Gitlab CI/CD on Kubernetes

Gitlab CI/CD on Kubernetes

You can use GitLab CI/CD to build and deploy your applications on Kubernetes. It is not hard to integrate GitLab with Kubernetes. You can take an advantage of the GUI support to set up a connection with your Kubernetes cluster. Furthermore, GitLab CI provides a built-in container registry to store and share images.


In this article, I will describe all the steps required to build and deploy your Java application on Kubernetes with GitLab CI/CD. First, we are going to run an instance of the GitLab server on the local Kubernetes cluster. Then, we will use the special GitLab features in order to integrate it with Kubernetes. After that, we will create a pipeline for our Maven application. You will learn how to build it, run automated tests, build a Docker image, and finally run it on Kubernetes with GitLab CI.
In this article, I’m going to focus on simplicity. I will show you how to run GitLab CI on Kubernetes with minimal effort and resources. With this in mind, I hope it will help to form an opinion about GitLab CI/CD. The more advanced, production installation may be easily performed with Helm. I will also describe that approach in the next section.

Run GitLab on Kubernetes

In order to easily start with GitLab CI on Kubernetes, we will use its image from the Docker Hub. We may choose between community and enterprise editions. First, we need to change the default external URL. We will also enable the container registry feature. To override both these settings we need to add the environment variable GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG. It can contain any of the GitLab configuration properties. Since I’m running the Kubernetes cluster locally, I also need to override the default URL of the Docker registry. You can easily get it by running the command docker inspect -f '{{range.NetworkSettings.Networks}}{{.IPAddress}}{{end}}' registry. The local image registry is running outside the Kubernetes cluster as a simple Docker container with the name registry.

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: gitlab-deployment
      app: gitlab
        app: gitlab
      - name: gitlab
        image: gitlab/gitlab-ee
          - name: GITLAB_OMNIBUS_CONFIG
            value: "external_url 'http://gitlab-service.default/';gitlab_rails['registry_enabled'] = true;gitlab_rails['registry_api_url'] = \"\""
        - containerPort: 80
          name: HTTP
          - mountPath: /var/opt/gitlab
            name: data
        - name: data
          emptyDir: {}

Then we will also create the Kubernetes service gitlab-service. GitLab UI is available on port 80. We will use that service to access the GitLab UI outside the Kubernetes cluster.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: gitlab-service
  type: NodePort
    app: gitlab
  - port: 80
    targetPort: 80
    name: http

Finally, we can apply the GitLab manifest with Deployment and Service to Kubernetes. To do that you just need to execute the command kubectl apply -f k8s/gitlab.yaml. Let’s check the address of gitlab-service.

Of course, we may also install GitLab on Kubernetes with Helm. However, you should keep in mind that it will generate a full deployment with some core and optional components. Consequently, you will have to increase RAM assigned to your cluster to around 15MB to be able to run it. Here’s a list of required Helm commands. For more details, you may refer to the GitLab documentation.

$ helm repo add gitlab
$ helm repo update
$ helm upgrade --install gitlab gitlab/gitlab \
  --timeout 600s \
  --set \
  --set global.hosts.externalIP= \

Clone the source code

If you would like to try it by yourself, you may always take a look at my source code. In order to do that you need to clone my repository sample-spring-boot-on-kubernetes. Then you should just follow my instructions ๐Ÿ™‚

First, let’s create a new repository on GitLab. Of course, its name is sample-spring-boot-on-kubernetes as shown below.


Then, you should clone my example repository, and move it to your GitLab instance running on Kubernetes. Assuming the address of my local instance of GitHub is http://localhost:30129, I need to execute the following command.

$ git remote add gitlab http://localhost:30129/root/sample-spring-boot-on-kubernetes.git

To clarify, let’s display a list of Git remotes for the current repository.

$ git remote -v
gitlab  http://localhost:30129/root/sample-spring-microservices-kubernetes.git (fetch)
gitlab  http://localhost:30129/root/sample-spring-microservices-kubernetes.git (push)
origin (fetch)
origin (push)

Finally, we can push the source code to the GitLab repository using the gitlab remote.

$ git push gitlab

Configure GitLab integration with Kubernetes

After login to the GitLab UI, you should enable local HTTP requests. Do that you need to go to the admin section. Then click “Settings” -> “Network” -> “Outbound requests”. Finally, you need to check the box “Allow requests to the local network from web hooks and services”. We will use internal communication between GitLab and Kubernetes API, and between the GitLab CI runner and the GitLab master.

Now, we may configure the connection to the Kubernetes API. To do that you should go to the section “Kubernetes”, then click “Add Kubernetes cluster”, and finally switch to the tab “Connect existing cluster”. We need to provide some basic information about our cluster in the form. The name is required, and therefore I’m setting the same name as my Kubernetes context. You may leave a default value in the “Environment scope” field. In the “API URL” field I’m providing the internal address of Kubernetes API. It is http://kubernetes.default:443.

We also need to paste the cluster CA certificate. In order to obtain it, you should first find the secret with the prefix default-token-, and copy it with the following command.

$ kubectl get secret default-token-ttswt -o jsonpath="{['data']['ca\.crt']}" | base64 --decode

Finally, we should create a special ServiceAccount for GitLab with the cluster-admin role.

apiVersion: v1
kind: ServiceAccount
  name: gitlab
  namespace: kube-system
kind: ClusterRoleBinding
  name: gitlab-admin
  kind: ClusterRole
  name: cluster-admin
  - kind: ServiceAccount
    name: gitlab
    namespace: kube-system

Then you should find the secret with the prefix gitlab in the kube-system namespace, and display its details. After that, we need to copy value of field token, and paste it to the form without decoding.

$ kubectl describe secret gitlab-token-5sk2v -n kube-system

Here’s the full information about our Kubernetes cluster required by GitLab. Let’s add it by clicking “Add Kubernetes cluster”.

Once you have successfully added the new Kubernetes cluster in the GitLab UI you need to display its details. In the tab “Applications” you should find the section “GitLab runner” and install it.

The GitLab runner is automatically deployed in the namespace gitlab-managed-apps. We can verify if it started succesfully.

$ kubectl get pod -n gitlab-managed-apps
NAME                                   READY        STATUS    RESTARTS       AGE
runner-gitlab-runner-5649dbf49-5mnjv   1/1          Running   0              5m56s

The GitLab runner tries to communicate with the GitLab master. To verify that everything works fine, we need to go to the section “Overview” -> “Runners”. If you see the IP address and version number, it means that the runner is able to communicate with the master. In case of any problems, you should take a look at the pod logs.

Create application pipeline

The GitLab CI/CD configuration file is available in the project root directory. Its name is .gitlab-ci.yml. It consists of 5 stages and uses the Maven Docker image for executing builds. It is automatically detected by GitLab CI. Let’s take a closer look at it.

First, we are running the build stage responsible for building the application for the source code. It just runs the command mvn compile. Then, we are running JUnit tests using mvn test command. If all the tests are passed, we may build a Docker image with our application. We use the Jib Maven plugin for it. It is able to build an image in the docker-less mode. Therefore, we don’t have to run an image with a Docker client. Jib builds an image and pushes it to the Docker registry. Finally, we can deploy our container on Kubernetes. To do that we are using the bitnami/kubectl image. It allows us to execute kubectl commands. In the first step, we are deploying the application in the test namespace. The last stage deploy-prod requires a manual approval. Both deploy stages are allowed only for a master branch.

image: maven:latest

  - build
  - test
  - image-build
  - deploy-tb
  - deploy-prod

  stage: build
    - mvn compile

  stage: test
    - mvn test

  stage: image-build
    - mvn -s .m2/settings.xml -P jib compile jib:build

  image: bitnami/kubectl:latest
  stage: deploy-tb
    - master
    - kubectl apply -f k8s/deployment.yaml -n test

  image: bitnami/kubectl:latest
  stage: deploy-prod
    - master
  when: manual
    - kubectl apply -f k8s/deployment.yaml -n prod

We may push our application image to a remote or a local Docker registry. If you do not pass any address, by default Jib tries to push the image to the registry.


In order to push images to the registry, we need to provide client’s authentication credentials.


Hereโ€™s a similar configuration, but for the local instance of the registry.


Run GitLab CI pipeline on Kubernetes

Finally, we may run our GitLab CI/CD pipeline. We can push the change in the source code or just run the build manually. You can see the result for the master branch in the picture below.


The last stage deploy-prod requires manual approval. We may confirm it by clicking the “Play” button.


If you push changes to another branch than master, the pipeline will run just three stages. It will build the application, run tests, and build a Docker image.


You can also take advantage of the integrated container registry. You just need to set the right name of a Docker image. It should contain the GitLab owner name and image name. In that case, it is root/sample-spring-boot-on-kubernetes. Iโ€™m using my local Docker registry available at


GitLab seems to be a very interesting tool for building CI/CD processes on Kubernetes. It provides built-in integration with Kubernetes and a Docker container registry. Its documentation is at a very high level. In this article, I tried to show you that it is relatively easy to build CI/CD pipelines for Maven applications on Kubernetes. If you are interested in building a full CI/CD environment you may refer to the article How to setup continuous delivery environment. Enjoy ๐Ÿ™‚

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