Sealed Secrets on Kubernetes with ArgoCD and Terraform

In this article, you will learn how to manage secrets securely on Kubernetes in the GitOps approach using Sealed Secrets, ArgoCD, and Terraform. We will use Terraform for setting up both Sealed Secrets and ArgoCD on the Kubernetes cluster. ArgoCD will realize the GitOps model by synchronizing encrypted secrets from the Git repository to the cluster. Sealed Secrets decrypts the data and create a standard Kubernetes Secret object instead of the encrypted SealedSecret
CRD from the Git repository.
How it works
Let’s discuss our architecture in greater detail. In the first step, we are installing ArgoCD and Sealed Secrets on Kubernetes with Terraform. In order to install both these tools, we will leverage Terraform support for Helm charts. During ArgoCD installation we will also create the Application that refers to the Git repository with configuration (1). This repository will contain YAML manifests including an encrypted version of our Kubernetes Secret
. When Terraform installs Sealed Secrets it sets the private key for secrets decryption and the public key for encryption (2).
Once we successfully install Sealed Secrets we can interact with its controller running on the cluster with kubeseal
CLI. With the kubeseal
command we can get an encrypted version of the input Kubernetes Secret (3). Then we place an encrypted secret inside the repository with the app deployment manifests (4). Argo CD will automatically apply the latest configuration to the Kubernetes cluster (5). Once the new encrypted secret appears Sealed Secrets detects it and tries to decrypt using a previously set private key (6). As a result, a new Secret
object is created and then injected into our sample app (7). That’s the last step of our exercise. We will test the result using the HTTP endpoint exposed by the app.

To proceed with the exercise you need to have a running instance of Kubernetes. It can be a local or a cloud instance – it doesn’t matter. Additionally, you also need to install two CLI tools on your laptop:
– the client-side part of Sealed Secrets. You will installation instructions here.terraform
– to run Terraform HCL scripts you need to have CLI. You will installation instructions here.
Source Code
If you would like to try it by yourself, you can always take a look at my source code. In order to do that you need to clone my GitHub repository. This repository contains sample Terraform scripts for initializing Kubernetes. You should go to the sealedsecrets
directory. Then just follow my instructions.
Install ArgoCD and Sealed Secrets with Terraform
Assuming you already have the terraform
CLI installed the first thing you need to do is to define the Helm provider with the path to your Kube config and the name of the Kube context. Here’s our
provider "kubernetes" {
config_path = "~/.kube/config"
config_context = var.cluster-context
provider "helm" {
kubernetes {
config_path = "~/.kube/config"
config_context = var.cluster-context
Since I’m using Kubernetes on the Docker Desktop the name of my context is docker-desktop
. Here’s the
variable "cluster-context" {
type = string
default = "docker-desktop"
Here’s the Terraform script for installing ArgoCD and Sealed Secrets. For Sealed Secrets, we need to set keys for encryption and decryption. By default, the Sealed Secrets chart detects an existing TLS secret with the name sealed-secrets-key
inside the target namespace. If it does not exist the chart creates a new one containing generated keys. In order to define the secret with the predefined TLS keys, we first need to create the namespace (1). Then we create the Secret
that contains our tls.crt
and tls.key
(2). After that we may install Sealed Secrets in the sealed-secrets
namespace using Helm chart (3).
At the same time, we are installing ArgoCD in the argocd
namespace also using Helm chart (4). The chart automatically creates the namespace thanks to the create_namespace
parameter. Once we install ArgoCD we can create the Application
object responsible for synchronization between the Git repository and Kubernetes cluster. We can also do it using the same Terraform script thanks to the argocd-apps
Helm chart (5). It allows us to define a list of ArgoCD Applications
inside the Helm values file (6).
# Sealed Secrets Installation
# (1)
resource "kubernetes_namespace" "sealed-secrets-ns" {
metadata {
name = "sealed-secrets"
# (2)
resource "kubernetes_secret" "sealed-secrets-key" {
depends_on = [kubernetes_namespace.sealed-secrets-ns]
metadata {
name = "sealed-secrets-key"
namespace = "sealed-secrets"
data = {
"tls.crt" = file("keys/tls.crt")
"tls.key" = file("keys/tls.key")
type = ""
# (3)
resource "helm_release" "sealed-secrets" {
depends_on = [kubernetes_secret.sealed-secrets-key]
chart = "sealed-secrets"
name = "sealed-secrets"
namespace = "sealed-secrets"
repository = ""
# ArgoCD Installation
# (4)
resource "helm_release" "argocd" {
chart = "argo-cd"
name = "argocd"
namespace = "argocd"
repository = ""
create_namespace = true
# (5)
resource "helm_release" "argocd-apps" {
depends_on = [helm_release.argocd]
chart = "argocd-apps"
name = "argocd-apps"
namespace = "argocd"
repository = ""
# (6)
values = [
We store Helm values inside the argocd/applications.yml
file. In fact, we are going to apply the same set of YAML manifests into two different namespaces: demo-1
and demo-2
. The namespace is automatically created during the synchronization.
- name: sample-app-1
namespace: argocd
project: default
targetRevision: HEAD
path: apps/simple
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
namespace: demo-1
prune: false
selfHeal: false
- CreateNamespace=true
- name: sample-app-2
namespace: argocd
project: default
targetRevision: HEAD
path: apps/simple
server: https://kubernetes.default.svc
namespace: demo-2
prune: false
selfHeal: false
- CreateNamespace=true
Now, the only thing is to apply the configuration to the Kubernetes cluster. Before we do that we need to initialize Terraform working directory with the following command:
$ cd sealed-secrets
$ terraform init
Finally, we can apply the configuration:
$ terraform apply
Here’s the output of the terraform apply

Encrypt Secret with Kubeseal
Assuming you have already installed Sealed Secrets with Terraform on your Kubernetes cluster and kubeseal
CLI on your laptop you can encrypt your secret for the first time. Here’s our Kubernetes Secret. It contains just the single field password
with the base64-encoded value 123456
. We are going to create the SealedSecret
object from that Secret using the kubeseal
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: sample-secret
type: Opaque
password: MTIzNDU2
By default, kubeseal
tries to find the Sealed Secrets controller under the sealed-secrets-controller
name inside the kube-system
namespace. As you see we have already installed it in the sealed-secrets
namespace under the sealed-secrets

We need to override both the controller name and namespace in the kubeseal
command with the --controller-name
and --controller-namespace
parameters. Here’s our command:
$ kubeseal -f sample-secret.yaml -w sample-sealed-secret.yaml \
--controller-name sealed-secrets \
--controller-namespace sealed-secrets
The result may be quite surprising. Sealed Secrets doesn’t allow encrypting secrets without a namespace set in the YAML manifest. That’s because, by default, it uses a strict scope. With that scope, the secret must be sealed with exactly the same name and namespace. These attributes become part of the encrypted data. For me, it adds the default
namespace as shown below.

Therefore it won’t be possible to decrypt the secret in a different namespace than the namespace set for the input Kubernetes Secret
. On the other hand, we want to apply the same configuration in two different namespaces demo-1
and demo-2
. In that case, we have to change the default scope to cluster-wide
. With that kubeseal
parameter the secret can be unsealed in any namespace and can be given any name. Here’s the command we should use to generate the SealedSecret object:
$ kubeseal -f sample-secret.yaml -w sample-sealed-secret.yaml \
--controller-name sealed-secrets \
--controller-namespace sealed-secrets \
--scope cluster-wide
The output file of the command visible above contains the encrypted secret inside the SealedSecret
object. Now, we should just add that YAML manifest to our Git repository.
Apply Sealed Secret with ArgoCD
Our sample Git repository with configuration for ArgoCD is available here. You should go to the apps/simple-with-secret
directory. You will find there a Deployment
, Service
and SealedSecret
objects. What’s important they don’t have any namespace set. Here’s our SealedSecret
kind: SealedSecret
annotations: "true"
creationTimestamp: null
name: sample-secret
password: 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
annotations: "true"
creationTimestamp: null
name: sample-secret
type: Opaque
Once it will be applied to the cluster, the Sealed Secrets controller will decrypt it and create the Kubernetes Secret
object. Our sample app just takes the Kubernetes Secret
and prints the value of the password key.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: sample-app
app: sample-app
app: sample-app
- name: sample-app
- containerPort: 8080
name: http
- name: PASS
key: password
name: sample-secret
We will test the app’s HTTP endpoint through the Kubernetes Service:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: sample-app
type: ClusterIP
app: sample-app
- port: 8080
name: http
Let’s verify what happened. Go to the ArgoCD dashboard. As you see there are two applications created by the Terraform script during installation. Both of them automatically applied the configuration from the Git repository to the cluster.

Let’s display details of the selected ArgoCD Application
. As you see the sample-secret
object has already been created from the sample-secret

Now, let’s enable port-forward for the Kubernetes Service on port 8080:
$ kubectl port-forward svc/sample-app 8080:8080 -n demo-1
The app is able to display a list of environment variables. We can also display just a selected variable by calling the following endpoint:
$ curl http://localhost:8080/actuator/env/PASS
Final Thoughts
In general, there are two popular approaches to managing secrets on Kubernetes in GitOps style. In the first of them, we store the encrypted value of the secret in the Git repository. Then the software running on the cluster decrypts the value and creates Kubernetes Secret
. That solution is represented by the Sealed Secrets and has been described today. In the second of them, we store just a reference to the secret, not the value of the secret in the Git repository. The value of the secret is stored in the third-party tool. Based on the key software running on the cluster retrieves the value.
The most popular example of such a third-party tool is HashiCorp Vault. You can read more about managing secrets with Vault and ArgoCD in the following article. There is also another very promising project in that area – External Secrets. You can expect my article about it soon 🙂