Getting Started with GitOps on Kubernetes with Devtron

In this article, you will learn how to use Devtron to build a pipeline on Kubernetes according to the GitOps pattern. We will build and deploy a Spring Boot application that exposes HTTP endpoints and connects to the Mongo database. We are going to focus on the delivery part. Devtron uses Argo CD for that. It stores the whole configuration required for deployment in git. It simplifies the process so that we don’t need to have any experience with Argo CD to start. Let’s begin!
If you are interested in more tips about CI/CD on Kubernetes you may also read my article about Tekton and Argo CD.
Of course, you need a running Kubernetes cluster to start. The best way to install Devtron on Kubernetes is by using Helm. I won’t get into the details. You can find instructions in the Devtron materials here. Once you install it on your cluster you can display a list of running pods in the devtroncd
namespace. There are a lot of tools there, but the most important for us are Argo CD and, of course, Devtron.
$ kubectl get pod -n devtroncd
Since there are a lot of apps, you should have sufficient resources for your Kubernetes cluster. I have 12GB of memory intended for the cluster and everything works perfectly fine on the local machine. The first step is to access the Devtron dashboard. For me, it is available at the localhost
, and port 80
. You can check what is your address by executing the following command:
$ kubectl get svc -n devtroncd devtron-service \
-o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress}'
Then, you need to log in as an administrator. The default username is admin
. In order to obtain a password, you need to display the secret devtron-secret
$ kubectl -n devtroncd get secret devtron-secret \
-o jsonpath='{.data.ACD_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d
Source Code
If you would like to try this exercise yourself, you may always take a look at my source code. In order to do that, you need to clone my GitHub repository. After that, you can follow my instructions.
Configure GitOps on Devtron
Before we start with the application pipeline, we need to configure some things on GitHub and Devtron. I’m using my public account on GitHub. Firstly, we need to create an organization pinned to our GitHub account. The name of my organization for this demo is piomin-devtron-test

We also need to generate a personal access token on GitHub. In order to do that, go to Settings
, then Developer Settings
, and Personal access tokens
. You should click the button Generate new token.
Devtron requires to have write access to the account repositories because it creates a new repository and makes changes there.

Once you did that, you can configure access to the GitHub organization in your Devtron dashboard. Go to Global Configurations in the left-side menu, and then choose the GitOps
tab. Finally, you can provide all the required settings as shown below.

Then switch to another tab in the current menu – Clusters & Environments
. We will add three environments for our sample app. Like the exercise, we will promote it from the test
environment to the stage
environment, and finally to the production.

Build Delivery Pipeline with Devtron
Our pipeline consists of five steps. The first two of them are related to a CI process. We need to clone the Git repository and build the image from a Dockerfile. After that, we are deploying the image automatically to the test
environment. The promotion to the higher environments (stage
, prod
) required manual approval. Here’s the screen from the Devtron dashboard that illustrates our pipeline.

We can easily define each pipeline deployment step in Devtron. We need to set the target environment, namespace, and deployment strategy.

In order to switch from the automatic deployment to the manual approval, we need to go to the Advanced Options
. In production, I’m also changing the default deployment strategy to the CANARY

Deployment Template and Configuration
Let’s take a brief look at our sample Spring Boot application. As I mentioned before, it connects to a Mongo database and exposes API over HTTP. The address and database connection credentials are available for the app as environment variables. There are four variables configured in the Spring application.yml
. The default web port is 8080
. However, we are also going to expose port 8081
for the management endpoints. It includes health checks or metrics. We will use those endpoints for configuring liveness and readiness endpoints on Kubernetes. Additionally, we may expose a health check under the main web port 8080
. Here’s the configuration of our Spring Boot app in the application.yml
name: sample-spring-boot-on-kubernetes
host: ${MONGO_URL}
port: 27017
username: ${MONGO_USERNAME}
password: ${MONGO_PASSWORD}
database: ${MONGO_DATABASE}
authentication-database: admin
include: "*"
show-details: always
include: mongo
additional-path: server:/readiness
enabled: true
port: 8081
With Spring Boot, we can expose some basic information about the app as an HTTP endpoint. It includes e.g. a version from Maven pom.xml
. Then, we will use that information in our tests after releasing a new version of the app. To enable it, we need to include a build-info
execution goal for the Spring Boot Maven Plugin:
Devtron simplifies GitOps for applications running on Kubernetes. After creating a new application with Devtron we will use an example template for deployment. In this template, we do not define Kubernetes objects directly, but just configure the behavior of our deployment. We need to expose both HTTP ports 8080
and 8081
outside the app, define liveness and readiness probes, configure resource limits, and a number of replicas. Here’s the full template for our sample deployment:
- name: app
port: 8080
servicePort: 80
- name: mgmt
port: 8081
servicePort: 81
Path: /actuator/health/liveness
command: []
failureThreshold: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 10
port: 8081
successThreshold: 1
tcp: false
timeoutSeconds: 5
Path: /readiness
command: []
failureThreshold: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 30
periodSeconds: 10
port: 8080
successThreshold: 1
tcp: false
timeoutSeconds: 5
replicaCount: 2
cpu: "0.5"
memory: 512Mi
cpu: "0.05"
memory: 256Mi
image: ""
image_tag: 1-95af053
type: ClusterIP
In the next step, we should inject environment variables with database address and credentials into the app. Once again, we can easily do it with Devtron. Firstly, go to the Secrets
tab inside the App Configuration
. Then click the Add Secret
button. You can choose any name you want. For me it is mongo-secret

Inside that secret, we just need to provide a list of environment variables with values.

How Devtron uses Argo CD and GitOps
The whole magic happens in the background. Once you create a configuration in the Devtron dashboard, it automatically creates a Git repository with YAML manifests. The name of the repository corresponds to the name application created in Devtron.

Devtron uses Helm as a tool for manifests templates. Argo CD supports Helm.

Devtron also creates an Argo CD application for each of the defined environments in the devtroncd
namespace. Here’s the YAML manifest with that CRD object:
kind: Application
name: spring-boot-on-kubernetes-test
namespace: devtroncd
namespace: test
server: 'https://kubernetes.default.svc'
project: default
- _2-values.yaml
path: reference-chart_4-11-0/4.11.1
repoURL: >-
targetRevision: HEAD
prune: true
duration: 5s
factor: 2
maxDuration: 5s
limit: 1
Of course, we can access the Argo CD Dashboard to see the list of applications. Since we defined three environments in Devtron, there are three Argo CD applications. Each of them is for a particular environment.

If you use Devtron, in fact, you don’t have to know anything about the Argo CD instance. You can do all the required steps to deploy the application just by clicking everything in the Devtron dashboard. The goal of that section was to show you how Devtron automatically integrates with Argo CD to manage deployment according to the GitOps pattern.
Release a new version of the application
Let’s release and deploy a new version of our Spring Boot application on Kubernetes. To do that I will just change the number of the version in Maven pom.xml
and push it to the remote repository. This change is made in the application repository. The current version is 1.3-SNAPSHOT

A build in Devtron starts automatically after detecting a new push in the application repository. Then a new version of the app is automatically deployed on the test

No matter which type of a deployment strategy (e.g. ROLLING
) we choose, Devtron creates the Argo CD Rollout
object to run the app on Kubernetes. We can see the whole object by running the following command:
$ kubectl get rollout spring-boot-on-kubernetes-test -n test -o yaml
According to the configuration, there is also a Service
created. To perform a simple check, let’s first enable port forwarding for our service:
$ kubectl port-forward service/spring-boot-on-kubernetes-test-service 8081:81 -n test
Then we can call the GET /actuator/info endpoint to display the current version of our sample application:
$ curl http://localhost:8081/actuator/info | json_pp
"build" : {
"group" : "pl.piomin.samples",
"version" : "1.3-SNAPSHOT",
"time" : "2022-04-25T14:41:42.473Z",
"name" : "sample-spring-boot-on-kubernetes",
"artifact" : "sample-spring-boot-on-kubernetes"
Coming back to our pipeline, deploy the latest version of our application to the stage
environment. Since we set a manual approval, we need to select the image to deploy. Devtron allows you to choose between previous images deployed to the current environment and the image deployed to the test
environment. We will use the latest version that has already been deployed in the test

Finally, we can repeat the same step for the prod
environment. It will take some time since we have 4 replicas on production and CANARY
release enabled. Devtron tries to run a pod with a new version in 2-minute intervals as shown below.

Here’s the current view of our pipeline.

A canary release is possible thanks to the Argo Rollouts. Let’s take a look at the Rollout
object created for the prod
kind: Rollout
name: spring-boot-on-kubernetes-prod
namespace: prod
minReadySeconds: 60
replicas: 4
revisionHistoryLimit: 3
app: spring-boot-on-kubernetes
release: spring-boot-on-kubernetes-prod
maxSurge: 25%
maxUnavailable: 1
stableService: spring-boot-on-kubernetes-prod-service
- setWeight: 25
- pause:
duration: 15
- setWeight: 50
- pause:
duration: 15
- setWeight: 75
- pause:
duration: 15
Configuration per environment
And the last thing in our GitOps exercise with Devtron. Since we need more replicas in production than in other environments, we had to create a different deployment template. With Devtron we can easily override deployment templates for any environment. In the app configuration tab, you need to access the Environment Overrides
section. Then just choose a particular environment and create a specific template there.

Final Thoughts
Devtron greatly simplifies the CI/CD process on Kubernetes. It provides a UI for building and managing pipelines. Thanks to that you may have GitOps and pipelines working together smoothly, where you can e.g. deploy only a version already deployed on the previous environment. It automates a lot of things, like creating a Git repository or Helm-based templates. For more information about Devtron, you can access the project’s Git repository here.
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