Microservices With Spring Cloud Kubernetes

Microservices With Spring Cloud Kubernetes


Spring Cloud and Kubernetes are the popular products applicable to various different use cases. However, when it comes to microservices architecture they are sometimes described as competitive solutions. They are both implementing popular patterns in microservices architecture like service discovery, distributed configuration, load balancing or circuit breaking. Of course, they are doing it differently.
Kubernetes is a platform for running, scaling and managing containerized applications. One of the most important Kubernetes component is etcd. That highly-available key-value store is responsible for storing all cluster data including service registry and applications configuration. We can’t replace it with any other tool. More advanced routing and load balancing strategies can be realized with third-party components like Istio or Linkerd. To deploy and run applications on Kubernetes we don’t have to add anything into a source code. The orchestration and configuration is realized outside an application – on the platform.
Spring Cloud presents a different approach. All the components have to be included and configured on the application side. It gives us many possibilities of integration with various tools and frameworks used for cloud native development. However, in the beginning Spring Cloud has been built around Netflix OSS components like Eureka, Ribbon, Hystrix or Zuul. It gives us the mechanisms to easily include them into our microservices-based architecture and integrate them with other cloud native components. After some time that approach had to be reconsidered. Today, we have many components developed by Spring Cloud like Spring Cloud Gateway (Zuul replacement), Spring Cloud Load Balancer (Ribbon replacement), Spring Cloud Circuit Breaker (Hystrix replacement). There is also a relatively new project for integration with Kubernetes – Spring Cloud Kubernetes.

Why Spring Cloud Kubernetes?

At the time we were migrating our microservices to OpenShift the project Spring Cloud Kubernetes was in the incubation stage. Since we haven’t got any other interesting choices for migration from Spring Cloud to OpenShift consisted in removing components for discovery (Eureka client) and config (Spring Cloud Config client) from Spring Boot application. Of course, we were still able to use other Spring Cloud components like OpenFeign, Ribbon (via Kubernetes services) or Sleuth. So, the question is do we really need Spring Cloud Kubernetes? And what features would be interesting for us.
First, let’s take a look at the motivation of building a new framework available on Spring Cloud Kubernetes documentation site.

Spring Cloud Kubernetes provide Spring Cloud common interface implementations that consume Kubernetes native services. The main objective of the projects provided in this repository is to facilitate the integration of Spring Cloud and Spring Boot applications running inside Kubernetes.

In simple terms, Spring Cloud Kubernetes provides integration with Kubernetes Master API to allow using discovery, config and load balancing in Spring Cloud way.
In this article I’m going to present the following useful features of Spring Cloud Kubernetes:

  • Extending discovery across all namespaces with DiscoveryClient support
  • Using ConfigMap and Secrets as Spring Boot property sources with Spring Cloud Kubernetes Config
  • Implementing health check using Spring Cloud Kubernetes pod health indicator

Enable Spring Cloud Kubernetes

Assuming we will use more of the features provided by Spring Cloud Kubernetes we should include the following dependency to our Maven pom.xml. It contains modules for discovery, configuration and Ribbon load balancing.


Source code

The source code of the sample applications is available under branch hybrid in sample-spring-microservices-kubernetes repository: https://github.com/piomin/sample-spring-microservices-kubernetes/tree/hybrid. In the master branch you may find the example for my previous article about Spring Boot microservices deployed on Kubernetes: Quick Guide to Microservices with Kubernetes, Spring Boot 2.0 and Docker.

Discovery across all namespaces

Spring Cloud Kubernetes allows to integrate Kubernetes discovery with Spring Boot application by providing implementation of DiscoveryClient. We can also take advantage of built-in integration with Ribbon client for communication directly to pods without using Kubernetes services. Ribbon client can be leveraged by higher-level HTTP client – OpenFeign. To implement such a model we have to enable a discovery client, Feign clients and Mongo repositories, since we use the Mongo database as a backend store.

public class DepartmentApplication {
   public static void main(String[] args) {
      SpringApplication.run(DepartmentApplication.class, args);


Let’s consider the scenario where we have three microservices, each of them deployed in a different namespace. Divide into namespaces is just a logical grouping, for example we have three different teams responsible for every single microservice and we would like to give privileges to a namespace only to a team responsible for a given application. In communication between applications located in different namespaces we have to include a namespace name as a prefix on the calling URL. We also need to set a port number which may differ between applications. Spring Cloud Kubernetes discovery comes with help in such situations. Since Spring Cloud Kubernetes is integrated with master API it is able to get IPs of all pods created for the same application. Here’s the diagram that illustrates our scenario.

To enable discovery across all namespaces we just need use the following property.

        all-namespaces: true

Now, we can implement the Feign client interface responsible for consuming the target endpoint. Here’s a sample client from department-service dedicated for communication with employee-service.

@FeignClient(name = "employee")
public interface EmployeeClient {

   List<Employee> findByDepartment(@PathVariable("departmentId") String departmentId);

Spring Cloud Kubernetes requires access to Kubernetes API in order to be able to retrieve a list of addresses of pods running for a single service. The simplest way to do that when using Minikube is to create default ClusterRoleBinding with cluster-admin privilege. After running the following command you can be sure that every pod will have sufficient privileges to communicate with Kubernetes API.

$ kubectl create clusterrolebinding admin --clusterrole=cluster-admin --serviceaccount=default:default

Configuration with Kubernetes PropertySource

Spring Cloud Kubernetes PropertySource implementation allows us to use ConfigMap and Secret directly in the application without injecting them into Deployment. The default behaviour is based on metadata.name inside ConfigMap or Secret, which has to be the same as an application name (as defined by its spring.application.name property). You can also use more advanced behaviour where you may define a custom name of namespace and object for configuration injection. You can even use multiple ConfigMap or Secret instances. However, we use the default behaviour, so assuming we have the following bootstrap.yml:

    name: employee

We are going to define the following ConfigMap:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  name: employee
  logging.pattern.console: "%d{HH:mm:ss} ${LOG_LEVEL_PATTERN:-%5p} %m%n"
  spring.cloud.kubernetes.discovery.all-namespaces: "true"
  spring.data.mongodb.database: "admin"
  spring.data.mongodb.host: "mongodb.default"

Alternatively you can use an embedded YAML file in ConfigMap.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: employee
  application.yaml: |-
    logging.pattern.console: "%d{HH:mm:ss} ${LOG_LEVEL_PATTERN:-%5p} %m%n"
    spring.cloud.kubernetes.discovery.all-namespaces: true
          database: admin
          host: mongodb.default

In config map we define Mongo location, logs pattern and property responsible for allowing multi-namespace discovery. Mongo credentials should be defined inside Secret object. The rules are the same as for config maps.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: employee
type: Opaque
  spring.data.mongodb.username: UGlvdF8xMjM=
  spring.data.mongodb.password: cGlvdHI=

It is worth to note that by default, consuming secrets through the API is not enabled for security reasons. However, we have already set default cluster-admin role, so we don’t have to worry about it. The only thing we have to do is to enable consuming secrets through API for Spring Cloud Kubernetes, which is disabled by default. To do that we have to use set the following property in bootstrap.yml.

        enableApi: true

Deploying Spring Cloud apps on Minikube

First, let’s create required namespaces using kubectl create namespace command. Here are the commands that create namespaces a, b, c and d.

Then, let’s build the code by executing Maven mvn clean install command.

We also need to set cluster-admin for newly created namespaces in order to allow pods running inside these namespaces to read master API.

Now, let’s take a look on our Kubernetes deployment manifest. It is very simple, since it does not inject any properties from ConfigMap and Secret. It is already performed by Spring Cloud Kubernetes Config. Here’s a deployment YAML file for employee-service.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: employee
    app: employee
  replicas: 1
      app: employee
        app: employee
      - name: employee
        image: piomin/employee:1.1
        - containerPort: 8080

Finally, we may deploy our applications on Kubernetes. Each microservice has ConfigMap, Secret, Deployment and Service objects. The YAML manifest is available in the Git repository inside /kubernetes directory. We are applying them sequentially using kubectl apply command as shown below.

For the test purposes you may expose the sample application outside a node by defining NodePort type.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: department
    app: department
  - port: 8080
    protocol: TCP
    app: department
  type: NodePort

Exposing info about a pod

If you defined your Service as NodePort you can easily access it outside Minikube. To retrieve a target port just execute kubectl get svc as shown below. Now, you would be able to call it using address

With Spring Cloud Kubernetes each Spring Boot application exposes information about pod ip, pod name and namespace name. To enter it you need to call /info endpoint as shown below.

Here’s the list of pods distributed between all namespaces after deploying all sample microservices and gateway.

And also a list of deployments.

Running gateway

The last element in our architecture is the gateway. We use Spring Cloud Netflix Zuul, which is integrated with Kubernetes discovery via Ribbon client. It is exposing Swagger documentation for all our sample microservices distributed across multiple namespaces. Here’s a list of required dependencies.


The configuration of routes is pretty simple. We just need to use the Spring Cloud Kubernetes discovery feature.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: gateway
  logging.pattern.console: "%d{HH:mm:ss} ${LOG_LEVEL_PATTERN:-%5p} %m%n"
  spring.cloud.kubernetes.discovery.all-namespaces: "true"
  zuul.routes.department.path: "/department/**"
  zuul.routes.employee.path: "/employee/**"
  zuul.routes.organization.path: "/organization/**"

While Zuul proxy is automatically integrated with DiscoveryClient we may easily configure dynamic resolution Swagger endpoints exposed by microservices.

public class GatewayApi {

   ZuulProperties properties;

   public SwaggerResourcesProvider swaggerResourcesProvider() {
      return () -> {
         List<SwaggerResource> resources = new ArrayList<>();
               .forEach(route -> resources.add(createResource(route.getId(), "2.0")));
         return resources;

   private SwaggerResource createResource(String location, String version) {
      SwaggerResource swaggerResource = new SwaggerResource();
      swaggerResource.setLocation("/" + location + "/v2/api-docs");
      return swaggerResource;


Normally, we would have to configure Kubernetes Ingress in order to access gateway. With Minikube we just have to create a service with type NodePort. Finally, we may start testing our applications using the Swagger UI exposed on the gateway. But here, we get an unexpected surprise… The discovery across all namespaces does not work for the Ribbon client. It only works for DiscoveryClient. I think that Ribbon auto-configuration should respect the property spring.cloud.kubernetes.discovery.all-namespaces, but in that case we don’t have any other choice than prepare a workaround. Our workaround is to override Ribbon client auto-configuration provided within Spring Cloud Kubernetes. We are using DiscoveryClient directly for it as shown below.

public class RibbonConfiguration {

    private DiscoveryClient discoveryClient;

    private String serviceId = "client";
    protected static final String VALUE_NOT_SET = "__not__set__";
    protected static final String DEFAULT_NAMESPACE = "ribbon";

    public RibbonConfiguration () {

    public RibbonConfiguration (String serviceId) {
        this.serviceId = serviceId;

    public ServerList<?> ribbonServerList(IClientConfig config) {

        Server[] servers = discoveryClient.getInstances(config.getClientName()).stream()
                .map(i -> new Server(i.getHost(), i.getPort()))

        return new StaticServerList(servers);


The Ribbon configuration class needs to be set on the main class.

@RibbonClients(defaultConfiguration = RibbonConfiguration.class)
public class GatewayApplication {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      SpringApplication.run(GatewayApplication.class, args);


Now, we can finally take advantage of multi namespace discovery and load balancing and easily test it using the Swagger UI exposed on the gateway.


Spring Cloud Kubernetes is currently one of the most popular Spring Cloud projects. In this context, it may be a little surprising that it is not up-to-date with the latest Spring Cloud features. For example, it still uses Ribbon instead of the new Spring Cloud Load Balancer. Anyway, it provides some useful mechanisms that simplifies Spring Boot application deployment on Kubernetes. In this article I presented the most useful features like discovery across all namespaces or configuration property sources with Kubernetes ConfigMap and Secret.



Also works with Spring Cloud Gateway? Or just with Zuul for now?

    Piotr Mińkowski

    Yes, you can also use Spring Cloud Gateway


Could Spring Cloud Kubernetes be (yet another) short-term fix to earlier cloud strategy mis-steps. Might be better to wait until the cloud of dust settles.

    Piotr Mińkowski

    I would rather treat it as a change to use some interesting features that simplifies your development if you already have used Spring Cloud


Correction. Is Spring Cloud KUBERNETES ( not Gateway ) – the result of joining the Kubernetes party very late.


Hi Piotr,
Thx for this article, it was _very_ helpful for me. And I have a question, why did you create four different namespaces for every modules?

    Piotr Mińkowski

    To demonstrate discovery across different namespaces mechanism.


Ok, thx.

Cícero Moura

I followed the confomr tutorial and its article, but I am not able to make the communication between the microservices with the pretense. Is it something from the minikube or my application?

The following error appears:
java.lang.RuntimeException: com.netflix.client.ClientException: Load balancer does not have available server for client: usuarios
at org.springframework.cloud.openfeign.ribbon.LoadBalancerFeignClient.execute(LoadBalancerFeignClient.java:90)
at org.springframework.cloud.sleuth.instrument.web.client.feign.TraceLoadBalancerFeignClient.execute(TraceLoadBalancerFeignClient.java:71)
at feign.SynchronousMethodHandler.executeAndDecode(SynchronousMethodHandler.java:110)
at feign.SynchronousMethodHandler.invoke(SynchronousMethodHandler.java:80)
at feign.ReflectiveFeign$FeignInvocationHandler.invoke(ReflectiveFeign.java:103)
at com.sun.proxy.$Proxy167.listar(Unknown Source)
at br.com.maximatech.rotas.resources.RotaResource.listar(RotaResource.java:23)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(NativeMethodAccessorImpl.java:62)
at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.java:43)
at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Method.java:498)
at org.springframework.web.method.support.InvocableHandlerMethod.doInvoke(InvocableHandlerMethod.java:190)
at org.springframework.web.method.support.InvocableHandlerMethod.invokeForRequest(InvocableHandlerMethod.java:138)
at org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.method.annotation.ServletInvocableHandlerMethod.invokeAndHandle(ServletInvocableHandlerMethod.java:106)

and also:
WARN [rotas-microservice,,,] 24928 — [erListUpdater-0] o.s.c.k.r.KubernetesEndpointsServerList : Did not find any endpoints in ribbon in namespace [null] for name [usuarios] and portName [null]

    Piotr Mińkowski

    Well, I’m not able to tell you anything more without your source code, since you didn’t use exactly my code? In this logs I see the different name of the client:

    java.lang.RuntimeException: com.netflix.client.ClientException: Load balancer does not have available server for client: usuarios

    Marcelo Pereira

    Cícero, I couldn’t make it work as well. I’ve learned that spring-cloud-kubernetes does not populates a server list for ribbon automatically. Probably because the spring cloud team have put ribbon on maintenance mode (they don’t add new features to it anymore). Anyway, I’ve fixed the issue removing ‘org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-netflix-ribbon’ and adding the new spring-cloud-loadbalancer (org.springframework.cloud:spring-cloud-starter-loadbalancer). That one integrates with kubernetes and retrieves the endpoints without any additional configuration. Also, you have to set that property: spring.cloud.loadbalancer.ribbon.enabled=false. Hope it helps!

      Piotr Mińkowski

      Yes, it is possible solution. Especially that Ribbon will be removed from Spring Cloud Kubernetes in the next version. I have already prepared change in Spring Cloud Kubernetes that enables Spring Cloud Load Balancer – https://github.com/piomin/spring-cloud-kubernetes/commits/load-balancer. However, I’m waiting for the acceptance of another change before making PR with that change.


thanks Piotr for this posting, very informative. One of the reasons I’m weary of using Spring Kubernetes is because I like to keep the declarative nature of Kubernetes in the yaml files. Also, I like to keep everything that deals with configuration and infrastructure (service discovery, etc) out of the Java code, as for me, they’re different concerns, the same way that introducing Istio in such an architecture removes the need to use Spring Cloud libraries.
Nevertheless, I do understand that some projects feel more comfortable using these libraries.
Just my 2 cents.

    Piotr Mińkowski

    Thanks for this comment. Of course you are right – Spring Cloud Kubernetes is just an option.


Hi Piotr, i have a one question about Gateway with K8s ribbon. I develop gateway service and all service instances are up.
But there was a case like this. I defined a new service before the gateway service occurred. (Let the service name be “ms-index”.) I developed the service while the gateway was up and “ms-index” service deployed it on the k8s cluster.
I get this error when I click on the service “ms-index” via Swagger.

“Load balancer does not have available server for client: ms-index”

As I understand it, the server list is created statically. How can I refresh again?

thx, sorry for grammar faults.

    Piotr Mińkowski

    Hi Erdem,
    No, it is not created statically. Ribbon fetches it from Kubernetes API. Moreover, it is searching it in the same namespace as client


      StaticServers is defined when the application context is created. and if there is no instance of that service, it throws this error. ribbonServerList needs to be updated when the service is deployed after gateway deployed.


      2020-04-29 21:41:24.438 INFO [ms-gateway,e531933221c32c7b,e531933221c32c7b,false] 1 — [nio-8080-exec-3] c.netflix.config.ChainedDynamicProperty : Flipping property: ms-comment.ribbon.ActiveConnectionsLimit to use NEXT property: niws.loadbalancer.availabilityFilteringRule.activeConnectionsLimit = 2147483647
      2020-04-29 21:41:24.636 INFO [ms-gateway,e531933221c32c7b,e531933221c32c7b,false] 1 — [nio-8080-exec-3] c.netflix.loadbalancer.BaseLoadBalancer : Client: ms-comment instantiated a LoadBalancer: DynamicServerListLoadBalancer:{NFLoadBalancer:name=ms-comment,current list of Servers=[],Load balancer stats=Zone stats: {},Server stats: []}ServerList:null
      2020-04-29 21:41:24.739 INFO [ms-gateway,e531933221c32c7b,e531933221c32c7b,false] 1 — [nio-8080-exec-3] c.n.l.DynamicServerListLoadBalancer : Using serverListUpdater PollingServerListUpdater
      2020-04-29 21:41:24.828 INFO [ms-gateway,e531933221c32c7b,e531933221c32c7b,false] 1 — [nio-8080-exec-3] c.n.l.DynamicServerListLoadBalancer : DynamicServerListLoadBalancer for client ms-comment initialized: DynamicServerListLoadBalancer:{NFLoadBalancer:name=ms-comment,current list of Servers=[],Load balancer stats=Zone stats: {},Server stats: []}ServerList:org.springframework.cloud.netflix.ribbon.StaticServerList@25ce2b31

      ms-comment my new service. but i deployed after gateway service. And then i called http:///ms-comment after deploy ms-comment service. Throw this exception ->

      Forwarding error -> Load balancer does not have available server for client: ms-comment

        Piotr Mińkowski

        Generally it seems there is no such service like ms-comment. What is the result of commands kubectl get svc, kubectl get endpoints ?


public ServerList ribbonServerList(IClientConfig config) {

final String clientName = config.getClientName();
SRServer[] servers = discoveryClient.getInstances(clientName).stream()
.map(i -> new SRServer(i.getHost(), i.getPort()))

return new SRServerList(clientName, servers);
// NEW—
public ServerListUpdater ribbonServerListUpdater(IClientConfig config) {
return new PollingServerListUpdater(config);

public class SRServerList extends StaticServerList {

private String clientName;

public SRServerList(String clientName, SRServer… servers) {
this.clientName = clientName;

public List getUpdatedListOfServers() {
logger.debug(“Updated list of Servers for override method, Client Name: {}”, this.getClientName());
final List servers = discoveryClient.getInstances(this.getClientName()).stream()
.map(i -> new SRServer(i.getHost(), i.getPort()))
return servers;

public String getClientName() {
return clientName;

public class SRServer extends Server {

public SRServer(String host, int port) {
super(host, port);
// END—
this code working. this already check discovery every 30 seconds (default). And update serverlist.

    Piotr Mińkowski

    Ok, I understand. But the default implementation is inside spring-cloud-kubernetes-ribbon module. I thought you were asking about it

Jasgeet Singh

I am getting this error , please help

main] o.s.c.k.config.ConfigMapPropertySource : Can’t read configMap with name: [employee] in namespace:[default]. Ignoring.

io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Operation: [get] for kind: [ConfigMap] with name: [employee] in namespace: [default] failed.

    Piotr Mińkowski

    Hi. You should add additional privileges for application since it has to access Kubernetes API. Something like that:

    kind: Role
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    name: service-discoverer
    namespace: default
    – apiGroups: [“”]
    resources: [“services”, “endpoints”, “configmaps”, “secrets”, “pods”]
    verbs: [“get”, “watch”, “list”]

    kind: RoleBinding
    apiVersion: rbac.authorization.k8s.io/v1
    name: default-service-discoverer
    namespace: default
    – kind: ServiceAccount
    name: default
    namespace: default
    kind: Role
    name: service-discoverer
    apiGroup: rbac.authorization.k8s.io

Jasgeet Singh

main] o.s.c.k.config.ConfigMapPropertySource : Can’t read configMap with name: [employee] in namespace:[default]. Ignoring.
io.fabric8.kubernetes.client.KubernetesClientException: Operation: [get] for kind: [ConfigMap] with name: [employee] in namespace: [default] failed.


I am getting below exception for department module .
I cloned your code from master branch.

> kubectl get pods
department-69f69cb4d5-2kkch 0/1 ImagePullBackOff

> describe pod department-79d6d487bb-mzs2m

Warning Failed 9s (x3 over 58s) kubelet, minikube Failed to pull image “piomin/department:1.0”: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = Error response from daemon: pull access denied for piomin/department, repository does not exist or may require ‘docker login’: denied: requested access to the resource is denied
Warning Failed 9s (x3 over 58s) kubelet, minikube Error: ErrImagePull

Same error also getting for organization module too. But employee module is working fine.

Any Idea?

Thanks in advance.

    Piotr Mińkowski

    It looks like you have problem with your instance of Minikube. Were you succesfull in running there anything else?

Nina H.

Hello, nice and informative Tutorial.
I have a question, should we use Spring Cloud Kubernetes on Polyglot Microservices (e.g. when we have one service with Java, another with Python, another with Go, etc.)?
Or it’s recommended only for a group of JVM based Microservices?


    Hello, thanks. Yes, you can use it only with Java.


Any reason why Ingress is configured to route the traffic directly to the microservices than to the gateway? I understand with MiniKube deployment just the gateway service on NodePort would have been enough but Since you provided the Ingress example, I was curious to know how traffic would have been routed via Ingress.


    Which “gateway” do you mean?


You created your Roles and Bindings for serviceaccount for each namespace (a,b,c,d) but you didn;t actually assign application resources to this namespace.

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