Continuous Integration with Jenkins on Kubernetes

Continuous Integration with Jenkins on Kubernetes

Although Jenkins is a mature solution, it still can be the first choice for building CI on Kubernetes. In this article, I’ll show how to install Jenkins on Kubernetes, and use it for building a Java application with Maven. You will learn how to use and customize the Helm for this installation. We will implement typical steps for building and deploying Java applications on Kubernetes.

Here’s the architecture of our solution.

Clone the source code

If you would like to try it by yourself, you may always take a look at my source code. In order to do that you need to clone my repository sample-spring-boot-on-kubernetes. Then you should just follow my instructions 🙂

Deploy Jenkins on Kubernetes with Helm

We may install Jenkins server on Kubernetes using the Helm package manager. The official Helm chart spawns agents on Kubernetes and utilizes Jenkins Kubernetes Plugin. It comes with a default configuration. However, we may override all the properties using the JCaSC Plugin. It is worth reading more about this plugin before continuing. You can find out more about it here.

Firstly, we will add a new Helm repository and update it.

$ helm repo add jenkins
$ helm repo update

Then, we may install Jenkins by executing the following command. The Jenkins instance is running in the dedicated namespace. So, before installing it we need to create a new namespace with the kubectl create ns jenkins command. In order to include an additional configuration, we need to create a YAML file and pass it with -f option.

$ helm install -f k8s/jenkins-helm-config.yaml jenkins jenkins/jenkins -n jenkins

Customize Jenkins

We need to configure several things before creating a build pipeline. Let’s consider the following list of tasks:

  1. Customize the default agent – we need to mount a volume into the default agent pod to store workspace files and share them with the other agents.
  2. Create the maven agent – we need to define a new agent able to perform a Maven build. It should use the same persistent volume as the default agent. Also, it should use the JDK 11, because our application is compiled with that version of Java. Finally, we will increase the default CPU and memory limits for the agent pods.
  3. Create GitHub credentials – the Jenkins pipeline needs to be able to clone the source code from GitHub
  4. Install the Kubernetes Continuous Deploy plugin – we will use this plugin to deploy resource configurations to a Kubernetes cluster.
  5. Create kubeconfig credentials – we have to provide a configuration of our Kubernetes context.

Let’s take a look at the whole Jenkins configuration file. Consequently, it contains agent, additionalAgents sections, and defines a JCasC script with the credentials definition.

  podName: default
  customJenkinsLabels: default
    - type: PVC
      claimName: jenkins-agent
      mountPath: /home/jenkins
      readOnly: false

    podName: maven
    customJenkinsLabels: maven
    image: jenkins/jnlp-agent-maven
    tag: jdk11
      - type: PVC
        claimName: jenkins-agent
        mountPath: /home/jenkins
        readOnly: false
        cpu: "1"
        memory: "2048Mi"

      creds: |
              - domain:
                  name: ""
                  description: "GitHub domain"
                    - hostnameSpecification:
                        includes: ""
                  - usernamePassword:
                      scope: GLOBAL
                      id: github_credentials
                      username: piomin
                      password: ${GITHUB_PASSWORD}
              - credentials:
                  - kubeconfig:
                      id: "docker-desktop"
                          content: |-
                            apiVersion: v1
                            kind: Config
                            preferences: {}
                            - cluster:
                                server: https://kubernetes.default
                              name: docker-desktop
                            - context:
                                cluster: docker-desktop
                                user: docker-desktop
                              name: docker-desktop
                            current-context: docker-desktop
                            - name: docker-desktop
                      scope: GLOBAL

Before installing Jenkins we need to create the PersistentVolumeClaim object. This volume is used by the agents to store workspace files.

kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: jenkins-agent
    - ReadWriteMany
      storage: 2Gi
  storageClassName: hostpath

Finally, let’s create it inside the jenkins namespace.

$ kubectl create -f k8s\jenkins-agent-pvc.yaml

Explore Jenkins on Kubernetes

After starting the Jenkins instance, we may log in to its web management console. The default root username is admin. In order to obtain the password, we should execute the following command.

$ kubectl get secret --namespace jenkins jenkins -o jsonpath="{.data.jenkins-admin-password}" | base64 --decode

The Jenkins instance is available on port 8080 inside the Kubernetes cluster. Let’s expose it on the local port with the kubectl port-forward command. Now, we can access it on the address http://localhost:8080.

$ kubectl port-forward service/jenkins 8080:8080 -n jenkins

Let’s log in to the Jenkins console. After that, we can verify the correctness of our installation. Firstly, we need to navigate to the “Manage Jenkins”, and then to the “Manage Credentials” section. As you can see below, there are two credentials there: github_credentials and docker-desktop.

Then, let’s move back to the “Manage Jenkins”, and go to the “Manage Nodes and Clouds” section. In the “Configure Clouds” tab, there is the Kubernetes configuration as shown below. It contains two pod templates: default and maven.

Explore a sample application

The sample application is built on top of Spring Boot. We use Maven for building it. On the other hand, we use the Jib plugin for creating a Docker image. Thanks to that, we won’t have to install any other tools to build Docker images with Jenkins.


The Deployment manifest contains the PIPELINE_NAMESPACE parameter. Our pipeline replaces it with the target namespace name. Therefore we may deploy our application in the multiple Kubernetes namespaces.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: sample-spring-boot-on-kubernetes-deployment
  namespace: ${PIPELINE_NAMESPACE}
      app: sample-spring-boot-on-kubernetes
        app: sample-spring-boot-on-kubernetes
      - name: sample-spring-boot-on-kubernetes
        image: piomin/sample-spring-boot-on-kubernetes
        - containerPort: 8080
          - name: MONGO_DATABASE
                name: mongodb
                key: database-name
          - name: MONGO_USERNAME
                name: mongodb
                key: database-user
          - name: MONGO_PASSWORD
                name: mongodb
                key: database-password

Create Jenkins pipeline on Kubernetes

Finally, we may create the Jenkins pipeline for our application. It consists of six steps. Firstly, we clone the source code repository from GitHub. We use the default Jenkins agent for it. In the next three stages we use the maven agent. In the second stage, we build the application. Then, we run JUnit tests. After that, we build a Docker image in the “dockerless” mode using the Maven Jib plugin. In the last two stages, we can take an advantage of the Kubernetes Continuous Deploy plugin. We use an already created kubeconfig credentials, and deployment-template.yaml file from the source code. We just need to set PIPELINE_NAMESPACE environment variable.

pipeline {
   agent {
      label "default"
   stages {
      stage('Checkout') {
         steps {
            script {
               git url: '', credentialsId: 'github_credentials'
      stage('Build') {
         agent {
            label "maven"
         steps {
            sh 'mvn clean compile'
      stage('Test') {
         agent {
            label "maven"
         steps {
            sh 'mvn test'
      stage('Image') {
         agent {
            label "maven"
         steps {
            sh 'mvn -P jib${DOCKER_LOGIN}${DOCKER_PASSWORD} compile jib:build'
      stage('Deploy on test') {
         steps {
            script {
               env.PIPELINE_NAMESPACE = "test"
               kubernetesDeploy kubeconfigId: 'docker-desktop', configs: 'k8s/deployment-template.yaml'
      stage('Deploy on prod') {
         steps {
            script {
               env.PIPELINE_NAMESPACE = "prod"
               kubernetesDeploy kubeconfigId: 'docker-desktop', configs: 'k8s/deployment-template.yaml'

Run the pipeline

Our sample Spring Boot application connects to MongoDB. Therefore, we need to deploy the Mongo instance to the test and prod namespaces before running the pipeline. We can use manifest mongodb-deployment.yaml in k8s directory.

$ kubectl create ns test
$ kubectl apply -f k8s/mongodb-deployment.yaml -n test
$ kubectl create ns prod
$ kubectl apply -f k8s/mongodb-deployment.yaml -n prod

Finally, let’s run our test pipeline. It finishes successfully as shown below.

Now, we may check out a list of running pods in the prod namespace.


Helm and JCasC plugin simplify the installation of Jenkins on Kubernetes. Also, Maven comes with a huge set of plugins, that may be used with Docker and Kubernetes. In this article, I showed how to use the Jib Maven Plugin to build an image of your application and Jenkins plugins to run pipelines and deploys on Kubernetes. You can compare it with the concept over GitLab CI presented in the article GitLab CI/CD on Kubernetes. Enjoy 🙂



Great article, one of the best I’ve ever found in the web.
Just a question: did you have a local kubernetes cluster to make your example or cloud instance as Amazon EKS or Google GKE?


    Hi Marco,
    I’m running in on the local instance of Kubernetes on Docker Desktop.


Don’t forget:

> Kubernetes Continuous Deploy Plugin collects usage data and sends it to Microsoft …
> You can turn off usage data collection in Manage Jenkins → Configure System → Azure → Help make Azure Jenkins plugins better by sending …


    Ok, thanks 🙂

Róbert Komorovský

Is it possible to extend this Jenkins setup to be able execute Testcontainers test in the pipeline?


    Well, if you have a test that uses testcontainers it is automatically run during the build. The only problem, in that case, is the lack of Kubernetes support and the requirement to have access to the docker deamon.

Renanh Silva

ERROR: ERROR: java.lang.RuntimeException: io.kubernetes.client.openapi.ApiException: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target


    Isn’t it related with your Kubernetes instance?

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