Spring AI with Azure OpenAI

Spring AI with Azure OpenAI

This article will show you how to use Spring AI features like chat client memory, multimodality, tool calling, or embedding models with the Azure OpenAI service. Azure OpenAI is supported in almost all Spring AI use cases. Moreover, it goes beyond standard OpenAI capabilities, providing advanced AI-driven text generation and incorporating additional AI safety and responsible AI features. It also enables the integration of AI-focused resources, such as Vector Stores on Azure.

This is the eighth part of my series of articles about Spring Boot and AI. It is worth reading the following posts before proceeding with the current one. Here’s a list of articles about Spring AI on my blog with a short description:

Source Code

Feel free to use my source code if you’d like to try it out yourself. To do that, you must clone my sample GitHub repository. Then you should only follow my instructions.

Enable and Configure Azure OpenAI

You need to begin the exercise by creating an instance of the Azure OpenAI service. The most crucial element here is the service’s name since it is part of the exposed Open AI endpoint. My service’s name is piomin-azure-openai.


The Azure OpenAI service should be exposed without restrictions to allow easy access to the Spring AI app.

After creating the service, go to its main page in the Azure Portal. It provides information about API keys and an endpoint URL. Also, you have to deploy an Azure OpenAI model to start making API calls from your Spring AI app.

Copy the key and the endpoint URL and save them for later usage.


You must create a new deployment with an AI model in the Azure AI Foundry portal. There are several available options. The Spring AI Azure OpenAI starter by default uses the gpt-4o model. If you choose another AI model, you will have to set its name in the spring.ai.azure.openai.chat.options.deployment-name Spring AI property. After selecting the preferred model, click the “Confirm” button.


Finally, you can deploy the model on the Azure AI Foundry portal. Choose the most suitable deployment type for your needs.

Azure allows us to deploy multiple models. You can verify a list of model deployments here:

That’s all on the Azure Portal side. Now it’s time for the implementation part in the application source code.

Enable Azure OpenAI for Spring AI

Spring AI provides the Spring Boot starter for the Azure OpenAI Chat Client. You must add the following dependency to your Maven pom.xml file. Since the sample Spring Boot application is portable across various AI models, it includes the Azure OpenAI starter only if the azure-ai profile is active. Otherwise, it uses the spring-ai-openai-spring-boot-starter library.


It’s time to use the key you previously copied from the Azure OpenAI service page. Let’s export it as the AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable.


Here are the application properties dedicated to the azure-ai Spring Boot profile. The previously exported AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY environment variable is set as the spring.ai.azure.openai.api-key property. You also must set the OpenAI service endpoint. This address depends on your Azure OpenAI service name.

spring.ai.azure.openai.api-key = ${AZURE_OPENAI_API_KEY}
spring.ai.azure.openai.endpoint = https://piomin-azure-openai.openai.azure.com/

To run the application and connect to your instance of the Azure OpenAI service, you must activate the azure-ai Maven profile and the Spring Boot profile under the same name. Here’s the required command:

mvn spring-boot:run -Pazure-ai -Dspring-boot.run.profiles=azure-ai

Test Spring AI Features with Azure OpenAI

I described several Spring AI features in the previous articles from this series. In each section, I will briefly mention the tested feature with a fragment of the sample source code. Please refer to my previous posts for more details about each feature and its sample implementation.

Chat Client with Memory and Structured Output

Here’s the @RestController containing endpoints we will use in these tests.

public class PersonController {

    private final ChatClient chatClient;

    public PersonController(ChatClient.Builder chatClientBuilder,
                            ChatMemory chatMemory) {
        this.chatClient = chatClientBuilder
                        new PromptChatMemoryAdvisor(chatMemory),
                        new SimpleLoggerAdvisor())

    List<Person> findAll() {
        PromptTemplate pt = new PromptTemplate("""
                Return a current list of 10 persons if exists or generate a new list with random values.
                Each object should contain an auto-incremented id field.
                The age value should be a random number between 18 and 99.
                Do not include any explanations or additional text.
                Return data in RFC8259 compliant JSON format.

        return this.chatClient.prompt(pt.create())
                .entity(new ParameterizedTypeReference<>() {});

    Person findById(@PathVariable String id) {
        PromptTemplate pt = new PromptTemplate("""
                Find and return the object with id {id} in a current list of persons.
        Prompt p = pt.create(Map.of("id", id));
        return this.chatClient.prompt(p)

First, you must call the endpoint that generates a list of ten persons from different countries. Then choose one person by ID to pick it up from the chat memory. Here are the results.


The interesting part happens in the background. Here’s a fragment of advice context added to the prompt by Spring AI.

Tool Calling

Here’s the @RestController containing endpoints we will use in these tests. There are two tools injected into the chat client: StockTools and WalletTools. These tools interact with a local H2 database to get a sample stock wallet structure and with the stock online API to load the latest share prices.

public class WalletController {

    private final ChatClient chatClient;
    private final StockTools stockTools;
    private final WalletTools walletTools;

    public WalletController(ChatClient.Builder chatClientBuilder,
                            StockTools stockTools,
                            WalletTools walletTools) {
        this.chatClient = chatClientBuilder
                .defaultAdvisors(new SimpleLoggerAdvisor())
        this.stockTools = stockTools;
        this.walletTools = walletTools;

    String calculateWalletValueWithTools() {
        PromptTemplate pt = new PromptTemplate("""
        What’s the current value in dollars of my wallet based on the latest stock daily prices ?

        return this.chatClient.prompt(pt.create())
                .tools(stockTools, walletTools)

    String calculateHighestWalletValue(@PathVariable int days) {
        PromptTemplate pt = new PromptTemplate("""
        On which day during last {days} days my wallet had the highest value in dollars based on the historical daily stock prices ?

        return this.chatClient.prompt(pt.create(Map.of("days", days)))
                .tools(stockTools, walletTools)

You must have your API key for the Twelvedata service to run these tests. Don’t forget to export it as the STOCK_API_KEY environment variable before running the app.


The GET /wallet/with-tools endpoint calculates the current stock wallet value in dollars.


The GET /wallet/highest-day/{days} computes the value of the stock wallet for a given period in days and identifies the day with the highest value.

Multimodality and Images

Here’s a part of the @RestController responsible for describing image content and generating a new image with a given item.

public class ImageController {

    private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ImageController.class);
    private final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();

    private final ChatClient chatClient;
    private ImageModel imageModel;

    public ImageController(ChatClient.Builder chatClientBuilder,
                           Optional<ImageModel> imageModel) {
        this.chatClient = chatClientBuilder
                .defaultAdvisors(new SimpleLoggerAdvisor())
        imageModel.ifPresent(model -> this.imageModel = model);
    List<Item> describeImage(@PathVariable String image) {
        Media media = Media.builder()
                .data(new ClassPathResource("images/" + image + ".png"))
        UserMessage um = new UserMessage("""
        List all items you see on the image and define their category.
        Return items inside the JSON array in RFC8259 compliant JSON format.
        """, media);
        return this.chatClient.prompt(new Prompt(um))
                .entity(new ParameterizedTypeReference<>() {});
    @GetMapping(value = "/generate/{object}", produces = MediaType.IMAGE_PNG_VALUE)
    byte[] generate(@PathVariable String object) throws IOException, NotSupportedException {
        if (imageModel == null)
            throw new NotSupportedException("Image model is not supported");
        ImageResponse ir = imageModel.call(new ImagePrompt("Generate an image with " + object, ImageOptionsBuilder.builder()
        String url = ir.getResult().getOutput().getUrl();
        UrlResource resource = new UrlResource(url);
        LOG.info("Generated URL: {}", url);
        return resource.getContentAsByteArray();

The GET /images/describe/{image} returns a structured list of items identified on a given image. It also categorizes each detected item. In this case, there are two available categories: fruits and vegetables.


By the way, here’s the image described above.

The image generation feature requires a dedicated model on Azure AI. The DALL-E 2 and DALL-E 3 models on Azure support a text-to-image feature.


The application must be aware of the model name. That’s why you must add a new property to your application properties with the following value.

spring.ai.azure.openai.image.options.deployment-name = dall-e-3

Then you must restart the application. After that, you can generate an image by calling the GET /images/generate/{object} endpoint. Here’s the result for the pineapple.

Enable Azure CosmosDB Vector Store


By default, the sample Spring Boot application uses Pinecone vector store. However, SpringAI supports two services available on Azure: Azure AI Search and CosmosDB. Let’s choose CosmosDB as the vector store. You must add the following dependency to your Maven pom.xml file:


Configuration on Azure

Then, you must create an instance of CosmosDB in your Azure account. The name of my instance is piomin-ai-cosmos.

Once it is created, you will obtain its address and API key. To do that, go to the “Settings -> Keys” menu and save both values visible below.


Then, you have to create a dedicated database and container for your application. To do that, go to the “Data Explorer” tab and provide names for the database and container ID. You must also set the partition key.

All previously provided values must be set in the application properties. Export your CosmosDB API key as the AZURE_VECTORSTORE_API_KEY environment variable.

spring.ai.vectorstore.cosmosdb.endpoint = https://piomin-ai-cosmos.documents.azure.com:443/
spring.ai.vectorstore.cosmosdb.key = ${AZURE_VECTORSTORE_API_KEY}
spring.ai.vectorstore.cosmosdb.databaseName = spring-ai
spring.ai.vectorstore.cosmosdb.containerName = spring-ai
spring.ai.vectorstore.cosmosdb.partitionKeyPath = /id

Unfortunately, there are still some issues with the Azure CosmosDB support in the Spring AI M6 milestone version. I see that they were fixed in the SNAPSHOT version. So, if you want to test it by yourself, you will have to switch from milestones to snapshots.

    <name>Central Portal Snapshots</name>
    <name>Spring Snapshots</name>

Run and Test the Application

After those changes, you can start the application with the following command:

mvn spring-boot:run -Pazure-ai -Dspring-boot.run.profiles=azure-ai

Once the application is running, you can test the following @RestController that offers RAG functionality. The GET /stocks/load-data endpoint obtains stock prices of given companies and puts them in the vector store. The GET /stocks/v2/most-growth-trend uses the RetrievalAugmentationAdvisor instance to retrieve the most suitable data and include it in the user query.

public class StockController {

    private final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
    private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(StockController.class);
    private final ChatClient chatClient;
    private final RewriteQueryTransformer.Builder rqtBuilder;
    private final RestTemplate restTemplate;
    private final VectorStore store;

    private String apiKey;

    public StockController(ChatClient.Builder chatClientBuilder,
                           VectorStore store,
                           RestTemplate restTemplate) {
        this.chatClient = chatClientBuilder
                .defaultAdvisors(new SimpleLoggerAdvisor())
        this.rqtBuilder = RewriteQueryTransformer.builder()
        this.store = store;
        this.restTemplate = restTemplate;

    void load() throws JsonProcessingException {
        final List<String> companies = List.of("AAPL", "MSFT", "GOOG", "AMZN", "META", "NVDA");
        for (String company : companies) {
            StockData data = restTemplate.getForObject("https://api.twelvedata.com/time_series?symbol={0}&interval=1day&outputsize=10&apikey={1}",
            if (data != null && data.getValues() != null) {
                var list = data.getValues().stream().map(DailyStockData::getClose).toList();
                var doc = Document.builder()
                        .text(mapper.writeValueAsString(new Stock(company, list)))
                LOG.info("Document added: {}", company);

    String getBestTrendV2() {
        PromptTemplate pt = new PromptTemplate("""
                Which {target} is the most % growth?
                The 0 element in the prices table is the latest price, while the last element is the oldest price.

        Prompt p = pt.create(Map.of("query", "Find the most growth trends", "target", "share"));

        Advisor retrievalAugmentationAdvisor = RetrievalAugmentationAdvisor.builder()

        return this.chatClient.prompt(p)


Finally, you can call the following two endpoints.

$ curl http://localhost:8080/stocks/load-data
$ curl http://localhost:8080/stocks/v2/most-growth-trend

Final Thoughts

This exercise shows how to modify an existing Spring Boot AI application to integrate it with the Azure OpenAI service. It also gives a recipe on how to include Azure CosmosDB as a vector store for RAG scenarios and similarity searches.

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