Development on Kubernetes Multicluster with Devtron

In this article, you will learn how to use Devtron for app development on Kubernetes in a multi-cluster environment. Devtron comes with tools for building, deploying, and managing microservices. It simplifies deployment on Kubernetes by providing intuitive UI and Helm charts support. Today, we will run a sample Spring Boot app using our custom Helm chart. We will deploy it in different namespaces across multiple Kubernetes clusters. Our sample app connects to the database, which runs on Kubernetes and has been deployed using the Devtron Helm chart support.
It’s not my first article about Devtron. You can read more about the GitOps approach with Devtron in this article. Today, I’m going to focus more on the developer-friendly features around Helm charts support.
Install Devtron on Kubernetes
In the first step, we will install Devtron on Kubernetes. There are two options for installation: with CI/CD module or without it. We won’t build a CI/CD process today, but there are some important features for our scenario included in this module. Firstly, let’s add the Devtron Helm repository:
$ helm repo add devtron
Then, we have to execute the following Helm command:
$ helm install devtron devtron/devtron-operator \
--create-namespace --namespace devtroncd \
--set installer.modules={cicd}
For detailed installation instructions please refer to the Devtron documentation available here.
Create Kubernetes Cluster with Kind
In order to prepare a multi-cluster environment on the local machine, we will use Kind. Let’s create the second Kubernetes cluster c1
by executing the following command:
$ kind create cluster --name c1
The second cluster is available as the kind-c1
context. It becomes a default context after you create a Kind cluster.

Now, our goal is to add the newly created Kind cluster as a managed cluster in Devtron. A single instance of Devtron can manage multiple Kubernetes clusters. Of course, by default, it just manages a local cluster. Before we add our Kind cluster to the Devtron dashboard, we should first configure privileges on that cluster. The following script will generate a bearer token for authentication purposes so that Devtron is able to communicate with the target cluster:
$ curl -O && bash cd-user devtroncd
The bearer token is printed in the output of that command. Just copy it.

We will also have to provide an URL of the master API of a target cluster. Since I’m running Kubernetes on Kind I need to get an internal address of the Docker container that contains Kind. In order to obtain it we need to run the following command:
$ docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' c1-control-plane
Here’s the IP address of my Kind cluster:

Now, we have all the required data to add a new managed cluster in the Devtron dashboard. In order to do that let’s navigate to the “Global Configuration” section. Then we need to choose the “Clusters and Environments” item and click the “Add cluster” button. We need to put the Kind cluster URL and previously generated bearer token.

If everything works fine, you should see the second cluster on the managed clusters list. Now, you also need to install the Devtron agent on Kind according to the message visible below:

Create Environments
In the next step, we will define three environments. In Devtron environment is assigned to the cluster. We will create a single environment on the local cluster (local
), and another two on the Kind cluster (remote-dev
, remote-devqa
). Each environment has a target namespace. In order to simplify, the name of the namespace is the same as the name environment. Of course, you may set any names you want.

Now, let’s switch to the “Clusters” view.

As you see there are two clusters connected to Devtron:

We can take a look at the details of each cluster. Here you can see a detailed view for the kind-c1

Add Custom Helm Repository
One of the most important Devtron features is support for Helm charts. We can deploy charts individually or by creating a group of charts. By default, there are several Helm repositories available in Devtron including bitnami
or elastic
. It is also possible to add a custom repository. That’s something that we are going to do. We have our own custom Helm repository with a chart for deploying the Spring Boot app. I have already published it on GitHub under the address The name of our chart is spring-boot-api-app
, and the latest version is 0.3.2

In order to add the custom repository in Devtron, we need to go to the “Global Configurations” section once again. Then go to the “Chart repositories” menu item, and click the “Add repository” button. As you see below, I added a new repository under the name piomin

Once you created a repository you can go to the “Chart Store” section to verify if the new chart is available.

Deploy the Spring Boot App with Devtron
Now, we can proceed to the most important part of our exercise – application deployment. Our sample Spring Boot app is available in the following repository on GitHub. It is a simple REST app written in Kotlin. It exposes some HTTP endpoints for adding and returning persons and uses an in-memory store. Here’s our Spring @RestController
class PersonController(val repository: PersonRepository) {
val log: Logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(
fun findById(@PathVariable id: Int): Person? {"findById({})", id)
return repository.findById(id)
fun findByAge(@PathVariable age: Int): List<Person> {"findByAge({})", age)
return repository.findByAge(age)
fun findAll(): List<Person> = repository.findAll()
fun add(@RequestBody person: Person): Person =
fun update(@RequestBody person: Person): Person = repository.update(person)
fun remove(@PathVariable id: Int): Boolean = repository.removeById(id)
Let’s imagine we are just working on the latest version of that, and we want to deploy it on Kubernetes to perform some development tests. In the first step, we will build the app locally and push the image to the container registry using Jib Maven Plugin. Here’s the required configuration:
Let’s build and push the image to the container registry using the following command:
$ mvn clean compile jib:build -Pjib,tomcat
Besides YAML templates our Helm repository also contains a JSON schema for values.yaml
validation. Thanks to that schema we would be able to take advantage of Devtron GUI for creating apps from the chart. Let’s see how it works. Once you click on our custom chart you will be redirected to the page with the details. The latest version of the chart is 0.3.2
. Just click the Deploy button.
On the next page, we need to provide a configuration of our app. The target environment is local
, which exists on the main cluster. Thanks to Devtron support for Helm values.schema.json
we define all values using the GUI form. For example, we can increase change the value of the image to the latest – 1.1

Once we deploy the app we may verify its status:

Let’s make some test calls. Our sample Spring Boot exposes Swagger UI, so we can easily send HTTP requests. To interact with the app running on Kubernetes we should enable port-forwarding for our service kubectl port-forward svc/sample-spring-boot-api 8080:8080
. After executing that command you can access the Swagger UI under the address http://localhost:8080/swagger-ui.html

Devtron allows us to view pod logs. We can “grep” them with our criteria. Let’s display the logs related to our test calls.

Deploy App to the Remote Cluster
Now, we will deploy our sample Spring Boot app to the remote cluster. In order to do that go to the same page as before, but instead of the local environment choose remote-dev
. It is related to the kind-c1

Now, there are two same applications running on two different clusters. We can do the same thing for the app running on the Kind cluster as for the local cluster, e.g. verify its status or check logs.

Deploy Group of Apps
Let’s assume we would like to deploy the app that connects to the database. We can do it in a single step using the Devtron feature called “Chart Group”. With that feature, we can place our Helm chart for Spring Boot and the chart for e.g. Postgres inside the same logical group. Then, we can just deploy the whole group into the target environment. In order to create a chart group go to the Chart Store menu and then click the “Create Group” button. You should set the name of the group and choose the charts that will be included. For me, these are bitnami/postgresql
and my custom Helm chart.

After creating a group you will see it on the main “Chart Store” page. Now, just click on it to deploy the apps.

After you click the tile with the chart group, you will be predicted to the deploy page.

After you click the “Deploy to…” button Devtron will redirect you to the next page. You can set there a target project and environment for all member charts of the group. We will deploy them to the remote-devqa
environment from the kind-c1
cluster. We can use the image from my Docker account: piomin/person:1.1
. By default, it tries to connect to the database postgres
on the postgres
host. The only thing we need to inject into the app container is the postgres
user password. It is available inside the postgresql
generated by the Bitnami Helm chart. To inject envs defined in that secret use the extraEnvVarsSecret
parameter in our custom Spring Boot chart. Finally, let’s deploy both Spring Boot and Postgres in the remove-devqa
namespace by clicking the “Deploy” button.

Here’s the final list of apps we have already deployed during this exercise:

Final Thoughts
With Devtron you can easily deploy applications across multiple Kubernetes clusters using Helm chart support. Devtron simplifies development on Kubernetes. You can deploy all required applications just with a “single click” with the chart group feature. Then you can manage and monitor them using a GUI dashboard. In general, you can do everything in the dashboard without passing any YAML manifests by yourself or executing kubectl
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