RabbitMQ Monitoring on Kubernetes

RabbitMQ Monitoring on Kubernetes

RabbitMQ monitoring can be a key point of your system management. Therefore we should use the right tools for that. To enable them on RabbitMQ we need to install some plugins. In this article, I will show you how to use Prometheus and Grafana to monitor the key metrics of RabbitMQ. Of course, we will build the applications that send and receive messages. We will use Kubernetes as a target platform for our system. In the last step, we are going to enable the tracing plugin. It helps us in collecting the list of incoming messages.

Source code

If you would like to try it by yourself, you may always take a look at my source code. In order to do that you need to clone my repository sample-spring-amqp. Inside k8s directory, you will find all the required deployment manifests. Both Spring Boot test applications are available inside listener and producer directories. If you would like to test the cluster of RabbitMQ please refer to the article RabbitMQ in cluster.

Step 1 – Building a RabbitMQ image

In the first step, we are overriding the Docker image of RabbitMQ. In that case, we need to extend the base image with a tag 3-management and add two plugins. The plugin rabbitmq_prometheus adds Prometheus exporter of core RabbitMQ metrics. The second of them, rabbitmq_tracing allows us to log the payloads of incoming messages. That’s all that we need to define in our Dockerfile, which is visible below.

FROM rabbitmq:3-management
RUN rabbitmq-plugins enable --offline rabbitmq_prometheus rabbitmq_tracing

Then you just need to build an already defined image. Let’s say its name is piomin/rabbitmq-monitoring. After building I’m pushing it to my remote Docker registry.

$ docker build -t piomin/rabbitmq-monitoring .
$ docker push piomin/rabbitmq-monitoring

Step 2 – Deploying RabbitMQ on Kubernetes

Now, we are going to deploy our custom image of RabbitMQ on Kubernetes. For the purpose of this article, we will run a standalone version of RabbitMQ. In that case, the only thing we need to do is to override some configuration properties in the rabbitmq.conf and enabled_plugins files. First, I’m enabling logging to the console at the debug level. Then I’m also enabling all the required plugins.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: rabbitmq
    name: rabbitmq
  rabbitmq.conf: |-
    loopback_users.guest = false
    log.console = true
    log.console.level = debug
    log.exchange = true
    log.exchange.level = debug
  enabled_plugins: |-

Both rabbitmq.conf and enabled_plugins files should be placed inside the /etc/rabbitmq directory. Therefore, I’m mounting them inside the volume assigned to the RabbitMQ Deployment. Additionally, we are exposing three ports outside the container. The port 5672 is used in communication with applications through AMQP protocol. The Prometheus plugin exposes metrics on the dedicated port 15692. In order to access Management UI and HTTP endpoints, you should use the 15672 port.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: rabbitmq
    app: rabbitmq
  replicas: 1
      app: rabbitmq
        app: rabbitmq
        - name: rabbitmq
          image: piomin/rabbitmq-monitoring:latest
            - containerPort: 15672
              name: http
            - containerPort: 5672
              name: amqp
            - containerPort: 15692
              name: prometheus
            - name: rabbitmq-config-map
              mountPath: /etc/rabbitmq/
        - name: rabbitmq-config-map
            name: rabbitmq

Step 3 – Building Spring Boot listener application

Our sample listener application uses Spring Boot AMQP project for integration with RabbitMQ. Thanks to Spring Boot Actuator module it is also exposing metrics including RabbiMQ specific values. It is important to expose them in the format readable by Prometheus.


The listener application defines and creates two exchanges. First of them, trx-events-topic, is used for multicast communication. On the other hand, trx-events-direct takes a part in point-to-point communication. Both our sample applications are exchanging messages in JSON format. Therefore we have to override a default Spring Boot AMQP message converter with Jackson2JsonMessageConverter.

public class ListenerApplication {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      SpringApplication.run(ListenerApplication.class, args);

   public TopicExchange topic() {
      return new TopicExchange("trx-events-topic");

   public DirectExchange queue() {
      return new DirectExchange("trx-events-direct");

   public MessageConverter jsonMessageConverter() {
      return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();

The listener application receives messages from the both topic and direct exchanges. Each running instance of this application is creating a queue binding with the random name. With a direct exchange, only a single queue is receiving incoming messages. On the other hand, all the queues related to a topic exchange are receiving incoming messages.

public class ListenerComponent {

   @RabbitListener(bindings = {
         exchange = @Exchange(type = ExchangeTypes.TOPIC, name = "trx-events-topic"),
         value = @Queue("${topic.queue.name}")
   public void onTopicMessage(SampleMessage message) {
      log.info("Message received: {}", message);

   @RabbitListener(bindings = {
         exchange = @Exchange(type = ExchangeTypes.DIRECT, name = "trx-events-direct"),
         value = @Queue("${direct.queue.name}")
   public void onDirectMessage(SampleMessage message) {
      log.info("Message received: {}", message);


The name of queues assigned to the topic and direct exchanges is configured inside application.yml file.

topic.queue.name: t-${random.uuid}
direct.queue.name: d-${random.uuid}

Step 4 – Building Spring Boot producer application

The producer application also uses Spring Boot AMQP for integration with RabbitMQ. It sends messages to the exchanges with RabbitTemplate. Similarly to the listener application it formats all the messages as JSON string.

public class ProducerApplication {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      SpringApplication.run(ProducerApplication.class, args);

   public RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate(final ConnectionFactory connectionFactory) {
      final RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate = new RabbitTemplate(connectionFactory);
      return rabbitTemplate;

   public Jackson2JsonMessageConverter producerJackson2MessageConverter() {
      return new Jackson2JsonMessageConverter();


The producer application starts sending messages just after startup. Each message contains id, type and message fields. They are sent to the topic exchange with 5 seconds interval, and to the direct exchange with 2 seconds interval.

public class ProducerComponent {

   int index = 1;
   private RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate;

   ProducerComponent(RabbitTemplate rabbitTemplate) {
      this.rabbitTemplate = rabbitTemplate;

   @Scheduled(fixedRate = 5000)
   public void sendToTopic() {
      SampleMessage msg = new SampleMessage(index++, "abc", "topic");
      rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("trx-events-topic", null, msg);
      log.info("Sending message: {}", msg);

   @Scheduled(fixedRate = 2000)
   public void sendToDirect() {
      SampleMessage msg = new SampleMessage(index++, "abc", "direct");
      rabbitTemplate.convertAndSend("trx-events-direct", null, msg);
      log.info("Sending message: {}", msg);

Step 5 – Deploying Prometheus and Grafana for RabbitMQ monitoring

We will use Prometheus for collecting metrics from RabbitMQ, and our both Spring Boot applications. Prometheus detects endpoints with metrics by the Kubernetes Service app label and a HTTP port name. Of course, you can define different search criteria for that. Because Spring Boot and RabbitMQ metrics are defined under different endpoints, we need to define two jobs. On the source code below you can see the ConfigMap that contains the Prometheus configuration file.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: prometheus
    name: prometheus
  prometheus.yml: |-
      - job_name: 'springboot'
        metrics_path: /actuator/prometheus
        scrape_interval: 5s
        - role: endpoints
              - default

          - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_label_app]
            separator: ;
            regex: (producer|listener)
            replacement: $1
            action: keep
          - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
            separator: ;
            regex: http
            replacement: $1
            action: keep
          # ...
      - job_name: 'rabbitmq'
        metrics_path: /metrics
        scrape_interval: 5s
        - role: endpoints
              - default

          - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_label_app]
            separator: ;
            regex: rabbitmq
            replacement: $1
            action: keep
          - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_endpoint_port_name]
            separator: ;
            regex: prometheus
            replacement: $1
            action: keep
          # ...

For the full version of Prometheus deployment please refer to the source code. Prometheus tries to discover metric endpoints by the Kubernetes Service label and port name. Let’s take a look on the Service for the listener application.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: listener-service
    app: listener
  type: ClusterIP
    app: listener
  - port: 8080
    name: http

Similarly, we should create Service for RabbitMQ.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: rabbitmq-service
    app: rabbitmq
  type: NodePort
    app: rabbitmq
  - port: 15672
    name: http
  - port: 5672
    name: amqp
  - port: 15692
    name: prometheus

Step 6 – Deploying stack for RabbitMQ monitoring

We can finally proceed to the deployment on Kubernetes. In summary, we have five running applications. Three of them, RabbitMQ with the management console, Prometheus, and Grafana are a part of the RabbitMQ monitoring stack. We also have a single instance of the Spring Boot AMQP producer application, and two instances of the Spring Boot AMQP listener application. You can see the final list of pods in the picture below.

If you deploy Spring Boot applications with skaffold dev --port-forward command, you can easily access them on the local port. Other applications can be accessed via Kubernetes Service NodePort.

Step 7 – RabbitMQ monitoring with Prometheus metrics

We can easily verify a list of metrics generated by Spring Boot applications by calling /actuator/prometheus endpoint. First, let’s take a look at the metrics returned by the listener application.

rabbitmq_not_acknowledged_published_total{name="rabbit",} 0.0
rabbitmq_unrouted_published_total{name="rabbit",} 0.0
rabbitmq_channels{name="rabbit",} 2.0
rabbitmq_consumed_total{name="rabbit",} 2432.0
rabbitmq_connections{name="rabbit",} 1.0
rabbitmq_acknowledged_total{name="rabbit",} 2432.0
spring_rabbitmq_listener_seconds_max{exception="none",listener_id="org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.RabbitListenerEndpointContainer#1",queue="d-ea28bd07-929d-4928-8d2c-5dceeec9950a",result="success",} 0.0025406
spring_rabbitmq_listener_seconds_max{exception="none",listener_id="org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.RabbitListenerEndpointContainer#0",queue="t-e8990fe4-7d8c-4a2c-96d7-fff4fe503265",result="success",} 0.0024175
spring_rabbitmq_listener_seconds_count{exception="none",listener_id="org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.RabbitListenerEndpointContainer#1",queue="d-ea28bd07-929d-4928-8d2c-5dceeec9950a",result="success",} 1712.0
spring_rabbitmq_listener_seconds_sum{exception="none",listener_id="org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.RabbitListenerEndpointContainer#1",queue="d-ea28bd07-929d-4928-8d2c-5dceeec9950a",result="success",} 0.992886413
spring_rabbitmq_listener_seconds_count{exception="none",listener_id="org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.RabbitListenerEndpointContainer#0",queue="t-e8990fe4-7d8c-4a2c-96d7-fff4fe503265",result="success",} 720.0
spring_rabbitmq_listener_seconds_sum{exception="none",listener_id="org.springframework.amqp.rabbit.RabbitListenerEndpointContainer#0",queue="t-e8990fe4-7d8c-4a2c-96d7-fff4fe503265",result="success",} 0.598468801
rabbitmq_acknowledged_published_total{name="rabbit",} 0.0
rabbitmq_failed_to_publish_total{name="rabbit",} 0.0
rabbitmq_rejected_total{name="rabbit",} 0.0
rabbitmq_published_total{name="rabbit",} 0.0

Similarly, we can verify the list of metrics from the producer application. In contrast to the listener application, it is generating rabbitmq_published_total instead of rabbitmq_consumed_total.

rabbitmq_acknowledged_published_total{name="rabbit",} 0.0
rabbitmq_unrouted_published_total{name="rabbit",} 0.0
rabbitmq_acknowledged_total{name="rabbit",} 0.0
rabbitmq_rejected_total{name="rabbit",} 0.0
rabbitmq_connections{name="rabbit",} 1.0
rabbitmq_not_acknowledged_published_total{name="rabbit",} 0.0
rabbitmq_consumed_total{name="rabbit",} 0.0
rabbitmq_failed_to_publish_total{name="rabbit",} 0.0
rabbitmq_published_total{name="rabbit",} 2553.0
rabbitmq_channels{name="rabbit",} 1.0

The list of metrics generated by the RabbitMQ Prometheus plugin is pretty impressive. I decided to use only some of them.

rabbitmq_channel_consumers 6
rabbitmq_channel_messages_published_total 2926
rabbitmq_channel_messages_delivered_total 2022
rabbitmq_channel_messages_acked_total 5922
rabbitmq_connections_opened_total 9
rabbitmq_connection_incoming_bytes_total 700878
rabbitmq_connection_outgoing_bytes_total 1388158
rabbitmq_connection_channels 5
rabbitmq_queue_messages 5917
rabbitmq_queue_consumers 6
rabbitmq_queues 10

We can visualize all the metrics on the Grafana dashboard. Grafana is using Prometheus as a data source. To repeat, Prometheus collects data from the Spring Boot applications endpoints and RabbitMQ.

Step 8 – RabbitMQ monitoring with Tracing plugin

The tracing plugin allows us to log all incoming and outgoing messages. We can configure it in the RabbitMQ management console. In order to do that we need to switch to the “Admin” tab. Then, we can enable the logging of all messages or just those incoming to the particular queue or exchange.

The logs are available inside a file. You can download it. Each entry in the file contains detailed information about a message. You can verify the name of the node, change, or queue. Of course, it also contains the message payload, properties, and time of the event as shown below.


RabbitMQ monitoring tools allow you to verify general metrics of the node and detailed logs of every message. In addition, Spring Boot AMQP offers dedicated metrics for applications that interact with RabbitMQ. In this article, I described how to run the full monitoring stack on Kubernetes. Enjoy 🙂


Michał Kuratczyk

Hello from the RabbitMQ team! Thanks a lot for this article. Just a few points worth mentioning:

1. we publish Grafana dashboards at https://grafana.com/orgs/rabbitmq (you can totally build you own of course but you don’t have to)

2. there is a RabbitMQ Cluster Operator (in beta): https://github.com/rabbitmq/cluster-operator to make it easier to run RabbitMQ on Kubernetes

3. there is a monitoring guide for the operator (which uses a slightly different method and could be used for RabbitMQ deployments without the operator as well): https://www.rabbitmq.com/kubernetes/operator/operator-monitoring.html

4. most recent RabbitMQ images have rabbitmq_prometheus enabled by default (which doesn’t break your set up but you don’t need to enable this plugin anymore)



    Hello. Thanks for these tips 🙂 They might be really helpful. Just one question.
    Ad 4) I’m using the latest 3-management image of RoabbitMQ from Docker Hub. Which version should I use to have prometheus_plugin enabled by default?

Michał Kuratczyk

I just tried `docker run rabbitmq:3-management` and I can see `rabbitmq_prometheus` in the startup log so you don’t have need to change anything.


    Ok, I pulled the image some days ago, and I see that the latest has been published 4 days ago. It must be this. Thanks 🙂


I am using spring cloud stream where i have configured rabbit binder through spring actuator and Prometheus i am able to get basic things but i want to get all details like we get from RabbitMQ Prometheus plugin. My purpose is that in future if i want to change different broker i can easily get all details. How can i get all details ?


    If you use Spring Cloud Stream you can just include Spring Boot Actuator and you get many consumer and producer metrics no matter which broker you use (e.g. Kafka)

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