Microservices with Spring Boot 3 and Spring Cloud

Microservices with Spring Boot 3 and Spring Cloud

This article will teach you how to build microservices with Spring Boot 3 and the Spring Cloud components. It’s a tradition that I describe this topic once a new major version of Spring Boot is released. As you probably know, Spring Boot 3.0 is generally available since the end of November 2022. In order to compare changes, you can read my article about microservices with Spring 2 written almost five years ago.

In general, we will cover the following topics in this article:

  • Using Spring Boot 3 in cloud-native development
  • Provide service discovery for all microservices with Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka. Anticipating your questions – yes, Eureka is still there. It’s the last of Netflix microservices components still available in Spring Cloud
  • Spring Cloud OpenFeign in inter-service communication
  • Distributed configuration with Spring Cloud Config
  • API Gateway pattern with Spring Cloud Gateway including a global OpenAPI documentation with the Springdoc project
  • Collecting traces with Micrometer OpenTelemetry and Zipkin

Fortunately, the migration from Spring Boot 2 to 3 is not a painful process. You can even check it out in my example repository, which was originally written in Spring Boot 2. The list of changes is not large. However, times have changed during the last five years… And we will begin our considerations from that point.

Running Environment

Here are the results of my quick 1-day voting poll run on Twitter. I assume that those results are meaningful since around 900 people voted. As you probably expect, currently, the first-choice platform for running your Spring Boot microservices is Kubernetes. I don’t have a survey conducted five years ago, but the results would probably be significantly different. Even if you had Kubernetes in your organization 5 years ago, you were probably starting a migration of your apps or at least it was in progress. Of course, there might be some exceptions, but I’m thinking about the vast majority.

You could migrate to Kubernetes during that time, but also Kubernetes ecosystem has changed a lot. There are many useful tools and platform services you may easily integrate with your apps. We can at least mention Kubernetes native solutions like service mesh (e.g. Istio) or serverless (e.g. Knative). The main question here is: if I’m running microservices on Kubernetes are Spring Cloud components still relevant? The answer is: in most cases no. Of course, you can still use Eureka for service discovery, Spring Cloud Config for a distributed configuration, or Spring Cloud Gateway for the API gateway pattern. However, you can easily replace them with Kubernetes built-in mechanisms and additional platform services.

To conclude, this article is not aimed at Kubernetes users. It shows how to easily run microservices architecture anywhere. If you are looking for staff mainly related to Kubernetes you can read my articles about the best practices for Java apps and microservices there.

Source Code

If you would like to try it by yourself, you may always take a look at my source code. In order to do that you need to clone my GitHub repository. Then you should just follow my instructions.

Before we proceed to the source code, let’s take a look at the following diagram. It illustrates the architecture of our sample system. We have three independent Spring Boot 3 microservices, which register themself in service discovery, fetch properties from the configuration service, and communicate with each other. The whole system is hidden behind the API gateway. Our Spring Boot 3 microservices send traces to the Zipkin instance using the Micrometer OTEL project.


Currently, the newest version of Spring Cloud is 2022.0.1. This version of spring-cloud-dependencies should be declared as a BOM for dependency management.


Step 1: Configuration Server with Spring Cloud Config

To enable Spring Cloud Config feature for an application, we should first include spring-cloud-config-server to your project dependencies.


Then enable running the embedded configuration server during application boot use @EnableConfigServer annotation.

public class ConfigApplication {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      new SpringApplicationBuilder(ConfigApplication.class).run(args);


By default Spring Cloud Config Server stores the configuration data inside the Git repository. We will change that behavior by activating the native mode. In this mode, Spring Cloud Config Server reads property sources from the classpath. We place all the YAML property files inside src/main/resources/config. Here’s the config server application.yml file. It activates the native mode and overrides a default port to 8088.

  port: 8088
    active: native

The YAML filename will be the same as the name of the service. For example, the YAML file of discovery-service is located here: src/main/resources/config/discovery-service.yml. Besides a default profile, we will also define the custom docker profile. Therefore the name of the config file will contain the docker suffix. On the default profile, we are connecting services through localhost with dynamically assigned ports. So, the typical configuration file for the default profile will look like that:

  port: 0

      defaultZone: http://localhost:8061/eureka/

Here’s the typical configuration file for the default profile:

  port: 8080

      defaultZone: http://discovery-service:8061/eureka/

In order to connect the config server on the client side we need to include the following module in Maven dependencies:


Depending on the running environment (localhost or docker) we need to provide different addresses for the config server:

    import: "optional:configserver:http://config-service:8088"
      on-profile: docker
    name: discovery-service
    import: "optional:configserver:http://localhost:8088"

Step 2: Discovery Server with Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka

Of course, you can replace Eureka with any other discovery server supported by Spring Cloud. It can be Consul, Alibaba Nacos, or Zookeeper. The best way to run the Eureka server is just to embed it into the Spring Boot app. In order to do that, we first need to include the following Maven dependency:


Then we need to set the @EnableEurekaServer annotation on the main class.

public class DiscoveryApplication {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      new SpringApplicationBuilder(DiscoveryApplication.class).run(args);


There is nothing new with that. As I already mentioned, the configuration files, discovery-service.yml or discovery-service-docker.yml, should be placed inside config-service module. We have changed Eureka’s running port from the default value (8761) to 8061. For the standalone Eureka instance, we have to disable registration and omit to fetch the registry. We just want to activate a single-node, demo discovery server.

  port: 8061

    hostname: localhost
    registerWithEureka: false
    fetchRegistry: false
      defaultZone: http://${eureka.instance.hostname}:${server.port}/eureka/

Once you have successfully started the application you may visit Eureka Dashboard available under the address http://localhost:8061/.


Step 3: Build Apps with Spring Boot 3 and Spring Cloud

Let’s take a look at a list of required Maven modules for our microservices. Each app has to get a configuration from the config-service and needs to register itself in the discovery-service. It also exposes REST API, automatically generates API documentation, and export tracing info to the Zipkin instance. We use the springdoc-openapi v2 library dedicated to Spring Boot 3. It generates documentation in both JSON and YAML formats available under the v3/api-docs path (or /v3/api-docs.yaml for the YAML format). In order to export traces to the Zipkin server, we will include the opentelemetry-exporter-zipkin module.


For the apps that call other services, we also need to include a declarative REST client. We will use Spring Cloud OpenFeign.


OpenFeign client automatically integrates with the service discovery. We just to set the name under which it is registered in Eureka inside the @FeingClient annotation. In order to create a client, we need to define an interface containing all the endpoints it has to call.

@FeignClient(name = "employee-service")
public interface EmployeeClient {

   List<Employee> findByOrganization(@PathVariable("organizationId") Long organizationId);

During the demo, we will send all the traces to Zipkin. It requires setting the value of the probability parameter to 1.0. In order to override the default URL of Zipkin we need to use the management.zipkin.tracing.endpoint property.

      probability: 1.0
      endpoint: http://zipkin:9411/api/v2/spans

Here’s the implementation of the @RestController in department-service. It injects the repository bean to interact with the database, and the Feign client bean to communicate with employee-service. The rest of the code is pretty simple.

public class DepartmentController {

  private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DepartmentController.class);

  DepartmentRepository repository;
  EmployeeClient employeeClient;

  public DepartmentController(DepartmentRepository repository, EmployeeClient employeeClient) {
    this.repository = repository;
    this.employeeClient = employeeClient;

  public Department add(@RequestBody Department department) {
    LOGGER.info("Department add: {}", department);
    return repository.add(department);
  public Department findById(@PathVariable("id") Long id) {
    LOGGER.info("Department find: id={}", id);
    return repository.findById(id);
  public List<Department> findAll() {
    LOGGER.info("Department find");
    return repository.findAll();
  public List<Department> findByOrganization(@PathVariable("organizationId") Long organizationId) {
    LOGGER.info("Department find: organizationId={}", organizationId);
    return repository.findByOrganization(organizationId);
  public List<Department> findByOrganizationWithEmployees(@PathVariable("organizationId") Long organizationId) {
    LOGGER.info("Department find: organizationId={}", organizationId);
    List<Department> departments = repository.findByOrganization(organizationId);
    departments.forEach(d -> d.setEmployees(employeeClient.findByDepartment(d.getId())));
    return departments;

As you see there are almost no differences in the app implementation between Spring Boot 2 and 3. The only thing you would have to do is to change all the javax.persistence to the jakarta.persistance.

Step 4: API Gateway with Spring Cloud Gateway

A gateway-service is the last app in our microservices architecture with Spring Boot 3. Beginning from Spring Boot 2 Spring Cloud Gateway replaced Netflix Zuul. We can also install it on Kubernetes using, for example, the Helm chart provided by VMWare Tanzu.

We will create a separate application with the embedded gateway. In order to do that we need to include Spring Cloud Gateway Starter in the Maven dependencies. Since our gateway has to interact with discovery and config services, it also includes Eureka Client Starter and Spring Cloud Config Starter. We don’t want to use it just as a proxy to the downstream services, but also we expose there OpenAPI documentation generated by all the apps. Since Spring Cloud Gateway is built on top of Spring WebFlux, we need to include Springdoc starters dedicated to that project.


In order to expose OpenAPI documentation from multiple v3/api-docs endpoints we need to use the GroupedOpenApi object. It should provide a way to switch between documentation generated by employee-service, department-service and organization-service. Those services run on dynamic addresses (or at least random ports). In that case, we will use the RouteDefinitionLocator bean to grab the current URL of each service. Then we just need to filter a list of routes to find only those related to our three microservices. Finally, we create the GroupedOpenApi containing a service name and path.

public class GatewayApplication {

   private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory

   public static void main(String[] args) {
      SpringApplication.run(GatewayApplication.class, args);

   RouteDefinitionLocator locator;

   public List<GroupedOpenApi> apis() {
      List<GroupedOpenApi> groups = new ArrayList<>();
      List<RouteDefinition> definitions = locator
      assert definitions != null;
      definitions.stream().filter(routeDefinition -> routeDefinition
         .forEach(routeDefinition -> {
            String name = routeDefinition.getId()
               .replaceAll("-service", "");
               .pathsToMatch("/" + name + "/**").group(name).build());
      return groups;


Here’s the configuration of gateway-service. We should enable integration with the discovery server by setting the property spring.cloud.gateway.discovery.locator.enabled to true. Then we may proceed to define the route rules. We use the Path Route Predicate Factory for matching the incoming requests, and the RewritePath GatewayFilter Factory for modifying the requested path to adapt it to the format exposed by downstream services. The uri parameter specifies the name of the target service registered in the discovery server. For example, organization-service is available on the gateway under the /organization/** path thanks to the predicate Path=/organization/**, and the rewrite path from /organization/** to the /**.

      enabled: always
          enabled: true
      - id: employee-service
        uri: lb://employee-service
        - Path=/employee/**
        - RewritePath=/employee/(?<path>.*), /$\{path}
      - id: department-service
        uri: lb://department-service
        - Path=/department/**
        - RewritePath=/department/(?<path>.*), /$\{path}
      - id: organization-service
        uri: lb://organization-service
        - Path=/organization/**
        - RewritePath=/organization/(?<path>.*), /$\{path}
      - id: openapi
        uri: http://localhost:${server.port}
        - Path=/v3/api-docs/**
        - RewritePath=/v3/api-docs/(?<path>.*), /$\{path}/v3/api-docs

      - name: employee
        url: /v3/api-docs/employee
      - name: department
        url: /v3/api-docs/department
      - name: organization
        url: /v3/api-docs/organization

As you see above, we are also creating a dedicated route for Springdoc OpenAPI. It rewrites the path for the /v3/api-docs context to serve it properly in the Swagger UI.

Step 5: Running Spring Boot 3 Microservices

Finally, we can run all our microservices. With the current configuration in the repository, you can start them directly on your laptop or with Docker containers.

Option 1: Starting directly on the laptop

In total, we have 6 apps to run: 3 microservices, a discovery server, a config server, and a gateway. We also need to run Zipkin to collect and store traces from communication between the services. In the first step, we should start the config-service. We can use Spring Boot Maven plugin for that. Just go to the config-service directory and the following command. It is exposed on the 8088 port.

$ mvn spring-boot:run

We should repeat the same step for all the other apps. The discovery-service is listening on the 8061 port, while the gateway-service on the 8060 port. Microservices will start on the dynamically generated port number thanks to the server.port=0 property in config. In the final step, we can run Zipkin using its Docker container with the following command:

$ docker run -d --name zipkin -p 9411:9411 openzipkin/zipkin

Option 2: Build images and run them with Docker Compose

In the first step, we will build the whole Maven project and Docker images for all the apps. I created a profile build-image that needs to be activated to build images. It mostly uses the build-image step provided by the Spring Boot Maven Plugin. However, for config-service and discovery-service I’m using Jib because it is built on top of the base image with curl installed. For both these services Docker compose needs to verify health checks before starting other containers.

$ mvn clean package -Pbuild-image

The docker-compose.yml is available in the repository root directory. The whole file is visible below. We need to run config-service before all other apps since it provides property sources. Secondly, we should start discovery-service. In both these cases, we are defining a health check that tests the HTTP endpoint using curl inside the container. Once we start and verify config-service and discovery-service we may run gateway-service and all the microservices. All the apps are running with the docker Spring profile activated thanks to the SPRING_PROFILES_ACTIVE environment variable. It corresponds to the spring.profiles.active param that may be defined in configuration properties.

version: "3.7"
    container_name: zipkin
    image: openzipkin/zipkin
      - "9411:9411"
    image: piomin/config-service:1.1-SNAPSHOT
      - "8088:8088"
      test: curl --fail http://localhost:8088/employee/docker || exit 1
      interval: 5s
      timeout: 2s
      retries: 3
    image: piomin/discovery-service:1.1-SNAPSHOT
      - "8061:8061"
        condition: service_healthy
      - config-service
      test: curl --fail http://localhost:8061/eureka/v2/apps || exit 1
      interval: 4s
      timeout: 2s
      retries: 3
    image: piomin/employee-service:1.2-SNAPSHOT
      - "8080"
        condition: service_healthy
      - config-service
      - discovery-service
      - zipkin
    image: piomin/department-service:1.2-SNAPSHOT
      - "8080"
        condition: service_healthy
      - config-service
      - discovery-service
      - employee-service
      - zipkin
    image: piomin/organization-service:1.2-SNAPSHOT
      - "8080"
        condition: service_healthy
      - config-service
      - discovery-service
      - employee-service
      - department-service
      - zipkin
    image: piomin/gateway-service:1.1-SNAPSHOT
      - "8060:8060"
        condition: service_healthy
      - config-service
      - discovery-service
      - employee-service
      - department-service
      - organization-service
      - zipkin

Finally, let’s run all the apps using Docker Compose:

$ docker-compose up

Try it out

Once you start all the apps you can perform some test calls to the services through the gateway-service. It listening on the 8060 port. There is some test data automatically generated during startup. You can call the following endpoint to test all the services and communication between them:

$ curl http://localhost:8060/employee/
$ curl http://localhost:8060/department/organization/1
$ curl http://localhost:8060/department/organization/1/with-employees
$ curl http://localhost:8060/organization/
$ curl http://localhost:8060/organization/1/with-departments

Here are the logs generated by the apps during the calls visible above:

Let’s display Swagger UI exposed on the gateway. You can easily switch between contexts for all three microservices as you see below:


We can go to the Zipkin dashboard to verify the collected traces:

Final Thoughts

Treat this article as a quick guide to the most common components related to microservices with Spring Boot 3. I focused on showing you some new features since my last article on this topic. You could read how to implement tracing with Micrometer OpenTelemetry, generate API docs with Springdoc, or build Docker images with Spring Boot Maven Plugin.


comments user
Elmar Brauch

Updating demo projects to Spring Boot 3 was indeed easy. But as soon as you try to update a real Enterprise system it gets harder. Since we managed to do so, I documented all issues we had:

Did you try already Spring Web-Flow or Swagger Code Generator with Spring Boot 3?

comments user
Dan Idoux

Can you add Spring Cloud Security on the next Blog?

    comments user

    I’ll think about it. Thanks for the suggestion.

comments user
Raul Zamora

This is an awesome post, thanks for the time you invest on this.
The only question that I have, is that even when you have the swagger of all services on one place trough the gateway, if you try to execute any of the endpoint you get a “Failed to fetch” because of CORS. It makes completely sense but I would like to know if there is a way to workaround that to execute them in the swagger-ui but forward the request trough the gateway?

    comments user

    No, I didn’t have problems with CORS in that case – as soon as I remember. You can always enable CORS on the app side

    comments user
    Hendi Santika

    I have same issue when try to hit another service using Swagger UI.

    It said error to fetch service or CORS issue.

    Could you check again the centralize Open API Doc?


comments user

Excellent article. Can you complete it with kubernetes yaml ?

    comments user

    Deployment YAML? I think you will find a lot such YAMLs in my other article. This example is not for Kubernetes (Eureka + Spring Cloud Config), so I didn’t place it here.

comments user

Hello thank you very much for this very good and detailed blog post. I would also like to see how the project works with Spring Security and I would prefer Spring’s own implementation for the authorization server. It would be great if you could provide such an example.

    comments user

    Thnaks for suggestion. I’ll try to prepare such an article next month

comments user

Hi, I ran your code but I can’t access the swagger UI. I try http://localhost:8060/swagger-ui/index.html but it doesn’t work. What am I doing wrong?

    comments user

    I don’t know. Did you try run it using docker-compose ?

comments user

Hi, nice articale. I have done a similare project with Ione discovery, one gateway and one app. But now I’m looking for a way to use them all with ssl protocole enabled. Do you have already test it?

    comments user

    Hi. I tested such a scenario with older version of Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. For v3 I still didn’t

comments user
Blank Hang

you should open http://localhost:8060/swagger-ui/index.html
not http://localhost:8060/swagger-ui/index.html

    comments user

    just /swagger-ui.html would also be enough

comments user
Ian Lim

Thanks for the comprehensive setup which I have manage to run locally without much hassle.

    comments user

    no problem 🙂

comments user
Mandar Kulkarni

Can you please guide on how one can go about propagating authentication context across microservices ? For ex, your front-end service will authenticate clients using let’s say an OIDC Identity provider. You receive an idToken encapsulating the identity details and other attributes of the logged-in user. What happens there-after ? Like, if the client’s request processing involves multiple microservices coordinating to produce the final result, how do you go about propagating the authentication context from the front-end service to all other services ? Will you simply propagate the id_token JWT? Or will you use access_tokens instead ? But then access tokens does not include the logger-in users details ??? Are there any security implications of passing the original JWT received from the OIDC Identity provider ? Or will you consider creating a new JWT containing a subset of the authentication information ?

    comments user

    Yes, I’ll prepare such an article in the fututee. Thanks for suggestion

comments user

this config server not connect to working

    comments user

    What do you mean? You can try it all using the `docker compose up` command.

      comments user

      Hi Piotr. I did a test and the base image of each container doesn’t have the command curl in the path. For this reason, the config service started but unhealthy.

        comments user

        There was a problem with jib after migrating to java 21. I just fixed it. Remember to build all the images with this command: mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pbuild-image. I’m using jib in config and discovery instead of cnb, because the base image contains curl.

comments user

Thanks for the article and the project source code.

1. Same as few others, I have noticed that the swagger ui loaded via Gateway service fails to invoke other services. Maybe in the swagger there must be a way to rewrite the URLs to gateway again as the swagger-ui is invoking URLs directly on each of the microservices.

Request from swagger-ui:
curl -X ‘GET’ ‘http://host:org-app-port/1/with-departments-and-employees’ -H ‘accept: */*’

Cross-Origin Request Blocked: The Same Origin Policy disallows reading the remote resource at http://host:org-app-port/1/with-departments-and-employees. (Reason: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing). Status code: 200.

2. I am noticing a tracing related problem.

When I invoke the organizations service via the gateway which results in invoking both department and employee services using http://localhost:8060/organization/1/with-departments-and-employees, I was expecting a trace which spans across all these services. However, it does show a trace starting from gateway service but ending at organization service; but the other two calls are not linked to this trace. They are showing two new traces.

    comments user

    Did you run the apps with `docker compose up` after building images? Or somehow differently?

comments user

A few things I experienced along the way to getting this running:
1. I had to add my own base images in the maven plugin config to use openjdk:21 since it was defaulting to a 17.x base image that was not compatible.
2. I had to run docker-compose up multiple times to get the application up, as it deemed the first two services as unhealthy on startup, despite there being no errors in the logs. Seems the healthcheck didn’t work, and I’ve checked curl was installed on the relevant images.

    comments user

    Yes, there was a problem after migration to java 21 with the jib base image. I fixed it. Build with that command: `mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pbuild-image`

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