Autoscaling on Kubernetes with KEDA and Kafka

In this article, you will learn how to autoscale your application that consumes messages from the Kafka topic with KEDA. The full name that stands behind that shortcut is Kubernetes Event Driven Autoscaling. In order to explain the idea behind it, I will create two simple services. The first of them is sending events to the Kafka topic, while the second is receiving them. We will run both these applications on Kubernetes. To simplify the exercise, we may use Spring Cloud Stream, which offers a smart integration with Kafka.
Before we start, let’s take a moment to understand our scenario for today. We have a single Kafka topic used by both our applications to exchange events. This topic consists of 10 partitions. There is also a single instance of the producer that sends events at regular intervals. We are going to scale down and scale up the number of pods for the consumer service. All the instances of the consumer service are assigned to the same Kafka consumer group. It means that only a single instance with the group may receive the particular event.
Each consumer instance has only a single receiving thread. Therefore, we can easily simulate an event processing time. We will sleep the main thread for 1 second. On the other hand, the producer will send events with a variable speed. Also, it will split the messages across all available partitions. Such behavior may result in consumer lag on partitions because Spring Cloud Stream commits offset only after handling a message. In our case, the value of lag depends on producer speed and the number of running consumer instances. To clarify let’s take a look at the diagram below.

Our goal is very simple. We need to adjust the number of consumer instances to the traffic rate generated by the producer service. The value of offset lag can’t exceed the desired threshold. If we increase the traffic rate on the producer side KEDA should scale up the number of consumer instances. Consequently, if we decrease the producer traffic rate it should scale down the number of consumer instances. Here’s the diagram with our scenario.

Use Kafka with Spring Cloud Stream
In order to use Spring Cloud Stream for Kafka, we just need to include a single dependency in Maven pom.xml
After that, we can use a standard Spring Cloud Stream model. However, in the background, it integrates with Kafka through a particular binder implementation. I will not explain the details, but if you are interested please read the following article. It explains the basics at the example of RabbitMQ.
Both our applications are very simple. The producer just generates and sends events (by default in JSON format). The only thing we need to do in the code is to declare the Supplier
bean. In the background, there is a single thread that generates and sends CallmeEvent
every second. Each time it only increases the id
field inside the message:
public class ProducerApp {
private static int id = 0;
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public Supplier<CallmeEvent> eventSupplier() {
return () -> new CallmeEvent(++id, "Hello" + id, "PING");
We can change a default fixed delay between the Supplier
ticks with the following property. Let’s say we want to send an event every 100 ms: = 100
We should also provide basic configuration like the Kafka address, topic name (if different than the name of the Supplier
function), number of partitions, and a partition key. Spring Cloud Stream automatically creates topics on application startup. = test-topic = = 10
spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers = one-node-cluster.redpanda:9092
Now, the consumer application. It is also not very complicated. As I mentioned before, we will sleep the main thread inside the receiving method in order to simulate processing time.
public class ConsumerApp {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ConsumerAApp.class);
public static void main(String[] args) {, args);
public Consumer<Message<CallmeEvent>> eventConsumer() {
return event -> {"Received: {}", event.getPayload());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) { }
Finally, the configuration on the consumer side. It is important to set the consumer group and enable partitioning. = test-topic = a = true
spring.kafka.bootstrap-servers = one-node-cluster.redpanda:9092
Now, we should deploy both applications on Kubernetes. But before we do that, let’s install Kafka and KEDA on Kubernetes.
Install Kafka on Kubernetes
To perform this part you need to install helm
. Instead of Kafka directly, we can install Redpanda. It is a Kafka API compatible platform. However, the Redpanda operator requires cert-manager
to create certificates for TLS communication. So, let’s install it first. We use the latest version of the cert-manager
. It requires adding CRDs:
$ kubectl apply -f
Then you need to add a new Helm repository:
$ helm repo add jetstack
And finally, install it cert-manager
$ helm install cert-manager \
--namespace cert-manager \
--version v1.6.1 \
Now, we can proceed to the Redpanda installation. The same as before, let’s add the Helm repository:
$ helm repo add redpanda
$ helm repo update
We can obtain the latest version of Redpanda:
$ export VERSION=$(curl -s | jq -r .tag_name)
Then, let’s add the CRDs:
$ kubectl apply -f
After that, we can finally install the Redpanda operator:
$ helm install \
redpanda-operator \
redpanda/redpanda-operator \
--namespace redpanda-system \
--create-namespace \
--version $VERSION
We will install a single-node cluster in the redpanda
namespace. To do that we need to apply the following manifest:
kind: Cluster
name: one-node-cluster
image: "vectorized/redpanda"
version: "latest"
replicas: 1
cpu: 1
memory: 1.2Gi
cpu: 1
memory: 1.2Gi
port: 33145
- port: 9092
- port: 8082
- port: 9644
developerMode: true
Once you did that, you can verify a list of pods in the redpanda
$ kubectl get pod -n redpanda
one-node-cluster-0 1/1 Running 0 4s
If you noticed, I have already set a Kafka bootstrap server address in the
. For me, it is one-node-cluster.redpanda:9092
. You can verify it using the following command:
$ kubectl get svc -n redpanda
one-node-cluster ClusterIP None <none> 9644/TCP,9092/TCP,8082/TCP 23h
Install KEDA and integrate it with Kafka
The same as before we will install KEDA on Kubernetes with Helm. Let’s add the following Helm repo:
$ helm repo add kedacore
Don’t forget to update the repository. We will install the operator in the keda
namespace. Let’s create the namespace first:
$ kubectl create namespace keda
Finally, we can install the operator:
$ helm install keda kedacore/keda --namespace keda
I will run both example applications in the default
namespace, so I will create a KEDA object also in this namespace. The main object responsible for configuring autoscaling with KEDA is ScaledObject
. Here’s the definition:
kind: ScaledObject
name: consumer-scaled
name: consumer-deployment # (1)
cooldownPeriod: 30 # (2)
maxReplicaCount: 10 # (3)
horizontalPodAutoscalerConfig: # (4)
stabilizationWindowSeconds: 30
- type: Percent
value: 50
periodSeconds: 30
triggers: # (5)
- type: kafka
bootstrapServers: one-node-cluster.redpanda:9092
consumerGroup: a
topic: test-topic
lagThreshold: '5'
Let’s analyze the configuration in the details:
(1) We are setting autoscaler for the consumer application, which is deployed under the consumer-deployment
name (see the next section for the Deployment
(2) We decrease the default value of the cooldownPeriod
parameter from 300 seconds to 30 in order to test the scale-to-zero mechanism
(3) The maximum number of running pods is 10 (the same as the number of partitions in the topic) instead of the default 100
(4) We can customize the behavior of the Kubernetes HPA. Let’s do that for the scale-down operation. We could as well configure that for the scale-up operation. We allow to scale down 50% of current running replicas.
(5) The last and the most important part – a trigger configuration. We should set the address of the Kafka cluster, the name of the topic, and the consumer group used by our application. The lag threshold is 10
. It sets the average target value of offset lags to trigger scaling operations.
Before applying the manifest containing ScaledObject
we need to deploy the consumer application. Let’s proceed to the next section.
Test Autoscaling with KEDA and Kafka
Let’s deploy the consumer application first. It is prepared to be deployed with Skaffold, so you can just run the command skaffold dev
from the consumer directory. Anyway, here’s the Deployment
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: consumer-deployment
app: consumer
app: consumer
- name: consumer
image: piomin/consumer
- containerPort: 8080
Once we created it, we can also apply the KEDA ScaledObject
. After creating let’s display its status with the kubectl get so

Ok, but… it is inactive. If you think about that’s logical since there are no incoming events in Kafka’s topic. Right? So, KEDA has performed a scale-to-zero operation as shown below:

Now, let’s deploy the producer application. For now, DO NOT override the default value of the
parameter. The producer will send one event per second.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: producer
app: producer
app: producer
- name: producer
image: piomin/producer
- containerPort: 8080
After some time you can run the kubectl get so
once again. Now the status in the ACTIVE
column should be true
. And there is a single instance of the consumer application (1 event per second sent by a producer and received by a consumer).

We can also verify offsets and lags for consumer groups on the topic partitions. Just run the command rpk group describe a
inside the Redpanda container.

Now, we will change the traffic rate on the producer side. It will send 5 events per second instead of 1 event before. To do that we have to define the following property in the
file. = 200
Before KEDA performs autoscaling we still have a single instance of the consumer application. Therefore, after some time the lag on partitions will exceed the desired threshold as shown below.

Once autoscaling occurs we can display a list of deployments. As you see, now there are 5 running pods of the consumer service.

Once again let’s verify the status of our Kafka consumer group. There 5 consumers on the topic partitions.

Finally, just to check it out – let’s undeploy the producer application. What happened? The consumer-deployment
has been scaled down to zero.
Final Thoughts
You can use KEDA not only with Kafka. There are a lot of other options available including databases, different message brokers, or even cron. Here’s a full list of the supported tools. In this article, I showed how to use Kafka consumer offset and lag as a criterium for autoscaling with KEDA. I tried to explain this process in the detail. Hope it helps you to understand how KEDA exactly works 🙂