Almost 1.5 years ago Spring Team announced the decision of moving most of Spring Cloud Netflix components into maintenance mode. It means that new features have no longer been added…
A New Era Of Spring Cloud

Java, Spring, Kotlin, microservices, Kubernetes, containers
Almost 1.5 years ago Spring Team announced the decision of moving most of Spring Cloud Netflix components into maintenance mode. It means that new features have no longer been added…
If somebody would ask you about Spring Cloud, the first thing that comes into your mind will probably be Netflix OSS support. Support for such tools like Eureka, Zuul or…
Micronaut Framework provides support for Kotlin built upon Kapt compiler plugin. It also implements the most popular cloud-native patterns like distributed configuration, service discovery, and client-side load balancing. These features…
One of more important reasons we are deciding to use such tools like Kubernetes, Pivotal Cloud Foundry or HashiCorp’s Nomad is the availability of auto-scaling our applications. Of course those…
Building a standard, not secure discovery mechanism with Spring Cloud Netflix Eureka is rather an easy thing to do. The same solution built over secure SSL communication between discovery client…
Let me share with you the result of my last couple months of work - the book published on 26th April by Packt. The book Mastering Spring Cloud is strictly…
There are many articles on my blog about microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. The main purpose of this article is to provide a brief summary of the most…
Imagine you have multiple microservices running on different machines in multiple instances. It seems natural to think about the tools that help you in the process of monitoring and managing…