JPA Data Access with Micronaut Data

When I have been writing some articles comparing Spring and Micronaut frameworks recently, I have taken note of many comments about the lack of built-in ORM and data repositories supported by Micronaut. Spring provides this feature for a long time through the Spring Data project. The good news is that the Micronaut team is close to complete work on the first version of their project with ORM support. The project called Micronaut Data (old Micronaut Predator) (short for Precomputed Data Repositories) is still under active development, and currently we may access just the snapshot version. However, the authors are introducing it as more efficient with reduced memory consumption than competitive solutions like Spring Data or Grails GORM. In short, this could be achieved thanks to Ahead of Time (AoT) compilation to pre-compute queries for repository interfaces that are then executed by a thin, lightweight runtime layer, and avoiding usage of reflection or runtime proxies.
Currently, Micronaut Predator provides runtime support for JPA (Hibernate) and SQL (JDBC). Some other implementations are planned in the future. In this article I’m going to show you how to include Micronaut Data in your application and use its main features for providing JPA data access.
1. Dependencies
The snapshot dependency of Micronaut Predator is available at, so first we need to include it to the repository list in our pom.xml
together with jcenter:
In addition to the standard libraries included for building a web application with Micronaut, we have to add the following dependencies: database driver (we will use PostgreSQL as the database for our sample application) and micronaut-predator-hibernate-jpa
Some Micronaut libraries including micronaut-predator-processor
have to be added to the annotation processor path. Such a configuration should be provided inside Maven Compiler Plugin configuration:
The current newest RC version of Micronaut is 1.2.0.RC:
2. Domain Model
Our database model consists of four tables as shown below. The same database model has been used for some of my previous examples including those for Spring Data usage. We have employee
table. Each employee is assigned to the exactly one department
and one organization
. Each department is assigned to exactly one organization. There is also table employment
, which provides a history of employment for every single employee.
Here is the implementation of entity classes corresponding to the database model. Let’s start from Employee
public class Employee {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "employee_id_seq")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "employee_id_seq", sequenceName = "employee_id_seq", allocationSize = 1)
private Long id;
private String name;
private int age;
private String position;
private int salary;
private Organization organization;
private Department department;
private Set<Employment> employments;
Here’s the implementation of Department
public class Department {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "department_id_seq")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "department_id_seq", sequenceName = "department_id_seq", allocationSize = 1)
private Long id;
private String name;
private Set<Employee> employees;
private Organization organization;
And here’s Organization
public class Organization {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "organization_id_seq")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "organization_id_seq", sequenceName = "organization_id_seq", allocationSize = 1)
private Long id;
private String name;
private String address;
private Set<Department> departments;
private Set<Employee> employees;
And the last entity Employment
public class Employment {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "employment_id_seq")
@SequenceGenerator(name = "employment_id_seq", sequenceName = "employment_id_seq", allocationSize = 1)
private Long id;
private Employee employee;
private Organization organization;
private Date start;
private Date end;
3. Creating JPA repositories with Micronaut Data
If you are familiar with the Spring Data repositories pattern, you won’t have any problems when using Micronaut repositories. The approach to declaring repositories and building queries is the same as in Spring Data. You need to declare an interface (or an abstract class) annotated with @Repository
that extends interface CrudRepository
. CrudRepository
is not the only one interface that can be extended. You can also use GenericRepository
, AsyncCrudRepository
for asynchronous operations, ReactiveStreamsCrudRepository
for reactive CRUD execution or PageableRepository
that adds methods for pagination. The typical repository declaration looks like as shown below.
public interface EmployeeRepository extends CrudRepository<Employee, Long> {
Set<EmployeeDTO> findBySalaryGreaterThan(int salary);
Set<EmployeeDTO> findByOrganization(Organization organization);
int findAvgSalaryByAge(int age);
int findAvgSalaryByOrganization(Organization organization);
I have declared there some additional find methods. The most common query prefix is found, but you can also use search, query, get, read, or retrieve. The first two queries return all employees with a salary greater than a given value and all employees assigned to a given organization. The Employee
entity is in many-to-one relation with Organization
, so we may also use relational fields as query parameters. It is noteworthy that both two queries return DTO objects as a result inside the collection. That’s possible because Micronaut Predator supports reflection-free Data Transfer Object (DTO) projections if the return type is annotated with @Introspected
. Here’s the declaration of EmployeeDTO
public class EmployeeDTO {
private String name;
private int age;
private String position;
private int salary;
The EmployeeRepository
contains two other methods using aggregation expressions. Method findAvgSalaryByAge
counts average salary by a given age of employees, while findAvgSalaryByOrganization
counts avarage salary by a given organization.
For comparison, let’s take a look on another repository implementation EmploymentRepository
. We need two additional find methods. First findByEmployeeOrderByStartDesc
for searching employment history for a given employee ordered by start date. The second method finds employment without an end date set, which in fact means that’s the employment for a current job.
public interface EmploymentRepository extends CrudRepository<Employment, Long> {
Set<EmploymentDTO> findByEmployeeOrderByStartDesc(Employee employee);
Employment findByEmployeeAndEndIsNull(Employee employee);
Micronaut Predator is able to automatically manage transactions. You just need to annotate your method with @Transactional
. In the source code fragment visible below you may see the method used for changing a job by an employee. We are performing a bunch of save operations inside that method. First, we change the target department and organization for a given employee, then we are creating new employment history record for a new job, and also setting end date for the previous employment entity (found using repository method findByEmployeeAndEndIsNull
DepartmentRepository departmentRepository;
EmployeeRepository employeeRepository;
EmploymentRepository employmentRepository;
public void changeJob(Long employeeId, Long targetDepartmentId) {
Optional<Employee> employee = employeeRepository.findById(employeeId);
employee.ifPresent(employee1 -> {
Optional<Department> department = departmentRepository.findById(targetDepartmentId);
department.ifPresent(department1 -> {
Employment employment = new Employment(employee1, department1.getOrganization(), new Date());;
Employment previousEmployment = employmentRepository.findByEmployeeAndEndIsNull(employee1);
previousEmployment.setEnd(new Date());;
Ok, now let’s move on to the last repository implementation discussed in this section – OrganizationRepository
. Since Organization
entity is in lazy load one-to-many relation with Employee
and Department
, we need to fetch data to present dependencies in the output. To achieve that we can use @Join
annotation on the repository interface with specifying JOIN FETCH
. Since the @Join
annotation is repeatable it can be specified multiple times for different associations as shown below.
public interface OrganizationRepository extends CrudRepository<Organization, Long> {
@Join(value = "departments", type = Join.Type.LEFT_FETCH)
@Join(value = "employees", type = Join.Type.LEFT_FETCH)
Optional<Organization> findByName(String name);
4. Batch operations
Micronaut Predator repositories support batch operations. It can be sometimes useful, for example in automatic tests. Here’s my simple JUnit test that adds multiple employees into a single department inside an organization:
public void addMultiple() {
List<Employee> employees = Arrays.asList(
new Employee("Test1", 20, "Developer", 5000),
new Employee("Test2", 30, "Analyst", 15000),
new Employee("Test3", 40, "Manager", 25000),
new Employee("Test4", 25, "Developer", 9000),
new Employee("Test5", 23, "Analyst", 8000),
new Employee("Test6", 50, "Developer", 12000),
new Employee("Test7", 55, "Architect", 25000),
new Employee("Test8", 43, "Manager", 15000)
Organization organization = new Organization("TestWithEmployees", "TestAddress");
Organization organizationSaved =;
Department department = new Department("TestWithEmployees");
Department departmentSaved =;
employeeRepository.saveAll( -> {
return employee;
5. Controllers
Finally, the last implementation step – building REST controllers. OrganizationController
is pretty simple. It injects OrganizationRepository
and uses it for saving entities and searching their by name. Here’s the implementation:
public class OrganizationController {
OrganizationRepository repository;
public Long addOrganization(@Body Organization organization) {
Organization organization1 =;
return organization1.getId();
public Optional<Organization> findOrganization(@NotNull String name) {
return repository.findByName(name);
is a little bit more complicated. We have an implementation that exposes four additional find methods defined in EmployeeRepository
. There is also a method for adding a new employee and assigning it to the department, and changing the job implemented inside SampleService
public class EmployeeController {
EmployeeRepository repository;
OrganizationRepository organizationRepository;
SampleService service;
public Set<EmployeeDTO> findEmployeesBySalary(int salary) {
return repository.findBySalaryGreaterThan(salary);
public Set<EmployeeDTO> findEmployeesByOrganization(Long organizationId) {
Optional<Organization> organization = organizationRepository.findById(organizationId);
return repository.findByOrganization(organization.get());
public int findAvgSalaryByAge(int age) {
return repository.findAvgSalaryByAge(age);
public int findAvgSalaryByAge(Long organizationId) {
Optional<Organization> organization = organizationRepository.findById(organizationId);
return repository.findAvgSalaryByOrganization(organization.get());
public void addNewEmployee(@Body Employee employee, Long departmentId) {
service.hireEmployee(employee, departmentId);
public void changeJob(@Body ChangeJobRequest request) {
service.changeJob(request.getEmployeeId(), request.getTargetOrganizationId());
6. Configuring database connection
As usual we use Docker image for running database instances locally. Here’s the command that runs container with Postgres and expose it on port 5432
$ docker run -d --name postgres -p 5432:5432 -e POSTGRES_USER=predator -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=predator123 -e POSTGRES_DB=predator postgres
After startup my Postgres instance is available on the virtual address
, so I have to set it in the Micronaut application.yml
. Besides database connection settings we will also set some JPA properties, that enable SQL logging and automatically applies model changes into a database schema. Here’s full configuration of our sample application inside application.yml
name: sample-micronaut-jpa
bean-introspection-module: true
url: jdbc:postgresql://
driverClassName: org.postgresql.Driver
username: predator
password: predator123
auto: update
show_sql: true
The support for ORM was one of the most expected features for the Micronaut Framework. Not only it will be available in the release version soon, but it is almost 1.5x faster than Spring Data JPA – following this article created by the leader of Micronaut Project Graeme Rocher. In my opinion, the support for ORM via project Predator may be the reason that developers decide to use Micronaut instead of Spring Boot.
In this article, I have demonstrated the most interesting features of Micronaut Data JPA. I think that it will be continuously improved, and we see some new useful features soon. The sample application source code snippet is, as usual, available on GitHub: Before starting with Micronaut Data it is worth reading about the basics: Micronaut Tutorial: Beans and scopes.
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