the Config module example, where you can even use Spring Cloud Config Server as a configuration store. But it is also not free from drawbacks, as I showed on the service registration with the Consul example. Vertx also allows to create reactive microservices with RxJava, what seems to be interesting option, I hope to describe in the future.