This article will teach you to use HashiCorp Consul as a discovery and configuration server for your Quarkus microservices. I wrote a similar article some years ago. However, there have…
Consul with Quarkus and SmallRye Stork

Java, Spring, Kotlin, microservices, Kubernetes, containers
This article will teach you to use HashiCorp Consul as a discovery and configuration server for your Quarkus microservices. I wrote a similar article some years ago. However, there have…
This article will teach you how to write contract tests with Pact for the app built on top of version 3 of the Quarkus framework. It is an update to…
This article will teach you how to create and run serverless apps on Azure Function using the Quarkus Funqy extension. You can compare it to the Spring Boot and Spring…
In this article, you will learn how to implement and consume gRPC services with Quarkus. Quarkus provides built-in support for gRPC through the extension. We will create a simple app,…
In this article, you will learn how to install, configure and use Loki to collect logs from apps running on Kubernetes. Together with Loki, we will use the Promtail agent…
This article will teach you how to design and perform contract testing on Kubernetes with Microcks. Microcks is a Kubernetes native tool for API mocking and testing. It supports several…
In this article, you will learn how to create contract tests for Quarkus apps using Pact. Consumer-driven contract testing is one of the most popular strategies for verifying communication between…
In this article, you will learn how to build and run Quarkus serverless apps on OpenShift and integrate them through Knative Eventing. We will use Kafka to exchange messages between…
In this article, you will read about the best practices for running Java apps on Kubernetes. Most of these recommendations will also be valid for other languages. However, I'm considering…
This article will teach you how to build advanced testing scenarios with Quarkus. We will focus mainly on the integration tests. Quarkus simplifies them by leveraging the Testcontainers project. In…