Logging in Kubernetes with Loki

In this article, you will learn how to install, configure and use Loki to collect logs from apps running on Kubernetes. Together with Loki, we will use the Promtail agent to ship the logs and the Grafana dashboard to display them in graphical form. We will also create a simple app written in Quarkus that prints the logs in JSON format. Of course, Loki will collect the logs from the whole cluster. If you are interested in other approaches for integrating your apps with Loki you can read my article. It shows how to send the Spring Boot app logs to Loki using Loki4j Logback appended. You can also find the article about Grafana Agent used to send logs from the Spring Boot app to Loki on Grafana Cloud here.
Source Code
If you would like to try it by yourself, you may always take a look at my source code. In order to do that, you need to clone my GitHub repository. Then you should just follow my instructions.
Install Loki Stack on Kubernetes
In the first step, we will install Loki Stack on Kubernetes. The most convenient way to do it is through the Helm chart. Fortunately, there is a single Helm chart that installs and configures all the tools required in our exercise: Loki, Promtail, and Grafana. Let’s add the following Helm repository:
$ helm repo add grafana https://grafana.github.io/helm-charts
Then, we can install the loki-stack
chart. By default, it does not install Grafana. In order to enable Grafana we need to set the grafana.enabled
parameter to true. Our Loki Stack is installed in the loki-stack
$ helm install loki grafana/loki-stack \
-n loki-stack \
--set grafana.enabled=true \
Here’s a list of running pods in the loki-stack
$ kubectl get po -n loki-stack
loki-0 1/1 Running 0 78s
loki-grafana-bf598db67-czcds 2/2 Running 0 93s
loki-promtail-vt25p 1/1 Running 0 30s
Let’s enable port forwarding to access the Grafana dashboard on the local port:
$ kubectl port-forward svc/loki-grafana 3000:80 -n loki-stack
Helm chart automatically generates a password for the admin
user. We can obtain it with the following command:
$ kubectl get secret -n loki-stack loki-grafana \
-o jsonpath="{.data.admin-password}" | \
base64 --decode ; echo
Once we login into the dashboard we will see the auto-configured Loki datasource. We can use it to get the latest logs from the Kubernetes cluster:

It seems that the `loki-stack` Helm chart is not maintained anymore. As the replacement, we can use three separate Helm charts for Loki, Promtail, and Grafana. It is described in the last section of that article. Although `loki-stack` simplifies installation, in the current situation, it is not a suitable method for production. Instead, we should use the `loki-distributed` chart.
Create and Deploy Quarkus App on Kubernetes
In the next step, we will install our sample Quarkus app on Kubernetes. It connects to the Postgres database. Therefore, we will also install Postgres with the Bitnami Helm chart:
$ helm install person-db bitnami/postgresql -n sample-quarkus \
--set auth.username=quarkus \
--set auth.database=quarkus \
--set fullnameOverride=person-db \
With Quarkus we can easily change the logs format to JSON. We just need to include the following Maven dependency:
And also enable JSON logging in the application properties:
quarkus.log.console.json = true
Besides the static logging fields, we will include a single dynamic field. We will use the MDC mechanism for that (1) (2). That field indicates the id of the person for whom we make the GET or POST request. Here’s the code of the REST controller:
public class PersonResource {
private PersonRepository repository;
private Logger logger;
public PersonResource(PersonRepository repository, Logger logger) {
this.repository = repository;
this.logger = logger;
public Person add(Person person) {
MDC.put("personId", person.id); // (1)
logger.infof("IN -> add(%s)", person);
return person;
public List<Person> findAll() {
logger.info("IN -> findAll");
return repository.findAll()
public Person findById(@PathParam("id") Long id) {
MDC.put("personId", id); // (2)
logger.infof("IN -> findById(%d)", id);
return repository.findById(id);
Here’s the sample log for the GET endpoint. Now, our goal is to parse and index it properly in Loki with Promtail.

Now, we need to deploy our sample app on Kubernetes. Fortunately, with Quarkus we can build and deploy the app using the single Maven command. We just need to activate the following custom profile which includes quarkus-kubernetes
dependency and enables deployment with the quarkus.kubernetes.deploy
property. It also activates image build using the Jib Maven Plugin.
Let’s build and deploy the app:
$ mvn clean package -DskipTests -Pkubernetes
Here’s the list of running pods (database and app):
$ kubectl get po -n sample-quarkus
person-db-0 1/1 Running 0 48s
person-service-9f67b6d57-gvbs6 1/1 Running 0 18s
Configure Promptail to Parse JSON Logs
Let’s take a look at the Promtail configuration. We can find it inside the loki-promtail
. As you see it uses only the cri
log_level: info
http_listen_port: 3101
- url: http://loki:3100/loki/api/v1/push
filename: /run/promtail/positions.yaml
- job_name: kubernetes-pods
- cri: {}
- role: pod
- source_labels:
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_controller_name
regex: ([0-9a-z-.]+?)(-[0-9a-f]{8,10})?
action: replace
target_label: __tmp_controller_name
- source_labels:
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app_kubernetes_io_name
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app
- __tmp_controller_name
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
regex: ^;*([^;]+)(;.*)?$
action: replace
target_label: app
- source_labels:
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app_kubernetes_io_instance
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_release
regex: ^;*([^;]+)(;.*)?$
action: replace
target_label: instance
- source_labels:
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_app_kubernetes_io_component
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_label_component
regex: ^;*([^;]+)(;.*)?$
action: replace
target_label: component
- action: replace
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name
target_label: node_name
- action: replace
- __meta_kubernetes_namespace
target_label: namespace
- action: replace
replacement: $1
separator: /
- namespace
- app
target_label: job
- action: replace
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_name
target_label: pod
- action: replace
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name
target_label: container
- action: replace
replacement: /var/log/pods/*$1/*.log
separator: /
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_uid
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name
target_label: __path__
- action: replace
regex: true/(.*)
replacement: /var/log/pods/*$1/*.log
separator: /
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotationpresent_kubernetes_io_config_hash
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_annotation_kubernetes_io_config_hash
- __meta_kubernetes_pod_container_name
target_label: __path__
The result for our app is quite inadequate. Loki stores the full Kubernetes pods’ log lines and doesn’t recognize our logging fields.

In order to change that behavior we will parse data using the json
component. This action will be limited just to our sample application (1). We will label the log records with level, sequence, and the personId
MDC field (2) after extracting them from the Kubernetes log line. The mdc
field contains a list of objects, so we need to perform additional JSON parsing (3) to extract the personId
field. As the output, Promtail should return the log message
field (4). Here’s the required transformation in the configuration file:
- job_name: kubernetes-pods
- cri: {}
- match:
selector: '{app="person-service"}' # (1)
- json:
- json: # (2)
sequence: sequence
message: message
level: level
source: log
- json: # (3)
personId: personId
source: mdc
- labels:
- output: # (4)
source: message
After setting a new value of the loki-promtail
we should restart the Promtail pod. Let’s also restart our app and perform some test calls of the REST API:
$ curl http://localhost:8080/persons/1
$ curl http://localhost:8080/persons/6
$ curl -X 'POST' http://localhost:8080/persons \
-H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
-d '{
"name": "John Wick",
"age": 18,
"gender": "MALE",
"externalId": 100,
"address": {
"street": "Test Street",
"city": "Warsaw",
"flatNo": 18,
"buildingNo": 100
Let’s see how it looks in Grafana:

As you see, the log record for the GET request is labeled with level
, sequence
and the personId
MDC field. That’s what we exactly wanted to achieve!

Now, we are able to filter results using the fields from our JSON log line:

Distributed Installation of Loki Stack
In the previously described installation method, we run a single instance of Loki. In order to use a more cloud-native and scalable approach we should switch to the loki-distributed
Helm chart. It decides a single Loki instance into several independent components. That division also separates read and write streams. Let’s install it in the loki-distributed
namespace with the following command:
$ helm install loki grafana/loki-distributed \
-n loki-distributed --create-namespace
When installing Promtail we should modify the default address of the write endpoint. We use the Loki gateway
component for that. In our case the name of the gateway Service
is loki-loki-distributed-gateway
. That component listens on the 80
- url: http://loki-loki-distributed-gateway/loki/api/v1/push
Let’s install Promtail using the following command:
$ helm install promtail grafana/promtail -n loki-distributed \
-f values.yml
Finally, we should install Grafana. The same as before we will use a dedicated Helm chart:
$ helm install grafana grafana/grafana -n loki-distributed
Here’s a list of running pods:
$ kubectl get pod -n loki-distributed
grafana-6cd56666b9-6hvqg 1/1 Running 0 42m
loki-loki-distributed-distributor-59767b5445-n59bq 1/1 Running 0 48m
loki-loki-distributed-gateway-7867bc8ddb-kgdfk 1/1 Running 0 48m
loki-loki-distributed-ingester-0 1/1 Running 0 48m
loki-loki-distributed-querier-0 1/1 Running 0 48m
loki-loki-distributed-query-frontend-86c944647c-vl2bz 1/1 Running 0 48m
promtail-c6dxj 1/1 Running 0 37m
After logging in to Grafana, we should add the Loki data source (we could also do it during the installation with Helm values). This time we have to connect to the query-frontend
component available under the address loki-loki-distributed-query-frontend:3100

Final Thoughts
Loki Stack is an interesting alternative to Elastic Stack for collecting and aggregating logs on Kubernetes. Loki has been designed to be very cost-effective and easy to operate. Since it does not index the contents of the logs, the usage of such resources as disk space or RAM memory is lower than for Elasticsearch. In this article, I showed you how to install Loki Stack on Kubernetes and how to configure it to analyze app logs in practice.
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