In this article, you will learn how to use tools like Kind or Skaffold to build integration tests on CircleCI for apps running on Kubernetes. Our main goal in this…
Kubernetes Testing with CircleCI, Kind, and Skaffold

Java, Spring, Kotlin, microservices, Kubernetes, containers
In this article, you will learn how to use tools like Kind or Skaffold to build integration tests on CircleCI for apps running on Kubernetes. Our main goal in this…
In this article, you will learn how to simplify and speed up your local application development on Kubernetes with Gefyra. Gefyra provides several useful features for developers. First of all,…
In this article, you will read about the best practices for running Java apps on Kubernetes. Most of these recommendations will also be valid for other languages. However, I'm considering…
In this article, you will learn how to run Vault on Kubernetes and integrate it with your Spring Boot application. We will use the Spring Cloud Vault project in order…
In this article, you will learn how to use Telepresence and Skaffold to improve development workflow on Kubernetes. In order to simplify the build of our Java applications, we will…
In this article, I'll explain what is Knative and how to use it with Spring Boot. Although Knative is a serverless platform, we can run there any type of application…
Although Jenkins is a mature solution, it still can be the first choice for building CI on Kubernetes. In this article, I'll show how to install Jenkins on Kubernetes, and…
You can use GitLab CI/CD to build and deploy your applications on Kubernetes. It is not hard to integrate GitLab with Kubernetes. You can take an advantage of the GUI…
Quarkus is usually described as a Kubernetes-native Java framework. It allows us to automatically generate Kubernetes resources based on the defaults and user-provided configuration. It also provides an extension for…
Although Kubernetes is a great solution for managing containerized applications, scaling, and automating deployment, a local development on it may be a painful experience. A typical workflow includes several steps…