Currently I’m publishing my courses online for free on my YouTube Channel.
The first available course is Microservices With Spring Boot And Spring Cloud.
It consists of 6 parts:
1. Introduction to Spring Boot (~35 mins)
2. Distributed Configuration and Service Discovery (~36 mins)
3. Inter-service communication (~34 mins)
4. API Gateway (~21 mins)
5. Event-driven Microservices (~40 mins)
6. Testing (in progress …)
Currently I’m working on the course Microservices On Kubernetes.
It will consist of around 10 parts:
1. IDE & Tools (~6 mins)
2. Cluster setup (~7 mins)
3. Skaffold and Jib (~7 mins)
4. Best practices (~7 mins)
5. Inter-communication & gateway (~9 mins)
6. Service mesh (~8 mins)
It is also possible to organize courses and workshops online with me for a group of more than 5 people. If you are interested in such courses or workshops, please contact me for more details: piotr.minkowski@gmail.com.