Manage Kubernetes Cluster with Terraform and Argo CD

In this article, you will learn how to create a Kubernetes cluster with Terraform and then manage it with Argo CD. Terraform is very useful for automating infrastructure. On the other hand, Argo CD helps us implement GitOps and continuous delivery for our applications. It seems that we can successfully combine both these tools. Let’s consider how they can help us to work with Kubernetes in the GitOps style.
For a basic introduction to using Argo CD on Kubernetes, you may refer to this article.
First of all, I would like to define the whole cluster and store its configuration in Git. I can’t use only Argo CD to achieve it, because Argo CD must run on the existing Kubernetes cluster. That’s why I need a tool that is able to create a cluster and then install Argo CD there. In that case, Terraform seems to be a natural choice. On the other hand, I don’t want to use Terraform to manage apps running on Kubernetes. It is perfect for a one-time activity like creating a cluster, but not for continuous tasks like app delivery and configuration management.
Here’s the list of things we are going to do:
- In the first step, we will create a local Kubernetes cluster using Terraform
- Then we will install OLM (Operator Lifecycle Manager) on the cluster. We need it to install Kafka with Strimzi (Step 5)
- We will use Terraform to install Argo CD from the Helm chart and create a single Argo CD
responsible for the whole cluster configuration based on Git - After that, Argo CD
installs Strimzi Operator, creates Argo CDProject
dedicated to Kafka installation and Argo CDApplication
that runs Kafka on Kubernetes - Finally, the Argo CD Application automatically creates all the CRD objects required for running Kafka
The most important thing here is that everything should happen after running the terraform apply
command. Terraform installs Argo CD, and then Argo CD installs Kafka, which is our sample app in that scenario. Let’s see how it works.

Source Code
If you would like to try it by yourself, you may always take a look at my source code. In order to do that you need to clone my GitHub repository. After that, you should just follow my instructions. Let’s begin.
1. Create Kubernetes Cluster with Terraform
In order to easily create a Kubernetes cluster, we will use Kind. There is a dedicated Terraform provider for Kind available here. Of course, you can run Kubernetes on any cloud, and you will also find Terraform providers for that.
Our cluster consists of three worker nodes and a single master node. We need three nodes because finally, we will install a Kafka cluster running in three instances. Each of them will be deployed on a different node. Here’s our Terraform
file for that step. We need to define the latest version of the tehcyx/kind
provider (which is 0.0.12
) in the required_providers
section. The name of our cluster is cluster1
. We will also enable the wait_for_ready
option, to proceed to the next steps after the cluster is ready.
terraform {
required_providers {
kind = {
source = "tehcyx/kind"
version = "0.0.12"
provider "kind" {}
resource "kind_cluster" "default" {
name = "cluster-1"
wait_for_ready = true
kind_config {
kind = "Cluster"
api_version = ""
node {
role = "control-plane"
node {
role = "worker"
image = "kindest/node:v1.23.4"
node {
role = "worker"
image = "kindest/node:v1.23.4"
node {
role = "worker"
image = "kindest/node:v1.23.4"
Just to verify a configuration you can run the command terraform init
, and then terraform plan
. After that, you could apply the configuration using terraform apply
, but as you probably remember we will do it after the last all the configuration is ready to apply everything in one command.
2. Install OLM on Kubernetes
As I mentioned before, Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) is a prerequisite for installing the Strimzi Kafka operator. You can find the latest release of OLM here. In fact, it comes down to applying two YAML manifests on Kubernetes. The first of them crds.yaml
contains CRD definitions. The second of them olm.yaml
provides all required Kubernetes objects to install OLM. Let’s just copy both these files into the local directory inside our Terraform repository. In order to apply them to Kubernetes, we first need to enable the Terraform kubectl
terraform {
required_providers {
kubectl = {
source = "gavinbunney/kubectl"
version = ">= 1.7.0"
Why do we use the kubectl
provider instead of the official Terraform Kubernetes provider? The crds.yaml
contains pretty large CRDs that go over size limits. We can easily solve that problem by enabling the server-side apply on the kubectl
provider. The next case is that there are multiple Kubernetes objects defined inside both the YAML files. The kubectl
provider supports it via the for_each
data "kubectl_file_documents" "crds" {
content = file("olm/crds.yaml")
resource "kubectl_manifest" "crds_apply" {
for_each = data.kubectl_file_documents.crds.manifests
yaml_body = each.value
wait = true
server_side_apply = true
data "kubectl_file_documents" "olm" {
content = file("olm/olm.yaml")
resource "kubectl_manifest" "olm_apply" {
depends_on = [data.kubectl_file_documents.crds]
for_each = data.kubectl_file_documents.olm.manifests
yaml_body = each.value
Le’s consider the last case in this section. Before applying any YAML we are creating a new Kubernetes cluster in the previous step. Therefore, we cannot use the existing context. Fortunately, we can use the output arguments from the kubectl
provider with the Kubernetes address and auth credentials.
provider "kubectl" {
host = "${kind_cluster.default.endpoint}"
cluster_ca_certificate = "${kind_cluster.default.cluster_ca_certificate}"
client_certificate = "${kind_cluster.default.client_certificate}"
client_key = "${kind_cluster.default.client_key}"
3. Install Argo CD with Helm
This is the last step on the Terraform side. We are going to install Argo CD using its Helm chart. We also need to create a single Argo CD Application
responsible for the cluster management. This Application
will install the Kafka Strimzi operator and create another Argo CD Application
‘s used e.g. for running the Kafka cluster. In the first step, we need to do the same thing as before: define a provider and set the Kubernetes cluster address. Here’s our definition in Terraform:
provider "helm" {
kubernetes {
host = "${kind_cluster.default.endpoint}"
cluster_ca_certificate = "${kind_cluster.default.cluster_ca_certificate}"
client_certificate = "${kind_cluster.default.client_certificate}"
client_key = "${kind_cluster.default.client_key}"
The tricky thing here is that we need to create the Application
just after Argo CD installation. By default, Terraform verifies if there are required CRD objects on Kubernetes. In that case, it requires the Application
CRD from
. Fortunately, we can use the Helm chart parameter allowing us to pass the declaration of additional Application
s. In order to do that, we have to set a custom values.yaml
file. Here’s the Terraform declaration for the Argo CD installation:
resource "helm_release" "argocd" {
name = "argocd"
repository = ""
chart = "argo-cd"
namespace = "argocd"
version = "4.9.7"
create_namespace = true
values = [
In order to create an initial Application
, we need to use the Helm chart server.additionalApplications
parameter as shown. Here’s the whole argocd/application.yaml
file. To simplify, the configuration used by Argo CD is located in the repository as Terraform configuration. You can find all the required YAMLs in the argocd/manifests
- name: cluster-config
namespace: argocd
project: default
targetRevision: HEAD
path: argocd/manifests/cluster
recurse: true
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
prune: false
selfHeal: false
4. Configure Kubernetes cluster with Argo CD
The last two steps are managed by Argo CD. We have successfully completed the Kubernetes cluster installation process. Now, it’s time to install our first application there. Our example app is Kafka. So, firstly we need to install the Kafka Strimzi operator. To do that, we just need to define a Subscription
object managed by the previously installed OLM. The definition is available in the repository as the strimzi.yaml
kind: Subscription
name: my-strimzi-kafka-operator
namespace: operators
channel: stable
name: strimzi-kafka-operator
source: operatorhubio-catalog
sourceNamespace: olm
We could configure a lot of aspects related to the whole cluster here. However, we just need to create a dedicated Argo CD Project
and Application
for Kafka configuration. Here’s our Project
kind: AppProject
name: kafka
namespace: argocd
- group: '*'
kind: '*'
- name: '*'
namespace: '*'
server: '*'
- '*'
Let’s place the kafka
ArgoCD Application
inside the newly created Project
kind: Application
name: kafka
namespace: argocd
namespace: kafka
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
project: kafka
path: argocd/manifests/kafka
targetRevision: HEAD
- CreateNamespace=true
5. Create Kafka Cluster using GitOps
Finally, the last part of our exercise. We will create and run a 3-node Kafka cluster on Kind. Here’s the Kafka
object definition we store in Git. We are setting 3 replicas for both Kafka and Zookeeper (used by the Kafka cluster). This manifest is available in the repository under the path argocd/manifests/kafka/cluster.yaml
. We are exposing the cluster on 9092
(plain) and 9093
(TLS) ports. The Kafka cluster has storage mounted as the PVC into the Deployment
kind: Kafka
name: my-cluster
replicas: 3
version: 3.2.0
type: inline
kafka.root.logger.level: "INFO"
auto.create.topics.enable: "false"
offsets.topic.replication.factor: 3
transaction.state.log.replication.factor: 3
transaction.state.log.min.isr: 2
default.replication.factor: 3
min.insync.replicas: 2 "3.2"
- name: plain
port: 9092
type: internal
tls: false
- name: tls
port: 9093
type: internal
tls: true
type: jbod
- id: 0
type: persistent-claim
size: 30Gi
deleteClaim: true
replicas: 3
type: persistent-claim
size: 10Gi
deleteClaim: true
topicOperator: {}
userOperator: {}
We will also define a single Kafka Topic inside the argocd/manifests/kafka/cluster.yaml
kind: KafkaTopic
name: my-topic
labels: my-cluster
partitions: 10
replicas: 3
Execution on Kubernetes
We have already prepared all the required scripts. Let’s proceed to the execution phase. If you still haven’t cloned the Git repository it’s time to do it:
$ git clone
$ cd sample-terraform-kubernetes-argocd
Firstly, let’s initialize our working directory containing Terraform configuration:
$ terraform init
Once we do it, we may preview a list of actions to perform:
$ terraform plan
You should receive a pretty large content as a response. Here’s the last part of my result:

If everything looks fine and there are no errors we may proceed to the next (final) step. Let’s begin the process:
$ terraform apply
All 24 objects should be successfully applied. Here’s the last part of the logs:

Now, you should have your cluster ready and running. Let’s display a list of Kind clusters:
$ kind get clusters
The name of our cluster is cluster-1
. But the name of the Kubernetes context is kind-cluster-1

Let’s display a list of applications deployed on the Kind cluster. You should have at least Argo CD and OLM installed. After some time Argo CD applies the configuration stored in the Git repository. Then, you should see the Kafka Strimzi operator installed in the operators

Argo CD
After that, we can go to the Argo CD web console. To access it easily on the local port let’s enable port-forward
$ kubectl port-forward service/argocd-server 8443:443 -n argocd
Now, you can display the Argo CD web console on the https://localhost:8443
. The default username is admin
. The password is auto-generated by the Argo CD. You can find it inside the Kubernetes Secret
$ kubectl get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret -n argocd --template={{.data.password}} | base64 -D
Here’s the list of our Argo CD Application
s. The cluster-config has an auto-sync option enabled. It installs the Strimzi operator and creates kafka
Argo CD Application. I could also enable auto-sync for kafka
Application. But just for the demo purpose, I left there a manual approval. So, let’s run Kafka on our cluster. To do that click the Sync
button on the kafka

Once you do the Kafka installation is starting. Finally, you should have the whole cluster ready and running. Each Kafka and Zookeeper node are running on the different Kubernetes worker node:

That’s all. We created everything using a single Terraform command and one click on the Argo CD web console. Of course, we could enable auto-sync for the kafka
application, so we even don’t need to log in to the Argo CD web console for the final effect.