Preface I must admit that as soon as I saw Vertx documentation I liked this concept. This may have happened because I had previously used a very similar framework which…
Asynchronous Microservices with Vertx

Java, Spring, Kotlin, microservices, Kubernetes, containers
Preface I must admit that as soon as I saw Vertx documentation I liked this concept. This may have happened because I had previously used a very similar framework which…
Hoverfly is an open source API simulation tool for automated tests. It is written in Go, but also has native support for Java and can be run inside JUnit test.…
Preface Enterprise Java seems to be a step back from the others when it comes to microservices architecture. Some weeks ago I took a part in Code Europe - the…
Preface Although every microservice instance is an independent unit, we usually manage them from one central location. We are talking about watching the application logs (Kibana), metrics, and statistics (Zipkin,…
A few days ago I came across an article about Spring Boot Admin framework. It is a simple solution created to manage and monitor Spring Boot applications. It is based…
In this article, you will learn how to expose Spring Boot microservices over REST Protocol Buffers. Today exposing RESTful API with JSON protocol is the most common standard. We can…
Apache Camel has just released a new version of their framework - 2.19. In one of my previous articles on DZone, I described details about microservices support which was released…
Imagine you have multiple microservices running on different machines in multiple instances. It seems natural to think about the tools that help you in the process of monitoring and managing…
Probably you read some articles about Hystrix and you know in what purpose it is used for. Today I would like to show you an example of exactly how to…
While developing a new application we should never forget about testing. This term seems to be particularly important when working with microservices. Microservices testing requires a different approach than test…