Kubernetes Multicluster with Kind and Submariner

Kubernetes Multicluster with Kind and Submariner

In this article, you will learn how to create multiple Kubernetes clusters locally and establish direct communication between them with Kind and Submariner. Kind (Kubernetes in Docker) is a tool for running local Kubernetes clusters using Docker containers. Each Kubernetes node is a separated Docker container. All these containers are running in the same Docker network kind.

Our goal in this article is to establish direct communication between pods running in two different Kubernetes clusters created with Kind. Of course, it is not possible by default. We should treat such clusters as two Kubernetes clusters running in different networks. Here comes Submariner. It is a tool originally created by Rancher. It enables direct networking between pods and services in different Kubernetes clusters, either on-premises or in the cloud.

Let’s perform a quick brief of our architecture. We have two applications caller-service and callme-service. Also, there are two Kubernetes clusters c1 and c2 created using Kind. The caller-service application is running on the c1 cluster, while the callme-service application is running on the c2 cluster. The caller-service application communicates with the callme-service application directly without using Kubernetes Ingress.

Architecture – Submariner on Kubernetes

Let me say some words about Submariner. Since it is a relatively new tool you may have no touch with it. It runs a single, central broker and then joins several members to this broker. Basically, a member is a Kubernetes cluster that is a part of the Submariner cluster. All the members may communicate directly with each other. The Broker component facilitates the exchange of metadata information between Submariner gateways deployed in participating Kubernetes clusters.

The architecture of our example system is visible below. We run the Submariner Broker on the c1 cluster. Then we run Submariner “agents” on both clusters. Service discovery is based on the Lighthouse project. It provides DNS discovery for Kubernetes clusters connected by Submariner. You may read more details about it here.

Source Code

If you would like to try it by yourself, you may always take a look at my source code. In order to do that you need to clone my GitHub repository. Then you should just follow my instructions.

Both applications are configured to be deployed with Skaffold. In that case, you just need to download Skaffold CLI following the instructions available here. Of course, you also need to have Java and Maven available on your PC.

If you are interested in more about using Skaffold to build and deploy Java applications you can read my article Local Java Development on Kubernetes.

Create Kubernetes clusters with Kind

Firstly, let’s create two Kubernetes clusters using Kind. Each cluster consists of a control plane and a worker node. Since we are going to install Calico as a networking plugin on Kubernetes, we will disable a default CNI plugin on Kind. Finally, we need to configure CIDRs for pods and services. The IP pool should be unique per both clusters. Here’s the Kind configuration manifest for the first cluster. It is available in the project repository under the path k8s/kind-cluster-c1.yaml.

kind: Cluster
name: c1
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
  - role: control-plane
  - role: worker
  disableDefaultCNI: true

Then, let’s create the first cluster using the configuration manifest visible above.

$ kind create cluster --config k8s/kind-cluster-c1.yaml

We have a similar configuration manifest for a second cluster. The only difference is in the name of the cluster and CIDRs for Kubernetes pods and services. It is available in the project repository under the path k8s/kind-cluster-c2.yaml.

kind: Cluster
name: c2
apiVersion: kind.x-k8s.io/v1alpha4
  - role: control-plane
  - role: worker
  disableDefaultCNI: true

After that, let’s create the second cluster using the configuration manifest visible above.

$ kind create cluster --config k8s/kind-cluster-c2.yaml

Once the clusters have been successfully created we can verify them using the following command.

$ kind get clusters

Kind automatically creates two Kubernetes contexts for those clusters. We can switch between the kind-c1 and kind-c2 context.

Install Calico on Kubernetes

We will use the Tigera operator to install Calico as a default CNI on Kubernetes. It is possible to use different installation methods, but that with operator is the simplest one. Firstly, let’s switch to the kind-c1 context.

$ kubectx kind-c1

I’m using the kubectx tool for switching between Kubernetes contexts and namespaces. You can download the latest version of this tool from the following site: https://github.com/ahmetb/kubectx/releases.

In the first step, we install the Tigera operator on the cluster.

$ kubectl create -f https://docs.projectcalico.org/manifests/tigera-operator.yaml

After that, we need to create the Installation CRD object responsible for installing Calico on Kubernetes. We can configure all the required parameters inside a single file. It is important to set the same CIDRs as pods CIDRs inside the Kind configuration file. Here’s the manifest for the first cluster.

apiVersion: operator.tigera.io/v1
kind: Installation
  name: default
      - blockSize: 26
        encapsulation: VXLANCrossSubnet
        natOutgoing: Enabled
        nodeSelector: all()

The manifest is available in the repository as the k8s/tigera-c1.yaml file. Let’s apply it.

$ kubectl apply -f k8s/tigera-c1.yaml

Then, we may switch to the kind-c2 context and create a similar manifest with the Calico installation.

apiVersion: operator.tigera.io/v1
kind: Installation
  name: default
      - blockSize: 26
        encapsulation: VXLANCrossSubnet
        natOutgoing: Enabled
        nodeSelector: all()

Finally, let’s apply it to the second cluster using the k8s/tigera-c2.yaml file.

$ kubectl apply -f k8s/tigera-c2.yaml

We may verify the installation of Calico by listing running pods in the calico-system namespace. Here’s the result on my local Kubernetes cluster.

$ kubectl get pod -n calico-system
NAME                                       READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
calico-kube-controllers-696ffc7f48-86rfz   1/1     Running   0          75s
calico-node-nhkn5                          1/1     Running   0          76s
calico-node-qkkqk                          1/1     Running   0          76s
calico-typha-6d6c85c77b-ffmt5              1/1     Running   0          70s
calico-typha-6d6c85c77b-w8x6t              1/1     Running   0          76s

By default, Kind uses a simple networking implementation – Kindnetd. However, this CNI plugin is not tested with Submariner. Therefore, we need to change it to one of the already supported ones like Calico.

Install Submariner on Kubernetes

In order to install Submariner on our Kind cluster, we first need to download CLI.

$ curl -Ls https://get.submariner.io | bash
$ export PATH=$PATH:~/.local/bin

Submariner subctl CLI requires xz-utils. So, first, you need to install this package by executing the following command: apt update -y && apt install xz-utils -y.

After that, we can use the subctl binary to deploy the Submarine Broker. If you use Docker on Mac or Windows (like me) you need to perform those operations inside a container with the Kind control plane. So first, let’s get inside the control plane container. Kind automatically sets the name of that container as a conjunction of a cluster name and -control-plane suffix.

$ docker exec -it c1-control-plane /bin/bash

That container has already kubectl been installed. The only thing we need to do is to add the context of the second Kubernetes cluster kind-c2. I just copied it from my local Kube config file, which contains the right data. It has been added by Kind during Kubernetes cluster creation. You can check out the location of the Kubernetes config inside the c1-control-plane container by displaying the KUBECONFIG environment variable.


If you are copying data from your local Kube config file you just need to change the address of your Kubernetes cluster. Instead of the external IP and port, you have to set the internal Docker container IP and port.

We should use the following IP address for internal communication between both clusters.

Now, we can deploy the Submariner Broker on the c1 cluster. After running the following command Submariner installs an operator on Kubernetes and generates the broker-info.subm file. That file is then used to join members to the Submariner cluster.

$ subctl deploy-broker

Enable direct communication between Kubernetes clusters with Submariner

Let’s clarify some things before proceeding. We have already created a Submariner Broker on the c1 cluster. To simplify the process I’m using the same Kubernetes cluster as a Submariner Broker and Member. We also use subctl CLI to add members to a Submariner cluster. One of the essential components that have to be installed is a Submariner Gateway Engine. It is deployed as a DaemonSet that is configured to run on nodes labelled with submariner.io/gateway=true. So, in the first step, we will set this label on both Kubernetes worker nodes of c1 and c2 clusters.

$ kubectl label node c1-worker submariner.io/gateway=true
$ kubectl label node c2-worker submariner.io/gateway=true --context kind-c2

Just to remind you – we are still inside the c1-control-plane container. Now we can add a first member to our Submariner cluster. To do that, we still use subctl CLI command as shown below. With the join command, we need to the broker-info.subm file already generated while running the deploy-broker command. We will also disable NAT traversal for IPsec.

$ subctl join broker-info.subm --natt=false --clusterid kind-c1

After that, we may add a second member to our cluster.

$ subctl join broker-info.subm --natt=false --clusterid kind-c2 --kubecontext kind-c2

The Submariner operator creates several deployments in the submariner-operator namespace. Let’s display a list of pods running there.

$ kubectl get pod -n submariner-operator
NAME                                             READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
submariner-gateway-kd6zs                         1/1     Running   0          5m50s
submariner-lighthouse-agent-b798b8987-f6zvl      1/1     Running   0          5m48s
submariner-lighthouse-coredns-845c9cdf6f-8qhrj   1/1     Running   0          5m46s
submariner-lighthouse-coredns-845c9cdf6f-xmd6q   1/1     Running   0          5m46s
submariner-operator-586cb56578-qgwh6             1/1     Running   1          6m17s
submariner-routeagent-fcptn                      1/1     Running   0          5m49s
submariner-routeagent-pn54f                      1/1     Running   0          5m49s

We can also use some subctl commands. Let’s display a list of Submariner gateways.

$ subctl show gateways 

Showing information for cluster "kind-c2":
NODE                            HA STATUS       SUMMARY                         
c2-worker                       active          All connections (1) are established

Showing information for cluster "c1":
NODE                            HA STATUS       SUMMARY                         
c1-worker                       active          All connections (1) are established

Or a list of Submariner connections.

$ subctl show connections

Showing information for cluster "c1":
GATEWAY    CLUSTER  REMOTE IP   NAT  CABLE DRIVER  SUBNETS                       STATUS     RTT avg.    
c2-worker  kind-c2  no   libreswan,  connected  384.957µs   

Showing information for cluster "kind-c2":
GATEWAY    CLUSTER  REMOTE IP   NAT  CABLE DRIVER  SUBNETS                       STATUS     RTT avg.    
c1-worker  kind-c1  no   libreswan,  connected  592.728µs

Deploy applications on Kubernetes and expose them with Submariner

Since we have already installed Submariner on both clusters we can deploy our sample applications. Let’s begin with caller-service. Make sure you are in the kind-c1 context. Then go to the caller-service directory and deploy the application using Skaffold as shown below.

$ cd caller-service
$ skaffold dev --port-forward

Then, you should switch to the kind-c2 context. Now, deploy the callme-service application.

$ cd callme-service
$ skaffold run

In the next step, we need to expose our service to Submariner. To do that you have to execute the following command with subctl.

$ subctl export service --namespace default callme-service

Submariner exposes services on the domain clusterset.local. So, our service is now available under the URL callme-service.default.svc.clusterset.local. Here’s a part of a code in caller-service responsible for communication with callme-service through the Submariner DNS.

public String ping() {
   LOGGER.info("Ping: name={}, version={}", buildProperties.getName(), version);
   String response = restTemplate
         .getForObject("http://callme-service.default.svc.clusterset.local:8080/callme/ping", String.class);
   LOGGER.info("Calling: response={}", response);
   return "I'm caller-service " + version + ". Calling... " + response;

In order to analyze what happened let’s display some CRD objects created by Submariner. Firstly, it created ServiceExport on the cluster with the exposed service. In our case, it is the kind-c2 cluster.

$ kubectl get ServiceExport        
NAME             AGE
callme-service   15s

Once we exposed the service it is automatically imported on the second cluster. We need to switch to the kind-c1 cluster and then display the ServiceImport object.

$ kubectl get ServiceImport -n submariner-operator
NAME                             TYPE           IP                  AGE
callme-service-default-kind-c2   ClusterSetIP   [""]   4m55s

The ServiceImport object stores the IP address of Kubernetes Service callme-service.

$ kubectl get svc --context kind-c2
NAME             TYPE        CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
callme-service   ClusterIP   <none>        8080/TCP   31m
kubernetes       ClusterIP      <none>        443/TCP    74m

Finally, we may test a connection between clusters by calling the following endpoint. The caller-service calls the GET /callme/ping endpoint exposed by callme-service. Thanks to enabling the port-forward option on the Skaffold command we may access the service locally on port 8080.

$ curl http://localhost:8080/caller/ping



This is awesome


    Thanks 🙂

Fabio Almeida Caetano

I’m a beginner in Kubernetes, what I saw were examples with 1 cluster in the desktop environment. I will try to create this environment. Very cool article


    Thanks 🙂


Hi, it’s the first time to try the Submariner project for me. I am following your procedures to setup the test environment on Ubuntu 20.04 Server. But I am stuck in deploying Submariner.
I entered the container of ‘c1-control-plane’ and modified /etc/kubernetes/admin.conf for adding the context of ‘kind-c2’. I copied the sections of ‘clusters’, ‘contexts’, ‘users’ from local ‘.kube/config’ and inserted into the ‘admin.conf’.
After executing ‘subctl deploy-broker’, the broker-info.subm file was created. But ‘subctl join broker-info.subm –natt=false –clusterid kind-c1’ timed out for the error message ‘error discovering cluster network: error listing the Daemonsets: daemonsets.apps is forbidden: User \”system:serviceaccount:submariner-operator:submariner-operator\” cannot list resource \”daemonsets\” in API group \”apps\” in the namespace \”kube-system\”‘.
I am very appreciated for giving some ideas or suggestions.


    It seems you need to create a role and assign it to the SA submariner-operator to allow view daemonset objects. But it is quite strange – I didn’t have to do it and operator should create it automatically


Thanks for your promptly replying.
I found the SA was created by Submariner Operator as follows.
$ kubectl get sa -n submariner-operator
default 0 18h
submariner-diagnose 1 18h
submariner-gateway 1 18h
submariner-globalnet 1 18h
submariner-lighthouse-agent 1 18h
submariner-lighthouse-coredns 1 18h
submariner-networkplugin-syncer 1 18h
submariner-operator 1 18h
submariner-routeagent 1 18h

Here were some portions of error message from Submariner Operator.
2023-02-22T01:49:57.744Z INF ..riner_controller.go:144 ..troller_submariner Submariner is being deleted
2023-02-22T01:49:57.879Z ERR .._networkdiscovery.go:40 ..troller_submariner Error trying to discover network error=”error listing the Daemonsets: daemonsets.apps is forbidden: User \”system:serviceaccount:submariner-operator:submariner-operator\” cannot list resource \”daemonsets\” in API group \”apps\” in the namespace \”kube-system\””
2023-02-22T01:49:57.880Z INF .._networkdiscovery.go:50 ..troller_submariner No cluster network discovered
2023-02-22T01:49:57.880Z INF .._networkdiscovery.go:85 ..troller_submariner No detected CIDR type=Cluster
2023-02-22T01:49:57.880Z INF .._networkdiscovery.go:85 ..troller_submariner No detected CIDR type=Service
2023-02-22T01:49:57.880Z ERR ..oller/controller.go:326 Reconciler error error=”error discovering cluster network: error listing the Daemonsets: daemonsets.apps is forbidden: User \”system:serviceaccount:submariner-operator:submariner-operator\” cannot list resource \”daemonsets\” in API group \”apps\” in the namespace \”kube-system\”” controller=submariner-controller controllerGroup=submariner.io controllerKind=Submariner name=submariner namespace=submariner-operator reconcileID=559d9edd-404c-4f1e-9ed8-2f044fd176b8 submariner={“name”:”submariner”,”namespace”:”submariner-operator”}

I am very appreciated for giving some ideas or suggestions.


Here were the results of executing ‘subctl join’.
root@c1-control-plane:~# subctl join broker-info.subm –natt=false
✓ broker-info.subm indicates broker is at https://c1-control-plane:6443
✓ Discovering network details
Network plugin: generic
Service CIDRs: []
Cluster CIDRs: []
There are 1 node(s) labeled as gateways:
– c1-worker
✓ Retrieving the gateway nodes
✓ Gathering relevant information from Broker
✓ Retrieving Globalnet information from the Broker
✓ Validating Globalnet configuration
✓ Deploying the Submariner operator
✓ Created operator namespace: submariner-operator
✓ Created operator service account and role
✓ Created submariner service account and role
✓ Created lighthouse service account and role
✓ Creating SA for cluster
✓ Connecting to Broker
✗ Deploying submariner
✗ Submariner deployment failed: error creating Submariner resource: error creating resource anew: timed out waiting for the condition
✗ Error deploying the Submariner resource: Submariner deployment failed: error creating Submariner resource: error creating resource anew: timed out waiting for the condition

subctl version: v0.14.1

Exit mobile version