Although Jenkins is a mature solution, it still can be the first choice for building CI on Kubernetes. In this article, I'll show how to install Jenkins on Kubernetes, and…
Continuous Integration with Jenkins on Kubernetes

Java, Spring, Kotlin, microservices, Kubernetes, containers
Although Jenkins is a mature solution, it still can be the first choice for building CI on Kubernetes. In this article, I'll show how to install Jenkins on Kubernetes, and…
One of the reasons you could decide to use OpenShift instead of some other containerized platforms (for example Kubernetes) is out-of-the-box support for continuous delivery pipelines. Without proper tools, the…
Some days ago I came across a newly created Jenkins plugin called Configuration as Code (in short Jenkins casc). This plugin allows you to define Jenkins configuration in a very…
One of more important reasons we are deciding to use such tools like Kubernetes, Pivotal Cloud Foundry or HashiCorp’s Nomad is the availability of auto-scaling our applications. Of course those…
Consumer Driven Contract (CDC) testing is one of the methods that allows you to verify integration between applications within your system. The number of such interactions may be really large…
In this article I'm going to show you how to set up a continuous delivery environment for building Docker images of our Java applications on the local machine. Our environment…
Let me share with you the result of my last couple months of work - the book published on 26th April by Packt. The book Mastering Spring Cloud is strictly…
This time I describe a slightly lighter topic in comparison to some previous posts. Personally, I think Grafana is a very cool tool for visualizing any timeline data. As it…
Source code quality with SonarQube analysis is an essential part of the Continuous Integration process. Together with automated tests, it is the key element of delivering reliable software without any…
Docker, Microservices, Continuous Delivery are currently some of the most popular topics in the world of programming. In an environment consisting of dozens of microservices communicating with each other it…