Introduction to Blockchain with Java using Ethereum, web3j and Spring Boot

Introduction to Blockchain with Java using Ethereum, web3j and Spring Boot

Blockchain is one of the buzzwords in the IT world during some last months. This term is related to cryptocurrencies, and was created together with Bitcoins. It is decentralized, immutable data structure divided into blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptographic algorithms. Every single block in this structure typically contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data. Blockchain is managed by a peer-to-peer network, and during inter-node communication every new block is validated before adding. This is a short portion of theory about blockchain. In a nutshell, this is a technology which allows us to manage transactions between two parties in a decentralized way. Now, the question is how we can implement it in our system.
Here comes Ethereum. It is a decentralized platform created by Vitarik Buterin that provides scripting language for the development of applications. It is based on ideas from Bitcoin, and is driven by the new cryptocurrency called Ether. Today, Ether is the second largest cryptocurrency after Bitcoin. The heart of Ethereum technology is EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine), which can be treated as something similar to JVM, but using a network of fully decentralized nodes. To implement transactions based Ethereum in the Java world we use web3j library. This is a lightweight, reactive, type safe Java and Android library for integrating with nodes on Ethereum blockchains. More details can be found on its website

1. Running Ethereum locally

Although there are many articles on the Web about blockchain and ethereum it is not easy to find a solution describing how to run ready-for-use instances of Ethereum on the local machine. It is worth to mention that generally there are two most popular Ethereum clients we can use: Geth and Parity. It turns out we can easily run Geth nodes locally using a Docker container. By default it connects the node to the Ethereum main network. Alternatively, you can connect it to the test network or Rinkeby network. But the best option for beginning is just to run it in development mode by setting --dev parameter on Docker container running command.
Here’s the command that starts Docker container in development mode and exposes Ethereum RPC API on port 8545.

$ docker run -d --name ethereum -p 8545:8545 -p 30303:30303 ethereum/client-go --rpc --rpcaddr "" --rpcapi="db,eth,net,web3,personal" --rpccorsdomain "*" --dev

The one really good message when running that container in development mode is that you have plenty of Ethers on your default, test account. In that case, you don’t have to mine any Ethers to be able to start tests. Great! Now, let’s create some other test accounts and also check out some things. To achieve it we need to run Geth’s interactive JavaScript console inside Docker container.

$ docker exec -it ethereum geth attach ipc:/tmp/geth.ipc

2. Managing Ethereum node using JavaScript console

After running the JavaScript console you can easily display the default account (coinbase), the list of all available accounts and their balances. Here’s the screen illustrating results for my Ethereum node.
Now, we have to create some test accounts. We can do it by calling personal.newAccount(password) function. After creating required accounts, you can perform some test transactions using the JavaScript console, and transfer some funds from the base account to the newly created accounts. Here are the commands used for creating accounts and executing transactions.

3. Blockchain with Spring Boot system

The architecture of our sample system is very simple. I don’t want to complicate anything, but just show you how to send transactions to Geth node and receive notifications. While transaction-service sends a new transaction to Ethereum node, bonus-service observe node and listen for incoming transactions. Then it send bonus to the sender’s account once per 10 transactions received from his account. Here’s the diagram that illustrates an architecture of our sample system.

4. Enable Web3j for Ethereum Spring Boot application

I think that now we have clarity on exactly what we want to do. So, let’s proceed to the implementation. First, we should include all required dependencies in order to be able to use the web3j library inside the Spring Boot application. Fortunately, there is a starter that can be included.


Because we are running Ethereum Geth client on Docker container we need to change auto-configured client’s address for web3j.

    name: transaction-service
  port: ${PORT:8090}

5. Building Ethereum Spring Boot applications

If we included web3j starter to the project dependencies all you need is to autowire Web3j bean. Web3j is responsible for sending transactions to Geth client node. It receives a response with transaction hash if it has been accepted by the node or error object if it has been rejected. While creating a transaction object it is important to set the gas limit to minimum 21000. If you send a lower value, you will probably receive error Error: intrinsic gas too low.

public class BlockchainService {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BlockchainService.class);

    Web3j web3j;

    public BlockchainTransaction process(BlockchainTransaction trx) throws IOException {
        EthAccounts accounts = web3j.ethAccounts().send();
        EthGetTransactionCount transactionCount = web3j.ethGetTransactionCount(accounts.getAccounts().get(trx.getFromId()), DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST).send();
        Transaction transaction = Transaction.createEtherTransaction(accounts.getAccounts().get(trx.getFromId()), transactionCount.getTransactionCount(), BigInteger.valueOf(trx.getValue()), BigInteger.valueOf(21_000), accounts.getAccounts().get(trx.getToId()),BigInteger.valueOf(trx.getValue()));
        EthSendTransaction response = web3j.ethSendTransaction(transaction).send();
        if (response.getError() != null) {
            return trx;
        String txHash = response.getTransactionHash();"Tx hash: {}", txHash);
        EthGetTransactionReceipt receipt = web3j.ethGetTransactionReceipt(txHash).send();
        if (receipt.getTransactionReceipt().isPresent()) {
  "Tx receipt: {}", receipt.getTransactionReceipt().get().getCumulativeGasUsed().intValue());
        return trx;


The @Service bean visible above is invoked by the controller. The implementation of POST method takes BlockchainTransaction object as parameter. You can send sender id, receiver id, and transaction amount. Sender and receiver ids are equivalent to index in query eth.account[index].

public class BlockchainController {

    BlockchainService service;

    public BlockchainTransaction execute(@RequestBody BlockchainTransaction transaction) throws NoSuchAlgorithmException, NoSuchProviderException, InvalidAlgorithmParameterException, CipherException, IOException {
        return service.process(transaction);


You can send a test transaction by calling POST method using the following command.

  $ curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --request POST --data '{"fromId":2,"toId":1,"value":3}' http://localhost:8090/transaction

Before sending any transactions you should also unlock the sender account.

Application bonus-service listens for transactions processed by the Ethereum node. It subscribes for notifications from Web3j library by calling web3j.transactionObservable().subscribe(...) method. It returns the amount of received transactions to the sender’s account once per 10 transactions sent from that address. Here’s the implementation of the observable method inside application bonus-service.

Web3j web3j;

public void listen() {
   Subscription subscription = web3j.transactionObservable().subscribe(tx -> {"New tx: id={}, block={}, from={}, to={}, value={}", tx.getHash(), tx.getBlockHash(), tx.getFrom(), tx.getTo(), tx.getValue().intValue());
      try {
         EthCoinbase coinbase = web3j.ethCoinbase().send();
         EthGetTransactionCount transactionCount = web3j.ethGetTransactionCount(tx.getFrom(), DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST).send();"Tx count: {}", transactionCount.getTransactionCount().intValue());
         if (transactionCount.getTransactionCount().intValue() % 10 == 0) {
            EthGetTransactionCount tc = web3j.ethGetTransactionCount(coinbase.getAddress(), DefaultBlockParameterName.LATEST).send();
            Transaction transaction = Transaction.createEtherTransaction(coinbase.getAddress(), tc.getTransactionCount(), tx.getValue(), BigInteger.valueOf(21_000), tx.getFrom(), tx.getValue());
      } catch (IOException e) {
         LOGGER.error("Error getting transactions", e);


Blockchain and cryptocurrencies are not the easy topics to start. Ethereum simplifies development of applications that use blockchain, by providing a complete, scripting language. Using the web3j library together with Spring Boot and Docker image of Ethereum Geth client allows to quickly start local development of solutions implementing blockchain technology. IF you would like to try it locally just clone my repository available on GitHub



First I’m very interested in your topic, I’m also the Java Developer, I also really like the Cryptocurrency, I spent a lot of time researching Ether platform. Thanks a lot for your sharing.
I’m confusing when using Spring boot to develop 1 DAPP because Ether platform is decentralized, its mean no need the server (centralized) to deploy the DAPP. Opposite Spring boot app needs a server (Linux or Microsoft virtual machine) to run. How are you feeling about this problem?

    Piotr Mińkowski

    Well, you can connect any number of applications to Ethereum network, and showing it was the main goal of this article. I don’t think that Spring Boot forces you to have centralized architecture, because it is designed rather for building microservices.

Isaac Akemadae Kenley

Hello, Very comprehensive guide. I’m experiencing some errors. In I’m getting errors using BigInteger.valueOf(trx.getValue()), in both places in relation to the us of “valueOf”. Also in getting error in line web3j.transactionObservable().subscribe(tx -> { in relation to “subscribe” . Thanks for your help.

    Piotr Mińkowski

    Hello. What errors do you have?


i cloned the git repo, did mvn compile followed by mvn package. it failed during mvn package with this error “main] o.w.s.a.Web3jAutoConfiguration : Building service for endpoint: main] o.s.w.c.s.GenericWebApplicationContext : Exception encountered during context initialization – cancelling refresh attempt: org.springframework.beans.factory.BeanCreationException: Error creating bean with name ‘blockchainApp’: Invocation of init method failed; nested exception is rx.exceptions.OnErrorNotImplementedException: Error sending request

i think it has something to do with IP address of web3j client. I used IP address of the docker container, obtained with docker inspect 91b61f3b6ce8 | grep ‘”IPAddress”‘ | head -n 1 . (and it is in my case)


the git repo works fine if you checkout commit 77e3a5d8697c22b378c0ca6e1e69a112e9e62323. It seems to be broken after that. i had to use client-address: to get mvn package to pass test

    Piotr Mińkowski

    Ok, thanks for this information. I accepted a pull request to this repo with some changes, but maybe I didn’t verify them properly. I’ll take a look on it in the free time


i tried to get this working with rinkeby -> client-address:… but the test fails with it. would be great if you can take it more closer to the test net functionality. With geth: is there anyway to unlock the accounts so that transactions don’t fail with error asking to unlock accounts.

Yuri Mednikov

Hi, Piotr! Thanks for this informative post

    Piotr Mińkowski

    Hi Yuri. You’re welcome


Hi Piotr, thank you!
But now in Geth is personal.unlockAccount is not allowed any more!
GoError: Error: account unlock with HTTP access is forbidden at web3.js:6347:37(47)

Solution: sendTransaction only from eth.coinbase to other accounts.


    Hi. Well it has been created a while ago…

Marcio Barcellos

Use –allow-insecure-unlock


    Ok, thanks

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