An Advanced GraphQL with Spring Boot and Netflix DGS

In this article, you will learn how to use the Netflix DGS library to simplify GraphQL development with Spring Boot. We will discuss more advanced topics related to GraphQL and databases, like filtering or relationship fetching. I published a similar article some months ago: An Advanced Guide to GraphQL with Spring Boot. However, it is based on a different library called GraphQL Java Kickstart ( Since Netflix DGS has been released some months ago, you might want to take look at it. So, that’s what we will do now.
Netflix DGS is an annotation-based GraphQL Java library built on top of Spring Boot. Consequently, it is dedicated to Spring Boot applications. Besides the annotation-based programming model, it provides several useful features. Netflix DGS allows generating source code from GraphQL schemas. It simplifies writing unit tests and also supports websockets, file uploads, or GraphQL federation. In order to show you the differences between this library and the previously described Kickstart library, I’ll use the same Spring Boot application as before. Let me just briefly describe our scenario.
Source Code
If you would like to try it by yourself, you may always take a look at my source code. In order to do that you need to clone my GitHub repository. Then you should just follow my instructions.
First, you should go to the sample-app-netflix-dgs
directory. The example with GraphQL Java Kickstart is available inside the sample-app-kickstart
As I mentioned before, we use the same schema and entity model as before. I created an application that exposes API using GraphQL and connects to H2 in-memory database. We will discuss Spring Boot GraphQL JPA support. For integration with the H2 database, I’m using Spring Data JPA and Hibernate. I have implemented three entities Employee
, Department
and Organization
– each of them stored in the separated table. A relationship model between them is visualized in the picture below.

1. Dependencies for Spring Boot and Netflix GraphQL
Let’s start with dependencies. We need to include Spring Web, Spring Data JPA, and the com.database:h2
artifact for running an in-memory database with our application. Of course, we also have to include Netflix DGS Spring Boot Starter. Here’s a list of required dependencies in Maven pom.xml
2. GraphQL schemas
Before we start implementation, we need to create GraphQL schemas with objects, queries, and mutations. A schema may be defined in multiple graphqls
files, but all of them have to be placed inside the /src/main/resources/schemas
directory. Thanks to that, the Netflix DGS library detects and loads them automatically.
GraphQL schema for each entity is located in the separated file. Let’s take a look at the department.graphqls
file. There is the QueryResolver
with two find methods and the MutationResolver
with a single method for adding new departments. We also have an input object for mutation and a standard type definition for queries.
type QueryResolver {
departments: [Department]
department(id: ID!): Department!
type MutationResolver {
newDepartment(department: DepartmentInput!): Department
input DepartmentInput {
name: String!
organizationId: Int
type Department {
id: ID!
name: String!
organization: Organization
employees: [Employee]
Then we may take a look at the organization.graphqls
file. It is a little bit more complicated than the previous schema. As you see I’m using the keyword extend
on QueryResolver
and MutationResolver
. That’s because we have several files with GraphQL schemas.
extend type QueryResolver {
organizations: [Organization]
organization(id: ID!): Organization!
extend type MutationResolver {
newOrganization(organization: OrganizationInput!): Organization
input OrganizationInput {
name: String!
type Organization {
id: ID!
name: String!
employees: [Employee]
departments: [Department]
Finally, the schema for the Employee
entity. In contrast to the previous schemas, it has objects responsible for filtering like EmployeeFilter
. We also need to define the schema
object with mutation
and query
extend type QueryResolver {
employees: [Employee]
employeesWithFilter(filter: EmployeeFilter): [Employee]
employee(id: ID!): Employee!
extend type MutationResolver {
newEmployee(employee: EmployeeInput!): Employee
input EmployeeInput {
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
position: String!
salary: Int
age: Int
organizationId: Int!
departmentId: Int!
type Employee {
id: ID!
firstName: String!
lastName: String!
position: String!
salary: Int
age: Int
department: Department
organization: Organization
input EmployeeFilter {
salary: FilterField
age: FilterField
position: FilterField
input FilterField {
operator: String!
value: String!
schema {
query: QueryResolver
mutation: MutationResolver
3. Domain Model for GraphQL and Hibernate
We could have generated Java source code using previously defined GraphQL schemas. However, I prefer to use Lombok annotations, so I will do it manually. Here’s the Employee
entity corresponding to the Employee
object defined in GraphQL schema.
@EqualsAndHashCode(onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
public class Employee {
private Integer id;
private String firstName;
private String lastName;
private String position;
private int salary;
private int age;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Department department;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Organization organization;
Also, let’s take a look at the Department
@EqualsAndHashCode(onlyExplicitlyIncluded = true)
public class Department {
private Integer id;
private String name;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "department")
private Set<Employee> employees;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
private Organization organization;
The input objects are much simpler. Just to compare, here’s the DepartmentInput
public class DepartmentInput {
private String name;
private Integer organizationId;
4. Using Netflix DGS with Spring Boot
Netflix DGS provides annotation-based support for Spring Boot. Let’s analyze the most interesting features using the example implementation of a query resolver. The EmployeeFetcher
is responsible for defining queries related to the Employee
object. We should annotate such a class with @DgsComponent
(1). We may create our custom context definition to pass data between different methods or even different query resolvers (2). Then, we have to annotate every query method with @DgsData
(3). The fields parentType
and fields
should match the names declared in GraphQL schemas. We defined three queries in the employee.graphqls
file, so we have three methods inside EmployeeFetcher
. After fetching all employees, we may save them in our custom context object (4), and then reuse them in other methods or resolvers (5).
The last query method findWithFilter
performs advanced filtering based on the dynamic list of fields passed in the input (6). To pass an input parameter we should annotate the method argument with @InputArgument
@DgsComponent // (1)
public class EmployeeFetcher {
private EmployeeRepository repository;
private EmployeeContextBuilder contextBuilder; // (2)
public EmployeeFetcher(EmployeeRepository repository,
EmployeeContextBuilder contextBuilder) {
this.repository = repository;
this.contextBuilder = contextBuilder;
@DgsData(parentType = "QueryResolver", field = "employees") // (3)
public List<Employee> findAll() {
List<Employee> employees = (List<Employee>) repository.findAll();
contextBuilder.withEmployees(employees).build(); // (4)
return employees;
@DgsData(parentType = "QueryResolver", field = "employee")
public Employee findById(@InputArgument("id") Integer id,
DataFetchingEnvironment dfe) {
EmployeeContext employeeContext = DgsContext.getCustomContext(dfe); // (5)
List<Employee> employees = employeeContext.getEmployees();
Optional<Employee> employeeOpt =
.filter(employee -> employee.getId().equals(id)).findFirst();
return employeeOpt.orElseGet(() ->
@DgsData(parentType = "QueryResolver", field = "employeesWithFilter")
public Iterable<Employee> findWithFilter(@InputArgument("filter") EmployeeFilter filter) { // (6)
Specification<Employee> spec = null;
if (filter.getSalary() != null)
spec = bySalary(filter.getSalary());
if (filter.getAge() != null)
spec = (spec == null ? byAge(filter.getAge()) : spec.and(byAge(filter.getAge())));
if (filter.getPosition() != null)
spec = (spec == null ? byPosition(filter.getPosition()) :
if (spec != null)
return repository.findAll(spec);
return repository.findAll();
private Specification<Employee> bySalary(FilterField filterField) {
return (root, query, builder) ->
filterField.generateCriteria(builder, root.get("salary"));
private Specification<Employee> byAge(FilterField filterField) {
return (root, query, builder) ->
filterField.generateCriteria(builder, root.get("age"));
private Specification<Employee> byPosition(FilterField filterField) {
return (root, query, builder) ->
filterField.generateCriteria(builder, root.get("position"));
Then, we may switch to the DepartmentFetcher
class. It shows the example of relationship fetching. We use DataFetchingEnvironment
to detect if the input query contains a relationship field (1). In our case, it may be employees
or organization
. If any of those fields is defined we add the relation to the JOIN statement (2). We implement the same approach for both findById
(3) and findAll
methods. However, the findById
method also uses data stored in the custom context represented by the EmployeeContext
bean (4). If the method findAll
in EmployeeFetcher
has already been invoked, we can fetch employees assigned to the particular department from the context instead of including the relation to the JOIN statement (5).
public class DepartmentFetcher {
private DepartmentRepository repository;
DepartmentFetcher(DepartmentRepository repository) {
this.repository = repository;
@DgsData(parentType = "QueryResolver", field = "departments")
public Iterable<Department> findAll(DataFetchingEnvironment environment) {
DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet s = environment.getSelectionSet(); // (1)
List<Specification<Department>> specifications = new ArrayList<>();
if (s.contains("employees") && !s.contains("organization")) // (2)
return repository.findAll(fetchEmployees());
else if (!s.contains("employees") && s.contains("organization"))
return repository.findAll(fetchOrganization());
else if (s.contains("employees") && s.contains("organization"))
return repository.findAll(fetchEmployees().and(fetchOrganization()));
return repository.findAll();
@DgsData(parentType = "QueryResolver", field = "department")
public Department findById(@InputArgument("id") Integer id,
DataFetchingEnvironment environment) { // (3)
Specification<Department> spec = byId(id);
DataFetchingFieldSelectionSet selectionSet = environment.getSelectionSet();
EmployeeContext employeeContext = DgsContext.getCustomContext(environment); // (4)
Set<Employee> employees = null;
if (selectionSet.contains("employees")) {
if (employeeContext.getEmployees().size() == 0) // (5)
spec = spec.and(fetchEmployees());
employees = employeeContext.getEmployees().stream()
.filter(emp -> emp.getDepartment().getId().equals(id))
if (selectionSet.contains("organization"))
spec = spec.and(fetchOrganization());
Department department = repository
if (employees != null)
return department;
private Specification<Department> fetchOrganization() {
return (root, query, builder) -> {
Fetch<Department, Organization> f = root.fetch("organization", JoinType.LEFT);
Join<Department, Organization> join = (Join<Department, Organization>) f;
return join.getOn();
private Specification<Department> fetchEmployees() {
return (root, query, builder) -> {
Fetch<Department, Employee> f = root.fetch("employees", JoinType.LEFT);
Join<Department, Employee> join = (Join<Department, Employee>) f;
return join.getOn();
private Specification<Department> byId(Integer id) {
return (root, query, builder) -> builder.equal(root.get("id"), id);
In comparison to the data fetchers implementation of mutation handlers is rather simple. We just need to define a single method for adding new entities. Here’s the implementation of DepartmentMutation
public class DepartmentMutation {
private DepartmentRepository departmentRepository;
private OrganizationRepository organizationRepository;
DepartmentMutation(DepartmentRepository departmentRepository,
OrganizationRepository organizationRepository) {
this.departmentRepository = departmentRepository;
this.organizationRepository = organizationRepository;
@DgsData(parentType = "MutationResolver", field = "newDepartment")
public Department newDepartment(DepartmentInput input) {
Organization organization = organizationRepository
return departmentRepository
.save(new Department(null, input.getName(), null, organization));
5. Running Spring Boot application and testing Netflix GraphQL support
The last step in our exercise is to run and test the Spring Boot application. It inserts some test data to the H2 database on startup. So, let’s just use the GraphiQL tool to run test queries. It is automatically included in the application by the Netflix DGS library. We may display it by invoking the URL http://localhost:8080/graphiql
In the first step, we run the GraphQL query responsible for fetching all employees with departments. The method that handles the query also builds a custom context and stores there all existing employees.

Then, we may run a query responsible for finding a single department by its id
. We will fetch both relations one-to-many with Employee
and many-to-one with Organization

While the Organization
entity is fetched using the JOIN statement, Employee
is taken from the context. Here’s the SQL query generated for our current scenario.

Finally, we can test our filtering feature. Let’s filter employees using salary
and age

Let’s take a look at the SQL query for the recently called method.

Final Thoughts
Netflix DGS seems to be an interesting alternative to other libraries that provide support for GraphQL with Spring Boot. It has been open-sourced some weeks ago, but it is rather a stable solution. I guess that before releasing it publicly, the Netflix team has tested it in the battle. I like its annotation-based programming style and several other features. This article will help you in starting with Netflix DGS.